Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by TaeoG

  1. Always good to see I'm not postinginto the void. Yes, when this is more or less feature complete I'll throw the source up on github. I'm still actively working on it as part of an overarching project that also includes ports for Forestry, Applied Energistics, Tinkers' Construct, as well as a few other things.
  2. Update: Unbreaking now works on All weapons (including thrown javelins) all Tools in crafting recipes for powders, wool, planks, bricks etc the hoe (although the hoe has a very strange assortment of enchantment's available, including ones for armors. May or may not be able to fix that)
  3. Update: Javelins now retain their enchantments when thrown Javelins can only be enchanted with melee enchants, however equivalent ranged enchantments will take effect when the javelin is thrown ie: Punch⇔ Knockback Flame⇔ Fire Aspect Power⇔ Sharpness Smite and Bane of Arthropods damage bypasses armor calculations on undead and arthropods, respectively
  4. In making Javelin's enchantable, I've fixed a bug that converted them to arrows if left stuck in the ground during a server reboot or save game load. Also, converted Javelins into weapons instead of tools... not sure why they were tools to begin with, but this may bite me in the ass later
  5. ☐ Untested ☑ Fixed (or already worked) Enchantments ☑ Protection ☑ Fire Protection ☑ Feather Falling ☑Blast Protection ☑ Projectile Protection ☑Respiration ☑Aqua Affinity ☑Thorns ☑ Sharpness ☑ Smite ☑ Bane of Arthropods ☑ Knockback ☑Fire Aspect ☑Looting (Javelins can only loot in melee) ☑Efficiency (leaving it unaltered. May be a bit unbalanced but it works and rebalancing it would require me to change how vanilla minecraft works, which I'd rather not) ☑ Silk Touch ☑Unbreaking ☑Fortune ☑Power ☑Punch ☑Flame ☑Infinity ☑Luck of the Sea ☑Lure ☑Haste (Only works on boots) ☑Repair (Only works on thaumium items)
  6. making decent progress on getting armor enchantments working properly. Damage calculation, especially concerning armor, is definitely different in TFC. Vanilla minecraft takes into consideration all your armor when you're hit, while TFC only takes into consideration the armor covering a particular part on your body, chosen at random. This means that in vanilla, an Enchantment like "Protection"s effects can be boosted by having multiple pieces of gear with the same enchantment. In TFC it will likely have to work a little different. How its being implemented at the moment: Enchantments are cumulative over all your armor, but are affected by where you're hit by a monster. For example, if you had Protection 5 on your helm and 3 on your pants, you would get the benefit of both if hit in the leg or head, but neither if hit in the chest or foot This is specific to each enchantment. So if, for example, you have projectile resistance on your hat, and Protection on your hat and shoes, you would only get projectile resistance when hit in the head, even though you'll get Protection from head or foot shots. Fire damage, fall damage, and other particular types of enchantments that have specific damage sources attributed to them (that are not monsters) will always be cumulative over all your armor, so standing in fire up to your knees with a Fire Resist hat and shirt will still provide you with fire resistancefrom both, even though the damage is hitting your foot, conceptually.
  7. also, Silk Touch preventing cave-ins. OP or no?
  8. I replace the code for generating the rocks that litter the ground in order to allow ores added by myself and anyone who uses my API to also show up on the ground. This is conflicting with some other addon (or perhaps your custom TFC "terrafirmacraft_tfnc") They also add code to the same class or replace it altogether like I do. It's hard to tell. a quick fix will be to remove the WorldGenLooseRocks class out of my api jar file, I believe it should still work after that. Just no bits of thaumcraft ore scattered on the ground. As for a fix on my end, I'd have to take a more surgical approach to adding my code to that class, which I can look at in the future. If I use a scalpel I can maybe avoid this conflict, but at the moment I'm using a sledgehammer.
  9. Got Silk touch working for TFC Ores and stone blocks
  10. This is great stuff, exactly what I was looking for.
  11. Trying to rebalance the Power enchant for the bow. Looks like in 1.7.10 "Power" increased an arrow's damageby 0.5, plus another 0.5per enchant level, or at least that's what the code says. The minecraft wiki doesn't make any mention of that being changed at any point, but the wiki says Power increases damage by 25%*(level +1). This gives a considerably different result. With the code balanced as is, arrows from a Power V bow will get a flat 150 extra damage multiplied by critical hits and arrow speed. With the code from the wiki, a Power V bow will do 250% damage, multiplied by critical hits, arrow speed AND how far you pull back the bow. I've managed to kill a bear (3000hp) with a single arrow, from a fully drawn bow at close range with the wiki version. Seems kinda OP to me, but on the other hand only getting 150 extra damageseems kinda garbage.
  12. Happy New Years everyone. Now that the holiday season is over and I have spare time again, its back to development. Currently working on Enchantments. Sharpness has increased to 60 extra damage per rank instead of 1.25, Smite and Bane of Arthropods have increased to 125 extra damage per rank from 2.5. This is fairly consistent with my 1/2 heart = 50 hitpoints conversion I've been using so far, but may still need balancing. If anyone is still following this, especially if you've attempted enchanting terrafirmacraft items, can you tell me what issues you've run across? Both in unbalanced enchantments or strange behaviour? Thank you.
  13. Well, bugtesting is going well, however its to the point where I've given up on saying "world gen code is done", because every time I do another bug pops up. I'm moving back from the experimental branch into the main branch however, as I believe the newer implementation works well. I could release a new version, but I want to wait until it's more than just bugfixes.
  14. Just a quick update: I haven't been idle, but I've been focusing more on backend things, so nothing to really showcase. I stumbled across a fairly obscure bug with world generation that made me go back to the drawing board (My world wrapper is now a worldserver wrapper) Currently testing it. Its an obscure bug because it only pops up if you get in a fight with an NPC that uses or picks up items (like a witch from witchery who chucks potions)
  15. Well doors and other vanilla/tfc style items should work, but you're correct that the wand cores won't yet. Soon.
  16. you haven't lived until you've run a nuclear reactor entirely off the output of bees.
  17. yes, I see you verified what I thought about them. As for whether my port will have them, all likelyhood is yes. May have to alter the crafting recipe a bit, and I'll have to look at how the system handles food decay, but it shouldn't be bad.
  18. I don't know if its just how Azanor formats his code, of if there is something wrong with my decompiler, but sometimes his code gets jumbled out the other end in unexpected, yet syntactically correct,ways. This is one of those cases. a0.7.2 should fix that issue, you'll find it in the linked mega folder.
  19. I have definitely looked at your thread multiple times. I quite like your ideas. honestly the only reason I'm working on a forestry port is I love the beekeeping aspect, and that's all I've ever used the mod for. I thought it fit into the theme of TFC fairly well. Unlike this port, I don't expect the forestry one will ever be feature complete, as things like autofarms sort of defeat the purpose of a lot of TFC.The mailboxes allow you to send things to each other, and also set up some kind of catalogue for ordering things from each other, right? Might be interesting for players who don't play often enough to tend their own gardens or live far from other players.
  20. I can see what you're saying, and I will include a configuration to disable the worldgen, but you'll have to figure out your own way to acquire quartz, silverwood, greatwood, cinnabar, amber, and elemental stone. Or choose replacements from already generating items of course. Tools like Minetweaker can allow you to add recipes to use those replacementitems without needing to code anything, and even to boost damage on the weapons and everything. Plenty of people are playing thaumcraft with TFC already, semi successfully, without even knowing my port (almost) exists. I made some considerable changes to how Nodes spawn as well, I'll see about making them enable-able separate from the rest of the worldgen. As for your fluid idea, I'd suggest trying to work within the Barrel Recipe system, as the crucible doesn't really work in the way you've defined but the barrel does. Heat won't really be a factor though. If you want to use heat with barrel-style recipes, keep an eye out for an alchemistry addon I have in the works, or my cooking one. Or maybe someone else has already made an addon that allows you to heat fluids, who knows. Long story short, I'd have to completely rewrite the crucible's code and I'm not really interested in doing that, my goal has always been to make things work as closely to the original as possible.
  21. I successfully ported Binnies Bees to forestry 4 and got all the beehives from forestry, binnies bees and magic bees to spawn appropriately in TFC. Why? WellI run a minecraft server for a group of friends and their kids, and they've been waiting on this server going up for a while, so I'm making sure all the worldgen for the various mods I'm bringing into TFC works, so I don't have to restart the map on the server every time I update this crossover or the others I'm working on. Anyway, once I have world gen for all the mods sorted out (all I have left is to add apatite for Forestry and some sort of aluminum production for everything else) then I can go back to making other features work. Today, however is thanksgiving. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone. Also happy Leif Erikson day.
  22. Ok, I've added download links to the OP, the newest version of TTFCAPI fixes the sluice issue.
  23. Can you give me any error messages or a description of your issues? EDIT: scratch that, got it to crash. Should be able to fix it here in a minute.