Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Heat and Light

4 posts in this topic

Since i coudn't find something similarly conected to what i want to say i am going to describe my idea here .


Well the reasons why someone might need a stable on demand light source are pretty self explanitory , it is just more convenient , and beyond that if implemented properly could be a big influence on what players collect and build as structures in their world . This is preety much an expansion in tier .


I suggest adding a solid pipe sistem (solid because the heat would transfer more believably from one solid to another) which would work like this :


Heated metal encased in glass , similar to a lightbulb (infact it is) that contains in itself a small peice of metal with a low melting point so as such , when heated , it would easily emit light , and when over heated melt/burn and dissapear . Heat would come to it using solid insluated metal pipes which themselves would be heated from burning something in a pit or insluated area to reduce heat dissapation latter on .


It could run on coal or logs or thatch , prety much anything wooden .


This would allow this light soruce to be a good source of light but not heat , so , that it can't be used for cooking .


So if you progress much forward you can have a stable light source for the cost of constant medium-easy obtainable fuel , and so that you can also turn all lights at once , depending on the distance the heat would have to travel .


This would be a good sistem for not so far light , since you can only build so much pipes and the heat can heat only so much mass .


The pipes should be made out of hard or medium hard good heat conducting mettals , like cooper and/or iron possibly .

The wire inside the glass bell would be made bassicly out of low tier mettals .


I don't know how far the reach should be in blocks , you guys decide :) , if you like this idea .


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Unfortunately, there are two major problems with this:


A: Melting a metal doesn't make it glow. What makes molten metal glow is when it happens to be hot enough to genuinely radiate light-- this is simply thermal radiation.

Example - Mercury is molten at room temperature, but doesn't glow. Gallium melts at around a healthy human's body temperature, and you can make a lump out of a gallium spoon with your bare hands quite easily because of this.


B: TerraFirmaCraft aims to be believable. We did not have lightbulbs in the bronze age.


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Well i kindoff coined on the belivability aspect of this and thought : Well it might be enought believable with the metals , so we don't have to make electricity , and it would be simpler and more adequate to the age , as much as it can .

Also for it to work properly you would need steel at least and alot of cloth , so i do think it is somewhat apropreate to the age .


Think of it as a torch grid sistem with a big lump of coal in the center , when that lump burns out the torces stop burning , but more convenient .


But even so if electricity was discovered in the bronze age we would still use it .


I do think if we are going to have a development in the game that there should be some more tier things added such as technology and its infrastructure , even thought not really realistic , but still believable .


Also i never said actually melting it would make light , but that mettals would melt and the lights would be left useless if there is too much heat in the sistem .


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Well i kindoff coined on the belivability aspect of this and thought : Well it might be enought believable with the metals , so we don't have to make electricity , and it would be simpler and more adequate to the age , as much as it can .

Also for it to work properly you would need steel at least and alot of cloth , so i do think it is somewhat apropreate to the age .


Think of it as a torch grid sistem with a big lump of coal in the center , when that lump burns out the torces stop burning , but more convenient .


But even so if electricity was discovered in the bronze age we would still use it .


I do think if we are going to have a development in the game that there should be some more tier things added such as technology and its infrastructure , even thought not really realistic , but still believable .


Also i never said actually melting it would make light , but that mettals would melt and the lights would be left useless if there is too much heat in the sistem .

So basically you just want a sort of light switch? It'd be dipping into the dwarven engineering style, but you could always just have lanterns and pipes that fill said lanterns with oil. Pumps wouldn't be necessary - simply put the lamp oil somewhere above the lanterns, and let gravity do what it does best.


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