Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by abculatter_2

  1. Chain World?

    We could also expand our userbase a bit, by expanding to another forum after the users here run out. The MCforums seem a little too big and... Unruly though... What about the Bay12 Forums?
  2. Go to hell

    Please feel free to draw inspration, or simply completely rip-off, change, or corrupt any of the ideas I lay out here. I also absolutely LOVE coming up with strange, highly hostile ( and especially eldritch) new worlds, and a few ideas I've had for the above mod which you guys may find cool: Dialogue crafting: In The Void, all matter has sentience, and may be talked to and reasoned with. (with your voice directly expressing the thoughts of you mind, kind of like an unconscious, largely uncontrolable form of mind-linking) Also, the very basis of that matter's existance is founded in its own acknowledgment of what it is, and thus it is simply impossible to alter any form of matter without its consent. However, fortunately, most matter has an extremely malleable personality, which can be easily manipulated by more strong-willed sentience. Though, of course, there are exceptions to this, and some are notorious for their resistance to outside influence... But anyway, enough of the fluff! Basically, instead of simply bashing rocks and wood together to craft items, you instead must hold an actual (simplified, of course) conversation with the matter, cinvincing it to perform whatever task you desire it to perform. There will also be a randomized element- which you can influence with special "Discussion Tables", as well as simply throwing more of the material into the crafting recipe. (The second one will have a rather significent change, but no matter what the outcome of the conversation is, all of the materials thrown into the reaction are used up.) However, 'convincing' only one type of matter will only yield a 'half-tool', such as an axehead or a sword blade, which is about half as good as an equal-tier full-tool. To create a full tool, you must combine a half-tool with a new, different piece of matter, and you must then try to convince them to work together to perform their function more effectively. All matter, of course, has its own, unique personality, and thus there are natural compatabilities (and incompatabilities) inherit in them all (For example, Voidstuff and Realmatter, both tier-1 matter, get along well together. Meanwhile, Voidstuff, being a product of the void, is much more gregarious and outgoing then Realstuff, which is essentially congealed reality which drips slowly from the ceiling, making Voidstuff more suceptable to the 'Appeal to Pride' dialogue tree, which allows the creation of axes and conversion rods. (which have a percentage chance of either producing whatever matter the head is made out of, or producing nothing) Realstuff, meanwhile, is much more likely to Pity you, making them more suceptable to the "Appeal to Pity" dialogue tree, which leads to the production of weapons and armor.) Another thing, is that this dialogue minigame is actually the basis of ALL crafting in The Void, everything from furniture to food must be created through conversing with the matter first, in order to convince and manipulate it to perform whatever task you wish it to perform. (Which in particularly interesting for food, since you must first 'Befriend' Realstuff (and only Reastuff) before being able to actually eat it. ) Of course, the types matter would likely have to be modified, and of course it doesn't have to be quite so crucial, and only applicable to certain materials or objects, such as tools or something. Aaaand in typing that up, I've completely forgotten my other ideas... I suppose the concept of a hell which is very difficult to escape, and which will 'hide' your Overworld inventory while your inside of it could also be fun things to toy with.
  3. Bluh, what's everyone have against seeing a grawn man having the shit scared outta him? >3> (Also, C-C-COMBO BREAKER)
  4. Chain World?

    Or, you could just have the same concept as the original idea, where you just play singleplayer and send the file to whoever's next via email or whatever.
  5. Chain World?

    This should so totally happen. If no one else is willing to start, then I will.
  6. Enter: The Void

    Just an idea for a mod I had, which I'm curious what other people's opinions on are... And has become a bit of an obsession ever since I came up with it... WARNING: Long post ahead!
  7. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    You really don't need oil or sugar for bread, and even salt is ultimately optional. All it does is add taste and slow the processes of the yeast, allowing other processes going on (enzymes breaking down the starches into simpler starches and sugars, bacteria creating acids, alcohols, and other flavor compounds, etc.) to get their work done. The only absolutely necessary components of bread are flour, water, and yeast. And even the yeast can be taken out, for an unleavened bread. EDIT: Ninja'd EDIT2: Also, another interesting use of flour, which is extremely easy, if a bit time-consuming to make is pasta. Its only required ingredients are flour and eggs. (and the eggs can be replaced by water or other liquids) Though, you will need a rolling pin, or something else to thin it out with...
  8. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Thanks. :3 Also, added my edit, which kinda turned out differently then I originally planned, but I think will lead mroe towards discussion then simply discribing and bullet points. And I will make sure to do so... I plan on not making a thread for awhile, and instead just hijackig threads at first, so I get a feel for what has and has not been suggested before. EDIT: Also, another interesting thing which this system might be linked to (or can be a system in and of itself) is a system of player health and nutrition. A person can't live very healthily off nothing but steak, eggs, and bread, so adding a way to simulate nutrition (while also making very sure not to make the system TOO overbearing) might add an interesting element to the game. The specifics of such a system, however, would certainly deserve its own topic and discussion...
  9. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Yeah, sorry, I should've added bullet points, but it just felt like there was more 'oomf' to the post if it was simple, short, and sweet. ;P And that would be awesome if you could do it, but I'm bored at the moment, so I'll go ahead and summarize a few things in an edit to this post... Actually... on second thought, I think I should just start discussing it... And thanks, this is an awesome mod, and after noticing that it had a forum I knew I just HAD to join and start throwing in my ideas. Particularly this one. From what I remember, this suggestion has at its core a simple system of soil nutrients, summarized as just the major ones, which are NPK, as well as biomass, pH, and water, which are stored in a summarized way in the larger sections of the map. These are used, combined with some other systems, such as climate, pollution, pests, weeds, etc. to affect the growth and health of any plants grown in that particular area. This is pretty much the gist of it, but the potential this system has is enormous, and provides a huge potential for adding a lot of extremely interesting dynamics to the game. For example, I'll go ahead and tackle easily the most controversial suggestion made: Excrement. Now, at first, I agree that it wouldn't be all that great to have to take your character out to poop after every meal... However, when a player eats something, it would make logical sense that, under this system, that food should represent a certain amount of resources, which have been taken out of the soil. So how else will a player put those resources back into the soil? I suppose another fine way to handle this, would be to make the food return its nutrients in some other system of 'waste'; for example, removing the hay from wheat would allow you to throw that hay back onto the soil, or allow you to feed that hay to cows, which then provide manure. (I see nothing wrong with animals producing excrement in this game) Or, eating an apple will leave an apple core, which is a rottable item which maintains the same resources as the original apple, for example.
  10. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Everything suggested in this thread, adapted to fit in Minecraft.