Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by MrWarhawk

  1. UPDATE: 50C is now online!!! DontStopCraftings TFCraft Server. It's time for an update. Are you looking for that rising server? That server where every player can do whatever they wish as long as they don't harm the other players? A place to learn and expand on your Terrafirmacraft knowledge? You've come to the right place. Here on DontStopCrafting we are dedicated to creating the environment you want. The server is what the players desire, there are no set rules unless it is generally accepted by the players. Why this server? The whole server is made to be played by you, we expect you to be mature and responsible. If you have never played TFC, be sure to have the Wiki open. We will take you into one of our towns if you would like, or you can stay on your own, the fact of the matter is its completely up to you. There are no defined rules, I mean one should acknowledge not to steal or take something from someone with there permission, things like that should be a given and will be listed in the rules section. But you don't have to join a town, or partner up, or even follow the norm. The server is also still a small and tightly knit community, I take suggestions for everything, I don't mind adding something new to the server like a mod, or even staying on the same version of TFCraft until the community agrees to move forward. What do we have to offer? The server is still new, and we have about 5 people online average, we do peak to numbers around 9-11, but we are still in need of dedicated and mature players. Eventually I have plans on having about 20 people online at any given time. Now to what the server has to offer.... The whole vision of the server when it was created was to create an experience that gave the freedom to the players and gave a challenging and difficult yet rewarding minecraft experience. TFC met that perfectly. As TFC matures we will mature with it, we have plans for Bukkit support, Towns, and loads of things that we have been discussing for the future. But none of these will be met without players that enjoy and understand one another, it may sound cheesy, but there's no better way to get a closely knit server without players that enjoy playing with each other. With the new update we hope to bring things like actual towns, now there wont be any commands, or any set features on what towns have to offer other then a way for players that want to be part of or create towns to have a way to classify themselves. Now these towns will be discussed later in the post in more detail but think of them as just another way for players deal with one another. Last but certainly not least, we carry a death ban with medium difficulty. People may wonder why not Hard, or even hardcore with a full death ban, but I don't believe in making players leave my server because they died, because everyone dies in TFC. And Medium difficulty makes it so you will lose all your health but half a heart, to make sure that you are constantly feeding yourself, and if you don't a fall of 4 blocks will take your to your death, and it will take 4 minutes until the next time you may log on. Towns will not have any command, these will be completely player created and driven. Until the kingdom update of course. Now in order to be recognized as a town you should have at least 4 people, now anyone can create a town it doesn't have to be 4 people, but the voice server on mumble well only dedicate a channel when there are more then 4 players. I mean this number isn't set in stone, if there are 3 or even two players that have established homes, walls, and have shown the server that they have potential then by all means they will be given that addition. Now every server should have a vision, or a desire, or something to work to besides reaching the end of the game. Because lets face it after a week or two of playing and reaching red/blue steel and having sustainable resources what is there to do? We will add things if players want it. We will have event days where things like loot chests will be scattered in places, what the players want will be what I do. To an extent of course, I do respect and acknowledge each player as an individual, but things like stealing or griefing, or hacking won't be tolerated. Common sense should be used. There won't be a rules category because other then common sense players shouldn't be worried. Whitelisted! - The server is now is now whitelisted, we had a huge influx of players so we need to slow it down, anyways if you're interested post some information about why you would like to join the server, your in game name, how long you've been playing Minecraft and TFCraft. What you can contribute to the server, and just make the server want you to. Also please include your age, and level of maturity. And if you have a mic, we are 10x more likely to choose you. Thanks. Server Information: The Server is DOWN until further notice. My life is getting in the way of my time spent on the computer and at home in general. I don't have the time to maintain the server. Unfortunately until further notice the server will be down.
  2. TFCraft Dedicated & VPS Hosting?

    Hey guys, I was curious if anyone here knew of a GOOD, CHEAP and RELIABLE host that supports full modding, or TFCraft with other mods. I'm curious to know what you guys suggest, the server max's about 15-20 players. And I just need something to really be stable. My server isn't doing to hot, so I need something more reliable and stable. Thanks
  3. TFCraft Dedicated & VPS Hosting?

    Well how can I use MLG with a modded server, I don't mind trying that. At the moment using the RAMDISK has helped quite a bit. I'm not sure how actual server restarts and loading/saving is going to work yet. But I'm seeing a lot less lagg. I just think adding MLG and generating for a few hours at a time, when no ones on the server wouldn't be too bad.
  4. TFCraft Dedicated & VPS Hosting?

    I don't believe its the bandwidth, though I'm going to try this ram-disk. I do have ramdisks installed though I heard they were REALLY unstable. And If it ends up being bandwidth, I'll figure it out. But I use to host 20 players bro, and with a view distance of 10, like no one EVER complained about lag, until people started going stupid with chunk loaders.
  5. TFCraft Dedicated & VPS Hosting?

    I have a dedicated server. Its running a 1055t, 12gigs ram, its got 5tb hdd not that space matters, its got a great mobo for its processor, and its using integrated graphics.. i have two GPUs I can use though. But I'm not sure if graphics are slowing it down. I use to run tekkit with 20-25 players and NO LAG. Like it was great. but right now with TFCraft its dying with 6 players online and a view distance of 7. I usually had the view distance at 10 or 11 depending on the day. So I have no idea what the hell is causing my problems..
  6. The Server is going to be down until friday afternoon. With the new 50c update there will be more people whitelisted as well as a more rigid rule list and requirements to get in. Certain people will have to make sure they are playing in order to stay on the white-list. I can't keep having a whitelist with people that go on once or twice per week. I understand my weeks have been busy, but I am trying to check on it as often as possible. One of the major changes I would like to be done is 3-4 set towns. I will make these towns in the mumble chat. Again if you aren't on the mumble chat while playing, consider yourself banned. Mumble is the way this server communicates. Even if you don't have a mic I expect you to be on there to listen. Its frustrating enough to have to talk and type because one person doesn't want to join the mumble server. We expect you to be competent enough to make note of these changes. The faster you get on the server when it is up the more likely you will have more control over the village/town you are in. Simple. I will update the original post to include when the Server Restart will be. Keep an eye on the post because it will probably be around 6-8 EST. Probably somewhere closer to 6, but keep an eye on it. Thanks.
  7. Get Mumble and You're Whitelisted. Alanjador234, Danomite5, tytiger33, and MetDragon2012 You have been white-listed. Please bear in mind that this is temporary, if you abuse your stay here, you will not stay. Simple as that. And also log on to the server and ask someone for the password to the Mumble Server. Thanks.
  8. [First Post Corrects This Message, Post Unnecessary]
  9. Miner did you get any sort of error when that occured? As for the item, I'm sure we can work those out, I just need to know more information about what happened. Thanks.
  10. Okay. Guys tomorrow is the day where I want things to start. I haven't checked the server yet. But Today was my last day of work (school starting soon). So I'll have a week dedicated to getting things set up for the future. I'm going to have a lot more time on my hands in the coming weeks. Thank you. The host is certainly one that is private . And has no website as off yet xD.
  11. I will definitely be looking into a mod that has similar capabilities. If its the Thief Take Mod than so be it, I just need to look into it xD.
  12. I think just to get the server up, I'll put it up tonight. White-list those who have asked for it. It will be a basic server for now, just to get things going, and people to start at least discussing things, the minecraft server will work, and I'll update the original post when it's up.
  13. God damn... No way. Im dead. I'm so sorry guys I really don't want this to drag on, I really don't. Aghh, I hate this. okay. password for the server is DontStopCrafting. I'm mad at myself more then anything.
  14. Well.. it seems as if this is going to take some stupid things that won't work. And basically the domain - and the for whatever reason the second one doesn't want to be seen by anything, and the just regular domain with no wildcards isn't registering either. This use to work with but idk why it stopped working. Regardless, I'm going to post the IP for the server, if I see one person abusing this number, and trying to gain access to a vulnerability I promise to never ever host a server again. The IP is as follows: It will work. and I can make it stop working with a button. So don't push me, and lets have fun.
  15. Well fixing it takes a few minutes but Mithorn that is not the IP. Its difficult to track because it does get re-routed a few times before reaching the server. I'll update you guys when its up. xD
  16. The mumble IP is with the default port, there is no guarantee this will work until friday afternoon. Its set up, but I'm not sure if it's something i've done or no ones connected recently.
  17. This friday sounds like a good day. honestly work has been getting stupid, but friday should be my last day, so I shall be on around 8-12 EST on the chat and Mumble server. The server is always up, and when im home im usually on it, so feel free to drop in whenever. But If you guys catch me on the IRC which Im also usually on when I'm home, or catch each other just discuss things, thats the main thing. School is starting soon for me two, but I don;t believe it should be an issue for me...but thats me. XD
  18. Its not so much register, I haven't decided on how it will work. But I'm just trying to get a base for how things will work. I need a way to siphon people on the server. Again guys, I just need to set a time in the next couple days so we can discuss this. I just need to know when you guys will be available. I'm really not trying to be confusing :/ It will make much more sense over a voice chat. It's just difficult to get my point across without writing a story. But for now I just need people to answer the following question. When will you be able to get on the voice server in the next few days? Thanks.
  19. Yeah, I recently purchased, I'm just in the process of moving things over. xD Also After this point Mumble will be the IP. I will update the original post with information. I just need user input on plugins and mods, and we shall be set. I will be accepting people in the following way. You will register with the website, and you will have 10 minutes to log onto the server. Or register somewhere, if you do not log in within those 10 minutes, you will be denied access for another 24 hours. I will accept 20 people at first, and if you've been in contact with me on the IRC you have been accepted. So after a while of playing if the players like you, including myself, you will be given a spot, if not, depending on why, you might be kicked out. And I say depending on why because it really is a case by case thing. If you are alone, and working alone waiting for that right person, you might not have made a good impression with other players, given that you aren't breaking the rules, but if you are really breaking the rules or just leaving a bad impression on the server, you aren't staying. I'm trying to make this clear so sorry for the bluntness. I know I've been really wavy with the server and replies. I've just been busy as I've said. Last few days were all in preparation for last night, and the following 2 days, but today and tomorrow seem to be going a lot less hectic so I'll be online more and more in the following days and weeks. I plan to have a server launch date of August 25th. But this depends on how fast the players can come to a consensus.
  20. The actual Game server is set up, I just need to find a time were a few(5-6) of you guys can come and we can all voice our opinions about where to go and what you guys want essentially. Also the next few days are going to be very busy for me, as I am celebrating a religious holiday. So the vent server will stay up, and if you guys want to plan something for each other, go crazy, and then have someone relay the information to me. Just don't use the forums as a discussing place, unless its like summarizing events that you were discussing with a few others. The voice server will be changing when the MC Server launches. We will be changing to Mumble because of the cap, I believe we will be seeing more then 10 people online at a given time, and there's no reason to pay for something I don't need to pay for. Be sure to install it ahead of time, and get familiar with it. Lastly there will be a couple mods in addition to TFC to add to the whole MC experience, I assure you I will include video tutorials on HOW to install mods and these programs on both Mac and Windows. Thanks.
  21. I'm sorry the server just randomly restarted, And Its not in the startup folder since I just installed it, so I'm sorry about that, although the interest for the server is insane guys, I didn't expect this kind of feedback, Everyone will get whitelisted, and there will be a grace period, where you will be watched, and if you play according to the rules and guidelines , you will become a member, if not, you will be banned, simple as that. But as for the server Its will be up in 2 it should be up if you try connecting
  22. K guys The IP for the server is and then the default Vent Port, I'll be on for about a couple hours. Just talk and get to know each other, its my first time hosting a vent server, so just respect it as is, I'll improve it with time xD.
  23. Okay guys, I'm in the final stages of setting up the Vent Server, nothing fancy yet, just basic stuff, I'll post the IP sometime soon. Also Before the server goes up I believe we should discuss some things via the Voice Server.
  24. The other mods can wait, I just want to get a means of communication and planning. Also it doesn't have to be TS3 there is an easier method, the name has escaped me, so if i remember it in time I'll post it.