Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by uoheinrich

  1. Why this mod is important.

    Because Dunk is tricksy like that. I always read his signature just so I don't get my hopes up on a lot of things he goes on about. It sounds cool but unless said elsewhere or otherwise... is complete speculation. Although in this case... I tihnk Dunk is trying to mess with us.
  2. Mods you use alongside TFC

    Hm.. My standard set up is the same as Scooterdanny's. Optifine for a smoother MC is always nice. Smart moving, almost a requirement on a lot of TFC servers I've played on. Rei's Minimap, is great for remembering where things are and considering the talk of the new World Gen. Might even become necessary. Those are the ones I use. Currently looking at the Millenaire mod for some compatibility. Kind of scared to try it because of recipes etc. but definitely going to give it a try. And with Millenaire soon to be SMP compatible all the better.
  3. Two hours until the next video is up and available for viewing! Need some help in compressing videos for faster upload times. If someone could help me out.
  4. Sorry about that it is done now. And I want it to just link to the youtube page so that its not embedding and causing bandwith issues.
  5. Episode 1 is out! Link is here! Also can anybody tell me how to not make it come out as the actual video in the forum
  6. Discussion: What is your first tool? :)

    First tool for me is always a saw. Need to get planks and everything to start building my houses efficiently as well as start my storage base.
  7. Anyone have any suggestions? I just get rocks when I mine with my pick... and its bugging me a little. put 9 stacks of rock in the crafting table to see if that would work...... nope.
  8. Unable to get cobblestone or smooth stone

    ah thank you.
  9. Unable to get cobblestone or smooth stone

    As in the vanilla smooth stone. can't get that blocks anymore and how do I make brick blocks as well?
  10. Looked but can't find help.

    Ok. So I've followed the instructions several times. I'm used to installing Forge but for some god awful reason. I get the blackscreen after the Mojang logo pops up. Is there something I'm missing. I realize you probably get these posts 50 times a day but I'm not finding one that has helped my situation at all. I've installed everything in order I'm using an copy of a clean 1.2.5 backup I have and using the proper Forge and Player API's for the right version. I haven't installed any other mods so I'm wondering if I've missed something. Some feedback would be appreciated I'm following the topic so I can read the responses quickly. Thanks, Heinrich.
  11. Looked but can't find help.

    Thank goodness. Installed the 1.5 player API and it worked! Thanks alot guys. Can't wait to get started.
  12. Looked but can't find help.

    That is my install order... I'll try installing 1.5 see if that helps.
  13. Looked but can't find help.

    MC 1.2.5 - Render Player API 1.3, Minecraft Forge Client, TFCraft Client Core B2-Build47f, TFC_Resources
  14. Looked but can't find help.

    I already know about Meta INF. As I said before I am no noob to installing mods :/. And yes I did get TF Core for the Client as well as TF Resources. I'll soon post the version numbers.