Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. I'll review my statement, I would prefer if you could link me to this list of requirements, and if you could use my name correctly. Thanks
  2. It was the forum software, I always post that message after I update the op...sorry for the issues. Edit: Op updated everything should be there now.
  3. Released TerraMisc (0.10.0), I got a bit bored this previous weekend ok...anyways details are in the changelog have fun!
  4. Yes, you are correct, unless you have made these items and stored them somewhere you will not lose anything. I've made these changes to better the mod some of those items were just copies of each other so I simplified them, others were named unconventionallyinternally so I made the naming more regular which allows for the items to be used for more than what I'm using them for, so, for example, a mod pack author could use some of my items to make their own new recipes in a way that makes more sense. (Ex. Clock Casing is now Rose Gold Casing so it could be used to make other items that are Rose Gold based and still make sense.)
  5. Anyone know of some good servers for the pack? Preferablywhitelisted, but not necessary,me and friend are looking to play.
  6. (0.9.4) of TerraMisc has been released, lots of updates in this one check the changelog for more details. Due to some of these changes mod pack authors may have to update any sort of scripts such as MineTweaker. The major thing in this update is that you should no longer have to worry about crashing with the longbow or crossbow even if they are cheated in.
  7. Notice: I'm aware that the op is messed up, attempting to fix it...not getting along with this new forum software. Edit: Managed to get the majority of the op restored to a semi-functional condition... O_o
  8. I did some testing and you may have shift clicked when you crafted the bow, that apparently also causes a crash...I'm going to see if there is a way for me fix this issue.
  9. Super busy with school work atm, I'll look into it when I have the time. Thanks for the report! Edit: Could you try testing the issue with the newest version, according to the crash report you are in 0.9.2, not 0.9.3.
  10. Released (0.9.3), now everyone should know to stop cheating stuff in! Check changelog for details, nothing major...some minor damage tweaking to longbow/crossbow.
  11. There isn't an easy way to correct this issue, I may just add a tag or something to yell at people in game to stop cheating it in. TFC isn't creative friendly so why would an addon for TFC be creative mode friendly?
  12. I went and checked the crash reports, the error is occuring when you release your key to shoot on the field that stores the type of ammo. The only way for that field to become errored is if you cheated in the longbow/crossbow or something like that. To fix your issue either craft a new longbow/crossbow or "repair" your current item with the repair recipe using casein glue and lumber. If this does not fix your issue then I need a better description of what you did so I can replicate the bug on my end.
  13. Please create a proper bug report using the instructions found in the op, following these instructions allows me to solve issues quicker.
  14. The way I coded the crossbow and longbow just adding the arrow/bolt items to the quiver wouldn't be enough, the way that system works involves the weapon checking the quiver for the ammo. My crossbow and longbow do not check the quiver at all, this was done because it was unnecessary to check the quiver when my ammo couldn't be put in it.
  15. @powerman913717It is also linked at the bottom of the op.
  16. It's no where near complete atm, but I am working on a somewhat magic themed mod for 1.8.9. Keep an eye on my twitter I will most likely post little screenshots or bits of information as development progresses.
  17. The quivers will not be implemented as I've ended development on TerraMisc, I've moved on to working with 1.8 and with that a new project. I honestly don't see the point to learning to create something in 1.7 when it has likely changed or is completely different in 1.8.
  18. TerraMisc (0.9.2) has been released, please check the changelog for more details...just a minor bug fix no big deal.
  19. In order for me to help you I need version numbers, please summit a proper bug report. There are instructions for submitting a bug report in the main post. Yes, you can craft a mold and pour one, you will need the expanded crafting table to craft the actual halberd, or warhammer. If you install the nei tfc addon all of my recipes will display there.
  20. You can cheat in the materials to craft the longbow, and the arrows. Then switch to survival mode, the issues show up when the longbow doesn't have its nbt data which is created on its crafting. I would have to pull up the actual modifier numbers to give you a full answer, and the sake of gameplay it isn't very fun to have numbers everywhere. However what I can tell is that, it will barely do more then normal bow with stone, iron arrows have a modifier of 1 meaning if you had the longbow before the revamp iron would yield those same results, anything above iron does additional damage with redsteel/bluesteel being the highest tier. If I remember correctly in my testing, at the max tier you should be able to kill a bear with it, I may just be remembering the testing I did with the crossbow, lots of testing both of those The intended advantage with the longbow is the draw speed, and the range it has, the arrow tiers are more of a perk. The crossbow actually deals more damage than the longbow using the same tier, it does inflict crushing instead of piercing; the reason it deals more damage is due to its lengthy reload time.
  21. That's fine, feel free to add it. Thanks for the heads up!
  22. Released a bug fix, please redownload if you got (0.9.0). Check the changelog if you're interested in the details.
  23. TerraMisc (0.9.0), check the change log for details as this was a big update with a lot of changes; several items were removed so be aware of that when updating your worlds.
  24. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Thanks for all of the information I'll get to work on adding those recipes then. Also I'll regard that tip in the future.