Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. Dump ability on crucibles

    What about something more simple than having to redo the gui and what not, maybe a crafting recipe to clear the nbt data (I'm assuming this is what holds the data regarding the contents) and you just get the empty crucible back.
  2. They were intended to be used with other materials to make classier looking roads, really the name is a poor one it was more so an experiment trying to create blocks how TFC does it and that's just what I named them at the time. P.S. The stained clay blocks...maybe at some point, but you wouldn't believe the amount of different issues I kept running into trying to handle the crafting of them. Between the forge/fire pit being a pain in the butt to add recipes to (which was my backup plan); and it being tricky to use blocks in kiln recipes/converting items into blocks using kiln recipes I just decided to scrap it for now and maybe come back to it when its easier for me to do something like this.
  3. I went ahead and scrapped the new edition aside from some minor things and of course the update to TFC [0.79.24]. I have not tested it on 0.79.23 however it should be compatible. Changelog contains more details on what I did add/change.
  4. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    I know chiseled blocks still wouldn't be applicable, just trying to pass on helpful tools that other modders are using in an attempt to update their stuff.
  5. Future of Chisels and planks in TFC2

    I know many mod creators have been frustrated with .json files, MrCrayFish created a model creator that exports as .json files...maybe this could be used to help with the work load. I'm not for sure if it takes care of the directional variations but it could be something to look into. Link to model creator:
  6. I've actually been working on this in the background when I'm not doing other stuff with my addon, glad that its a feature that players would like to see. Also just a heads up for other players, I'm thinking its still going to be a week or so before I get the new version of my addon released, I may scrap the new feature I've been working on due to the difficulty I'm having implementing it, or put it aside until I can figure out in more detail how it should be done to do it correctly.
  7. Still working on an the update, I just got an external harddrive that I'm working to transfer my modding files to could take some time as moving around such large files can cause issues and could throw some errors due to the files being in a new location from where they were compiled. Shouldn't take too long, maybe within the next week or so I can have an update out for the newest version of TFC.
  8. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    What do you think I've been doing? Just having a magical fun tea party with the code? I am asking for clarification, TFC's code does not contain many notes and the notes it does have make zero sense most of the time. Most of the code contained within the sand class is for the sand to fall and move around, as well as updating itself. In my theory the code that handles this is on the block item which is what the player holds in their inventory. however sand doesn't have its own unique block item, therefore I'm trying to find location of the code that handles this.
  9. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok so I got the heat recipe part setup with no errors, so now the problem is the block can't be placed in the forge, and I have no heat indicator thing on the block item. I've looked into how ingots are handled and I don't think iSmeltable is the way to go, and I can't find anything with the sand block that would explain how it can be put in the forge and how it gets a heat indicator when it has heat.
  10. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Hey Kitty so that script kinda helps but not really, could you put me in the direction of how heat recipes work in TFC? Also any sort of help with the removing recipes would be great, thanks.
  11. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Some things I feel like push the bounds of what is acceptable in TFC, and whatever is done for cross compatibility should be based in fact. Electricity has been around for a very long time, just not in a widespread and widely used or even productive way, some greeks were messing around with static electricity in BCE times. Electricity based on motion is acceptable in TFC has it is just on the edge of the timeline, windmills and waterwheels function based on spinning a coil within a magnet to generate power. That same method has been used for many years starting with the basics like wind and water, then to steam, and in our modern age with nuclear power plants generating heat and steam for a similar system. Something like oil is out of the time frame because refining oil is a complex process that is just out of the tech range, vegetable oil is some what applicable however the ability to produce enough food to produce the necessary amounts of oil. Furthermore what machines are actually applicable in TFC? (Therefore not much of need for electricity in the first place) Rock Crusher (Electric Quern) is something that could be used. Maybe Electric Lighting, however that's a bit eh as we have lighting options.
  12. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    I would want to keep this within TFC's time frame, alcohol and steam power can be made to fit (this is still very advanced, windmill and waterwheel would be the basis), vegetable oil was too hard to come by and crude oil refining is very advanced in terms of tech for TFC. And aluminium is out of the question because aluminium refining into useable material is other some what advance and expensive process so that's why I suggested silver.
  13. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    I'll work on getting a dev environment together once I get the next update for terramisc out. I'm also doing some more research into other metal options, platinium has a very low ability to conduct electricity, lower than copper, silver would be a good option.
  14. Immersive Engineering + TFC Crossover - WIP

    Agreed Ray I like the sound of this too, maybe we can work together or something idk. Most of the ideas here I find acceptable, the platinum instead of aluminium is a bit far off I would need to do research but I'm fairly sure we have a metal that's closer to the properties of aluminium. Great post!
  15. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Hey currently I'm trying to remove some recipes like the clock/compass recipes because my addon adds better recipes and I know its possible to remove recipes and I kinda see where TFC does it for some things but could someone provide a more in depth explanation of this? Edit: Also I'm trying to add recipes using the forge/campfire kinda like the sand to glass recipes but I can't find where those recipes are registered as they aren't in the main recipes class.
  16. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    I'm trying to implement some TFC style versions of stained clay and would like to not have to copy and paste minecraft resources into my mod for there a way to call up minecraft's resources when applying a texture to a block? Edit: Nvm I got it figured out.
  17. Boats and Ships

    I was thinking about this a little bit, and to an extent this kinda sounds like the 1.9 ender portal thingys that let you move on to the other islands in the end. Is this an accurate comparison?
  18. Those currently don't have recipes, if you check the first spoiler on the main page everything that is complete has instructions there. That's one of the wip things, I have plans for them just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  19. Boats and Ships

    That's not what I mean, that's for if someone wants to effectively skip several islands at one time with one teleport. They could still use the teleport devices Bioxx was talking about to bind the keystone to that particular device.
  20. Boats and Ships

    Maybe have a keystone type item that can be bound to a certain island's portal, so the player will have to have visited the target island at least once. As well as implementing a range factor that way players aren't traveling ridiculous distances.
  21. They will be chisel-able, that shouldn't be hard since I'll be reusing to an extent what TFC does to create its blocks.
  22. Nyssa I went ahead while I had some free time and compiled some textures for the stained clay addition, so the plan is for there to be wet stained clay which is kilned to produce hardened stained clay. The wet clay blocks crafted from like 4 clay and dye or something like that nothing too fancy. Also I'm going to recreate the hardened clay versions to have higher durability for TFC compatibility. I'll get this all worked out once I've updated to 0.79.23 of TFC, sound good?
  23. Can you please fill out a bug report with more information, there is a template in the main post...I have no way of tracking down the cause without additional information. I see it has something to do with the tallow candles but that's it. Edit: Btw I read some of the posts in your server thread, and it seems that you are having issues with time and whatnot which could be causing the issue with the candle burn time that's returning an error.
  24. I see that I will need to do some updating to the addon for the new of TFC, at the moment I'm about to go out of state for 4 days and will be on a much slower internet connection and will most likely not have time to update. Once I get back I can begin the process of updating, however until I look at the code I don't know what all will need to be fixed and how long it will take me; due to having school 5 days a week. Don't misread this I will continue to work on the addon just hang in there while I work on updating.
  25. Released TerraMisc [0.5.1], Just a minor tweak to the tallow candles their burn rate should now change with the torch burn if it is altered in the config files. Due to the calculation I used for this they burn about 2 days shorter. eg. Before the update it was 1000 hrs, now it's 48[default torch burn rate] * 20 = 960