Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Necoxus

  1. It can be found under the legal section of the main post.
  2. Currently I have it set to a value that is hardcoded so if the torch value is changed in the config the candles will NOT change to compensate. At some point I'll set it up to use a formula involving the config value.
  3. I'll look into it, could be cool to have more colors and textures to build with.
  4. Did some testing with TFC 0.79.22 everything seems to be fine, let me know if there's an issue. Also please redownload TerraMisc as there was some version naming issues that have been resolved; this will help in the event of a crash to make sure I or others know what version is being used.
  5. TerraMisc (0.5.0) has been released, special thanks to Nyssa for doing some of the texturing for me. Check change log for more details!
  6. That would be awesome! I'll send a message shortly with a list of what I need, just cause I don't want any spoilers out there.
  7. Some of you may have noticed that development has slowed a bit, I'm currently getting ready to go back to school for this year...however I will try to keep TerraMisc updated with the current version of TFC so that you may still use it. As far as new features I have something in the works but It requires massive amounts of texturing and balancing so that I don't break TFC's progression/mechanics. Also on a side note, at this point I've completed most of what I had outlined for this addon in the beginning so new suggestions would be helpful, but I most likely won't be able to get around to them for a while. On school breaks or whenever I have free time I will try to add more and complete the work that I've started.
  8. If it provide the fertilizer nutrient they would grow a little bit faster, enough to be noticeable but not overpowered.
  9. I like that, it could provide the fertilizer nutrient type as well, but in small amounts.
  10. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Where does TFC do its armor rendering at?(The model that appears on the player) I know it has something to do with the TFC proxy but I'm having trouble finding any additional information.
  11. TerraMisc (0.4.2) has been released, please check the changelog for more details. Also this version is built on the newest version of TFC; so please update your TFC and follow their instructions for updating. Enjoy,
  12. [Mod support] Barrel inventories

    This could help, this would still be difficult but it the sides are used for items and the top/bottom are used for fluids then that could help separate the two systems.
  13. [OFFLINE] [0.79.21] PearCraft [Whitelist]

    IGN: Powerman913717 Age: 14 Reason you want to join: Looking for a fun server to play on, and it would be cool to use my addon in an environment with other players. Do you accept the the rules?: Yes Your Specialty (Farmer), (Carpenter), (Etc): Building, and Leading. I'm also good at farming and cooking. Anything else we should know?: I have a friend that may want to join me later on.
  14. Well as far as how hard it will be to get thaumium will be based on what aspects are applied to the TFC items, I think that chiseled sandstone was the prefered method for praecantatio in vanila, but that is unobtainable in TFC and doesn't make much since. One way to make thaumium tougher is for the crucible to yield an unusable ingot that needs to be worked on an anvil before using it. Like how red/blue steel require working of their ingots to become usable. Also what about the shards, they will need to be added to the ore generation system. I think binding fire shards to igneous rock, earth to metamorphic, and water to sedimentary would be a start but that leaves air, order, and entropy. Of course maybe being more selective of the rock types rather than using just all from a specific set. I know from messing around with resource packs that the shard ore image is overlaid on the rock like how TFC puts ore over the rock so some of what you need is already there.
  15. I Think with world gen based on how TFC does it, it would not so much be biomes but adding the spawning temps and altitudes to the trees. But, I'm not an expert. The dimension from thaumcraft should still be viable as long as the altar to open the portal spawns correcting in TFC. However reducing the spawn rate would be good; in my experience with TC they spawn everywhere compared to how much land gets explored in TFC worlds. As far as the wand caps it is a progression thing and working gold and silver is more available at a lower stage. Being that the thaumium anvil is used to craft your metal stuff I would suggest adding lower tier anvil plans, like adding the gold and silver wand caps to the standard anvil system. I know that with the anvil api you can control which tier of anvil you can craft a recipe on. Also void metal is a higher tier later on in thaumcraft so maybe having a void metal anvil would help balance things. The crucible is really nice from thaumcraft, but lacks tiers like the anvil system in TFC, so maybe have tiered crucible system would help balance. I know that would mean coding a large new system that separates the recipes. This sounds really good and I'm really looking forward to see this, I hope this gives you some ideas and helps.
  16. TerraMisc (0.4.1) has been released, check changelog for more details. A good chunk of work went into this update I hope everyone enjoys!
  17. Ok the candles are done being coded, I will most likely release it tomorrow with all the different colors now. I've also added recipes for most of the different colors however some are still uncraftable until I get around to coding their more special means of crafting/obtaining.
  18. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Thanks kitty, everything is working fine now.
  19. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok so I have all the important things working, however I'm having trouble with the lang file names. Block Registering public static Block blockRoadIgEx; public static Block blockRoadIgIn; public static Block blockRoadMM; public static Block blockRoadSed; blockRoadIgEx = new BlockRoadIgEx().setHardness(16F).setBlockName("blockRoadIgEx"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockRoadIgEx, ItemStone.class, "blockRoadIgEx"); blockRoadIgIn = new BlockRoadIgIn().setHardness(16F).setBlockName("blockRoadIgIn"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockRoadIgIn, ItemStone.class, "blockRoadIgIn"); blockRoadMM = new BlockRoadMM().setHardness(15F).setBlockName("blockRoadMM"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockRoadMM, ItemStone.class, "blockRoadMM"); blockRoadSed = new BlockRoadSed().setHardness(14F).setBlockName("blockRoadSed"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockRoadSed, ItemStone.class, "blockRoadSed"); Lang File Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road tile.blockRoadSed.Rock Salt Road Road Road Road
  20. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Thanks Kitty, I think I have it mostly working now.
  21. [Request] Addon Devlopment Guide

    Ok, so I'm working on a new building block and due to how TFC has so many stone types I'm attempting to use metadata to create multiple blocks from one. Anyway how do the bricks in TFC do this, I want to go about this as closely as I can to how TFC does it.
  22. Forge Chimney Design

    Oh then in that case last I checked a vanila trapdoor works to block the rain. I wasn't for sure your first post was a little unclear. (Or maybe I just need to sleep more. o_O)
  23. Forge Chimney Design

    I always offset the chimney from the forge so the rain will still come in, but it won't hit the forge block allowing for forging in the rain and to be able to see the weather.
  24. I'm curious do any of you want to have different colors of candles? If enough people want this I will implement it, the only issue is I have to create a separate block for each candle due to how the candle works with the on/off function.
  25. The Decor Updated has began! Check change log for details more stuff will be added soon-ish! (0.4.0) of TerraMisc is Released! See the Changelog for more details.