Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Treyflix

  1. looks awesome i like the textures ;D

    nice to see new lets players that use my textures since mead isnt playing tfc anymore :)/>

    Yeh, what happened to Crysyn? Is the server still up? Why doesn't he do TFC anymore?

    But yeh Ryan, nice LP I didnt understand though, if you have your fog set low, why do you use a Tex pack? Don't they slow things down?


  2. I'm sorry about that dunk. Btw I just got back from an appointment with the woman; we will be having a baby! Thread officially derailed and the rails have been ripped up!

    HOLY GWACAMOLE! that's huge man, congrats :)


  3. Seriously Dante, this is THE best texture pack I have ever seen. period. Screw Misa's, this is way better. The fact that you're doing it for TFC too? I am just really grateful to you for making this awesome piece of art. I'm not sure how you managed to make every single texture just the way I think it should look, but you did. The make or break part of a tex pack to me is the mobs however. It's the biggest reason why I don't use misa, I can't stand the sheep or cows (Love the piggies though <3). Be really carefull with all the mobs, hostile and friendly! :)


  4. That statement is so wrong.... but meh.

    and yes I do know about (but less so) new world ancient cultures. A lot of people think that first nations of American and Canada were stone age, but there are 4000 year old copper axes found from sites on the continent.

    and no to the statue thing. we're not going near religion, and it would look ridiculous once you got out of the stone age.

    Hey, I'm a Farmer! I know what I'm talking about... but yes that was phrased wrong. I meant, it was a extremely effective way to create an incredibly fertile environment for the plant. Grrr, I WILL find something that you have not! *goes into research frenzy*


  5. Oh dang Dunk, now I just HAVE to effin find something you didn't... this is gonna take a while.

    So I assume you know about the MesoAmerican culture's Pre-Columbus technology? Pretty interesting stuff. Atlatl's, you do know about those. What about their floating lake gardens? some of the most advanced farming tech to date...


  6. DO WANT!

    Want more than anything.


    *ahem* I do believe I quite want this implemented old chap O_O


  7. Your weight system is flawed. You don't want the heaviest weapon you can get, otherwise weapons would be made of lead. I agree with weight affecting damage as you said, but it should also affect swing speed. So you choose a balance between damage and swing speed. Also, if sharpness affect damage, maces will have huge advantage over swords. To balance this, things with a edge can be resharpened, but their durability does not go up. Finally, their should be different types of damage. Crush (dependent on weight, not much affected by armor) slash (does not cause as much damage as armor, but starts bleed DOT effect that doesn't stop until you can bandage yourself, stacks up with multiple cuts, item has to be sharp! armor would stop this, including leather) and finally pierce. the actual damage done by pierce is lessened more by better armors, but the bleed affect (not as bad as a slash) is not. Maces/hammers/rocks would do crush damage. Swords would do slash damage and some crush damage, knife would do slash damage, Spears and arrow pierce. This is covered much better by Jed's post.


  8. The point of TFC is to be survival, starting from nothing etc, but the items you have requested in the "chest" don't work for that at all. Ancient peoples and cavemen didn't have "canteens" or anything like that.

    The premise of TFC isn't a modern man lost in the woods, it's ancient. There are no things like that. It's not even up for discussion.

