Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Treyflix

  1. How old do you think I am?

    You know... South America... Were you live...?
  2. Forests,and how i think they should be

    Marco did the ore generation...
  3. Bows and Arrows

    Yeh it's so late it's morning, I should sleep.
  4. Bows and Arrows

    That's what I said ._.
  5. A REAL Halloween Monster

    I have a friend who the only thing she can say in a russian accent is "Butterfly". It sounds absolutely HILARIOUS!
  6. How old do you think I am?

    And me, 15. Although I'll be 16 real quick. Wow, JAG is 16?! Huh, I'm in good company. JAG, if I ever visit down there, we will have to meet. I think we would become good friends. @Kimble: hhmmm. Twelve?
  7. Bows and Arrows

    Yeh seriously, bows need a buff, bad. It's a good excuse to finally do TFC bows with better crafting too.
  8. Gems + XP = Idea!

    NO! You will not derail this thread. It is not dead yet. To many awesome posts are being made. You shall not pass.
  9. Pottery

    "Becomes meme" "GETS PISSED OFF, BITES THOUGH STEEL" P.s: furious is the word you're looking for.
  10. Crossbows

    Quit reminding me that Bioxx made bows and fists useless! I still don't get it, why ruin archery? That was my profession! It made PVP so much more fun! WHY BIOXX, WHY?!?!?
  11. Pottery

    Ooooohhhh man if I wasn't on my iPod right now I would SO meme that! "extinct for 370 million years" "ARGUES LAW LIKE A LAWYER!"
  12. Loose Rock Placement

    Uhhh... That would be DISagreeing. Didn't you mean you agree with different colored Gravel? Cause that was his idea...
  13. Large List of Ideas...

    I'm flattered. Wait though, you were gone?
  14. Geological Events

  15. Loose Rock Placement

    I never thought of that, but the colored sand always seemed.. Weird. I totally agree with your Idea, sounds awesome! If you're trying to gather support for the idea to show it to Bioxx make a topic with a poll. I bet everyone agrees with you. P.s, I heard Bioxx wants to use the different types of sand for different colors of glass... Is he on crack?! I mean stained glass is great, but that is NOT believable. At all.
  16. How old do you think I am?

    I misunderstood. 370 million years old!
  17. A REAL Halloween Monster

    The English language needs to come up with better and more swear words. Fuck and shit are so overused. Especially fuck. And I don't get why it's a swear word! The word "Shit" refers to Feces, which is generally agreed to be a repulsive thing. But the word "fuck" is used to refer to intercourse, which is a beautiful amazing thing that creates life. How did this become a swear word? It makes me sad :/
  18. How old do you think I am?

    Twenty six!
  19. How old do you think I am?

    Yes you did Wolf. @Dunk 24!
  20. Large List of Ideas...

    Much appreciated. However I am still of the opinion you should 1: Take all 14 of the Approved tweaks and submit them to the Tiny Tweaks meta thread were they belong 2: Make well written posts for each of your 10 Major Ideas. They are all very good and deserve their own thread to be discussed and approved/disapproved by Devs. Trying to condense them into your own personal thread is frowned upon and frankly lazy. 3: Clear up your Clarify's and Needs Work's. 4: scrap your Redundents and Suggested's. 5: Possibly debate the two Personal Disagreement's. 6: once resolved, scrap the thread. Edit: Bsb23 is right, those have been suggested. That brings it down to 6 Major Ideas. I don't think I ever saw the inkwells idea posted, care to link it BsB?
  21. Traveling cart

    That post simultaneously scares the fucking shit out of me and excites me. That would have to be done very, very, VERY carefully. The main problem with that is with all that realism, what do you do with 1x1 meter building blocks like raw stone? Killing the stack function would make building far to tedious and not fun, but leaving it would make it proportionally unrealistic and weird... I think the inventory is fine. I still think roads could be needed, moving stuff long distances with our limited inventory is annoying. Mostly want to see ships though. Buildable ones. I want to live on a sailing ship! And have dugout canoes. That you actually have to paddle, not powered by magical rainbow farts.
  22. TFC FANART!!!!

    Dude, what the fuck is it with the TFC community being so talented? Seriously; that's some really nice blender art and I have no clue what you are gibbering about. Sounds legit though. This makes me INTENSELY excited for any TFC animations you make. You shod make a YouTube channel just for them and make more than one. Take your time on each one and make quality ones. Have arch help you with the writing too. You could seriously help this mod out, a lot! Especially with Menoch's music in here... *drools*
  23. Let's make a general installation guide

    What the fuck guys? 0.o So what does that make me? Read my post in my how old am I before naming me. I basically told you guys everything except my name
  24. How old do you think I am?

    Holy shit Guys did this explode! I'm so sorry, I forgot about this for a few days, then was gone for weeks. Here it is, don't judge me! I'm actually only 15 years old. My 16th birthday is in 30 days on 12/12/12 though. I am a organic farmer yes, because I do get legitimate income from that. It is technically my parents farm though. Here is the real shocker though; I am actually a Athelete. A Cyclist (like lance armstrong except, yah know, without the doping!) to be precise. You wknt believe this part but I am actually a national level junior in the USA. I was gone because I traveled to Kentucky and Indiana to do two UCI (The UCI is the international governing body of cycling, a UCI race means it's a BIG race) races that are qualifiers for a elite camp in Belgium (like, Europe) but only SIX juniors (the best six in the country) get to go. I will find out this week if I qualified! Super nervous. Oh and i'm homechooled. Oofda, did I say to much? Congrats, you now know everything about me