Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by mrsharpie

  1. Thoughts

    Hey guys, After finally getting TFC to work (again, thanks to everyone for the help!), I've been happily playing for a few days now. I love the mod, and feel like it adds some much needed challenge to the game. I can honestly say I never thought making a pick would be a big achievement. First of all, before I go any further, I love this mod. Everything I say here is from the perspective of someone who wants to help make the mod even better than it already is. Now then, after playing a fair amount, I've noticed something. Something seems to be missing from vanilla minecraft, and that something is very simple; an overarching goal. So far there are little things, like make a pickaxe, make a suit of armor, get a nice house going. But I feel like we've almost gone back a step, to minecraft before the End came in. As somebody who's been playing minecraft for a long time, I can say that the addition of something to aim for was quite welcome. It gives you purpose. When playing the Xbox version, the only qualm I have is that I end up starting a new world every few times I play. I feel like it's kind of easy to run out of things to do. And the same is true in a sense about TFC, it just takes a helluva lot longer. So here's my suggestion. Give us a goal. Something that will test us. Something that is very hard to achieve, but will have huge payoffs. Something that we can wake up every morning and work towards, a little bit each day. It doesn't have to be the End, by any means. Frankly, the only thing that compels me to attempt to get to the end is the sense of purpose and the ridiculous amounts of xp. But, I would love something original, something that we could use as an overarching goal. I personally think it would make the whole experience a lot more interesting, and a lot more rewarding. So, ideas? Let me know what you think!
  2. Thoughts

    Well alright then. Guess not.
  3. Thoughts

    Exactly. The fact that the End was an actual end of the game wasn't my favorite either. Like I said though, it would be nice to have an objective. Meaningless fucking around was great for the first year, but even that gets a bit stale eventually. I just feel like there should at least be more things to do. I'm very excited about agriculture, as it adds another goal to the game. But now that i've said it, i'm liking the empire idea more and more...
  4. Thoughts

    I'm not so much suggesting an end as I am just something work towards. Simply a goal. And as for ideas, I would tentatively say building an empire, possibly in a style of Tale of Kingdoms, but I know Bioxx is not sure about NPCs. I know something of this variety will be implemented in SMP, but for those of us who aren't as into massive servers, NPCs could be cool. Who knows, maybe Bioxx and TyberAlyx could cooperate on TFC to implement some of Tale of Kingdoms's features. I for one think that would be fucking awesome.
  5. Install not Working

    Hey everybody, I'm trying to install terrafirmacraft, and followed all the instructions on the download page. Unfortunately though, I keep getting stuck on the Mojang screen while logging in, and then I end up having to quit (no crash though...) I'm running osx mountain lion, and used all of the links from the download page on the official website. And yes, I deleted meta-inf and am trying to use 1.2.5. Can anyone let me know how to do it? If someone has a working version they'd be willing to put up (minus saves obviously), that would be great too! Thanks!
  6. Install not Working

    One trick is, wait a while when it says Mojang. It literally takes like ten minutes for my game to start, even now that it is working, so it may just be that it's taking a while to load.
  7. Install not Working

    Ya haha sorry I'm new to this so I'm not sure how this all works. BUT I have good news! I uninstalled and reinstalled, and it worked. Not sure how or why, but hey, I'm not one to argue! Thanks for all the suggestions though! Good to know that I have somewhere to get help if somethin goes wrong in the future!
  8. Install not Working

    Instance started with command: java -Xmx1024m -Xms512m -cp "/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/" MultiMCLauncher "/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/" "simonsharp" -3902226019696108069 Loading jars... Loading URL: file:/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ Loading URL: file:/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ Loading URL: file:/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ Loading URL: file:/Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ Loading natives... Fixed Minecraft Path: Field was private static net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.aj MCDIR: /Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ Support/minecraft 27 achievements 182 recipes LWJGL Version: 2.8.3 Aug 16, 2012 5:59:05 PM cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler beginLoading INFO: Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization Aug 16, 2012 5:59:05 PM cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler beginLoading INFO: Completed early MinecraftForge initialization 2012-08-16 17:59:05 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.2.5 loading 2012-08-16 17:59:05 [iNFO] Loading mods from /Users/simonsharp/Desktop/ 2012-08-16 17:59:05 [iNFO] Forge Mod Loader has loaded 3 mods MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized 2012-08-16 17:59:05 [iNFO] MinecraftForge v3.3.8.152 Initialized Loading: Failed to enumerate device: Device open failed: -536870203 PlayerAPI 1.5 Created PlayerAPI: registered PlayerTFC CONFLICT @ -239 item slot already occupied by aba@37ed1dbe while adding TFC.Items.ItemCustomWood@303bc1a1 CONFLICT @ -238 item slot already occupied by ph@650df4e2 while adding TFC.Items.ItemCustomLeaves@77485542 CONFLICT @ -250 item slot already occupied by jh@2345e5a6 while adding TFC.Items.ItemSapling@41e80761 CONFLICT @ -251 item slot already occupied by aba@60dc3b82 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraPlanks@1ac7057c CONFLICT @ -45 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgEx@391da0 while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgEx@25c7f37d CONFLICT @ -46 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemSed@6a42a6eb while adding TFC.Items.ItemSed@3ddcc4cd CONFLICT @ -47 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgIn@68fc8e75 while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgIn@1cecd92c CONFLICT @ -44 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemMM@1a5e68a while adding TFC.Items.ItemMM@32c26ede CONFLICT @ -43 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemOre1@7afccada while adding TFC.Items.ItemOre1@6a69ed4a CONFLICT @ -42 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemOre2@5059cbda while adding TFC.Items.ItemOre2@37567e6c CONFLICT @ -41 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemOre3@f8600d6 while adding TFC.Items.ItemOre3@26a0e990 CONFLICT @ -56 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@e4600c0 while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@15db4492 CONFLICT @ -57 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@6e72d873 while adding TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@35e09eab CONFLICT @ -58 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@2dd1082f while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@76705d28 CONFLICT @ -55 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@4af429d7 while adding TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@63e708b2 CONFLICT @ -68 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@54ec115b while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@566798eb CONFLICT @ -69 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@2b68989e while adding TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@5ffbc355 CONFLICT @ -70 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@9d532ae while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@bf2428d CONFLICT @ -67 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@4def3d1b while adding TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@1594df96 CONFLICT @ -72 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@60e2fbeb while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgExCobble@560932fe CONFLICT @ -73 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@75f2edd2 while adding TFC.Items.ItemSedCobble@1fdbb27d CONFLICT @ -74 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@10a33ce2 while adding TFC.Items.ItemIgInCobble@4cf221f6 CONFLICT @ -71 item slot already occupied by TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@2c93c4f1 while adding TFC.Items.ItemMMCobble@1966c114 CONFLICT @ -60 item slot already occupied by vd@5b89a773 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@2a509df8 CONFLICT @ -59 item slot already occupied by vd@12b31a7c while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@2c8fcc7b CONFLICT @ -66 item slot already occupied by vd@14b9b618 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@2c61ec49 CONFLICT @ -65 item slot already occupied by vd@50dfc362 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@12948069 CONFLICT @ -64 item slot already occupied by vd@537a7706 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@d1c55bb CONFLICT @ -63 item slot already occupied by vd@3f406eb6 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@1f248f2b CONFLICT @ -62 item slot already occupied by vd@19336006 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@7be536d6 CONFLICT @ -61 item slot already occupied by vd@5735b26 while adding TFC.Items.ItemTerraDirt@58651e95 0 recipes That was what was in the MultiMC console window if it helps.
  9. Install not Working

    Ok, STILL not working with MultiMC! Someone please help! This is driving me fucking nuts!
  10. Install not Working

    Ok well good luck with your launcher! I might try multimc, just because I know that it should work.
  11. Install not Working

    At this point, I'm starting to think an up to date mountain lion install video would be a good way to either pinpoint or get rid of the problem. I've checked youtube though, and there seems to be nothing good there. Anybody know of anything like that?
  12. Install not Working

    Yes, it is a rather small hard drive compared to what I'm used to, and with my last computer, I downloaded way too much stuff and ended up with a slow computer, so I'm trying not to repeat. And my bad on the Multimc being like Magic Launcher thing, I didn't quite understand that, but thanks! As for your launcher, that sounds pretty good so far. Am I right in thinking that a static build means no extra programs, just download and run? Because that would be great!
  13. Install not Working

    Both of those do sound great, but as dumb as this may sound, I just got a new computer, so I'm trying to be really careful about downloading as little as possible to get these mods, so I'm not sure about Multimc. Also, after attempting to install the same mods with magic launcher (which is a lot like multimc), it still didn't work, so I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.
  14. Install not Working

    DEFINITELY interested. Do you know where I could find it?
  15. Install not Working

    Ok so after a bit more fiddling (with no success), I tried to use a mod manager called Magic Launcher. All worked fine until I tried to install the actual core mod. Then, low and behold, the same damn thing happened. Stuck on Mojang screen, then the whole thing just freezes up. It installed all the other mods just fine, so I'm totally stumped. It looks like theres some file in the core mods thats causing this. Any ideas?
  16. Install not Working

    Do you mean they should both have both client and server? because mine only came with server...
  17. Install not Working

    That was the order and the versions in which I installed, but for a number of things I wasn't sure whether I should totally overwrite the folders in the vanilla jar or whether I should just add in the new files to the existing ones. (Example: "net" folder... tfc "net" has only a server file, while vanilla has only client, so I wasn't sure how to handle that)