Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ECC

  1. being a dick here, but you all do realize I went over ALL of this already and only posted here for my own convenience in talking with bioxx and co. you want to add to it, click the pretty link I presented to you all that sends you to the IRC.


  2. Before I begin, this topic is not open for discussion. I have thought it though in its entirety and this simply stands as a stop gap between a full masonry system and a mechanically sound way of explaining the small rock=big rock. I dont actually care what is said in this topic, its me organizing my thoughts and bypassing the text limit in the IRC for when I talk to Bioxx and Co. If you REALLY want to argue it, go to the IRC #TFCraft

    Drop Mechanics: Surface rocks give 1 rock(if not dropping ore), Mined stone gives 3-5(varies, average should always be 4), Mined ore gives ore and 1-0 rock(just a personal reasoning, it annoys me when you dont get rock from it yet the ore quantity is so low)

    rock placing mechanics: Placing a rock works similar to Charcoal and Wood Logs. It places a 1/4th layer against a surface. It is subject to TFC gravity mechanics(includes supports). Placing cobble on more cobble adds another 1/4th layer to it.

    Brick Cutting mechanics: Chisel+rock recipe, produces single 'brick'

    (LOGIC: Your cutting it down to size so it can fit with other bricks)

    Brick Placement mechanics: Bricks fill 1/8th block, placement is similar to 'plank'

    (CPU cheap route: only bricks of the same kind fit within same cube. Avoid using same mechanics as cubits)

    this is a stopgap between vanilla styled and TFC masonry. Later the application of using a 'glue' between placing a new cobble/brick layer can easily be added.


  3. sand, this does NOT work, I am using plank and detailed blocks to do this. What this proposes is allowing highly detailed structures to work as foot and handholds.

    Not just the slabs


  4. I'll pester spAnser when he gets on IRC. Just so I remember, this thread will stay open in my browser till I do. (:

    its a good idea, but from what I know from experience, will take some work to do. Unless somehow the software already supports this... which I doubt.



    This thread is a list of known bugs I have found/confirmed in [b72] TFC. Bugs in this case are not necessarily game breaking(crash) however may act to incredibly imbalance the game or act to annoy users though client-server failed interaction. When available, crash reports will be given along with method to recreate. This thread is NOT designed to help other users with their crashes or bug reports and acts as an organization for existing issues. If you are posting a new bug not within this list, leave the following: What does the bug/exploit/annoyance do, How to recreate it, and if applicable, crash reports and/or screenshots. If using other mods with TFC, please remove all other mods including optifine and NEI before submitting a crash report. If it is a mod interaction related bug, please label the report as such here.

    on to the list:

    [b72] Sluice Desync (Annoyance)

    Sluices display incorrect 'Soil' quantity

    Recreate: Place sluice correctly and feed single applicable item(sand/gravel), look at GUI, leave GUI and wait for Soil to run out. Attempting to view GUI afterwards displays annoyance.

    [b72] /Kill Command Fails (Annoyance)

    /Kill Command fails to work when used on high level users with full/high health

    Recreate: use server commands to /Xp user, sleep to gain health then attempt /Kill command. Higher the levels lower effective use of command. some levels appear to be nearly immune to commands effects.

    [b72] Sluice Inventory Fails to Drop (Minor bug)

    Sluice does not drop inventory when broken and is destroyed

    Recreate: Use sluice as normal, break sluice when it contains an item.

    [b72] Iron Golem Crash (Moderate bug)

    Attacking a Spawned TFC Iron Golem Crashes the client. Server untested.

    Recreate: Using creative mode or Op Commands, spawn a TFC iron golem and attack it with a low tier weapon or fists. High tier weapons kill the mob before the bug can take place.

    Report:(Unavailable, remind me to take care of this in the morning/afternoon)

    [b72] 'Plank' vs Detailed Crash (Moderate bug)

    Placing a 'plank' item inside a detailed or slab item crashes the client.

    Recreate: Build a detailed or slabbed block, place a 'plank' of any type within the structure. Causes Client crash, server unaffected.

    Report:(Unavailable, remind me to take care of this in the morning/afternoon)

    [b72] Hardmode Zombie Door Interaction (Annoyance)

    Note: Not sure if bug or intended. For time being its here.

    Zombies do not 'punch though' doors when hardmode is enabled.

    Recreate: Build a wall around a spawned/natural zombie with a single door exit. Set/wait-for time to day. zombie ignores door.

    This list is still very much unfinished. I have not filled out everything I know of yet and can not until I get some much needed rest as well as time away from the family. Currently, all information provided I have alerted Bioxx to already.


  6. 'So... sorry... but you guys are stuck with me.'

    damnit, now I have to resort to plan B: Filling your stocking with splodable lemons.

    anyhow, welcome back from the whole community, hope to see you succeed and get though this hard time
