Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by heptagon_ru

  1. The first idea that jumped into my mind after reading about pure hatch bed was: itching :)

    So when you can not find any hide for the "normal" bed, you just use this pure straw bed, with decreased result, like randomly wake up at night, and after waking up start to itch for a day :)

    I.e. the damage animation and sound are preformed on you at random times, but without actual damage :)

    I don't expect this suggestion to be taken seriously, so at least smile ;)


  2. Please add any ability to get significant amount of at least one type of saplings, which grow into a beautiful enough 2x2 tall tree.

    This will allow creation of nice artificial forests with more tree types in late survival.

    And nice reforestation on multiplayer servers. 

    To keep wood harvesting balance, these threes could generate sticks instead of logs when chopped :) Or some other less useful resource :)


    This ability could be available only in the end-game, e.g. a red steel scythe could give special saplings

    from pine, which will grow into huge trees if planted 2x2, like in vanilla. Or the ground should be farmland and with fertilizer.


    Or this could work only for players who really care about trees and spend lot of time and care growing them. But I don't know how to implement this, what could be a care meter :) Never cutting a wild tree, only the ones you planted yourself? :) Or rate cut/planted < 1 ?


    This will also allow additional goals for some people who finished steel tech.


    Also probably for some people it could be a good reason to reach top steel at all. E.g. I don't see much need in it - everything can be achieved without it and tool performance is pretty close, especially considering steel costs.


    Some people like to play by reaching steel asap, making great builds, etc. I hope there are other people like me, who fancy reforestation and making artificial forests.


    Despite this suggestion resembles multiple old ones, I hope it approaches the topic from another side and is still original.


  3. Please add a simple ability to dye ceramic vessels, similar to leather armor.

    This will help to manage inventory easier.


    I always carry 3 vessels with me - with food, with small rarely used tools, with wooden stuff (ladders, sticks, signs, plank blocks). Despite all my attempts to place them in the inventory predictably, they often got messed and I have to see where is the one i need now by mouse tooltip. Add to that several empty vessels ...


    So it would be nice to have e.g. green for food, red for tools, yellow for woodish, etc. Even recoloring (tinting) is not required in the initial version, 5 basic colors will be enough.


    The idea could be expanded in future: 1. recoloring to get tints 2. real painting with small dots, to draw ornaments, text ...


    Sorry if duplicate, I had checked both directories and searched forum first.


  4. Hey, it's nearly a poem u got there (there was a server who managed to do it)!

    There once was a server in lack of charcoal.
    The pit they had built was as big as their goal.
    They managed to do it.
    Worked faster than bullet.
    But were sadly crashed by the block update shoal.




    Thanks for the info! The person who achieved the charcoal pit I know about told me there was strangely no lag at all during the final stage. So I guess it depends on the server.


  5. You can never have an honest 25x25x13 pit, because the firepit in the middle replaces one of the log blocks too.

    Yes, that's true. But the firepit is an indispensable part of the charcoal pit. So I guess it's always assumed that the firepit block is part of charcoal pit. But is it really possible to fill all remaining space of 25x25x13 cuboid with logs? Probably a high-trained team can do it :) Or a very fast individual :)I didn't come to your way to do it by myself, and for now and for me it's the best way to get maximum amount of coal at one burn, thank you for the great demonstration.I also will never try to create such a pit, after I have heard what it had cost to one person to make :) I'll be amazed forever :)And I'm not asking how to do it, I would prefer to find this know-how by myself. Just "Yes" or "No", based on personal experience would be great :)

  6. Put the fire pit where the red wool block is. Place a plank block where my head is to close up the pit.

    But if I place the plank block as you are suggesting, it will not be honest 25x25x13 pit? One log block will me missing, replaced with a plank block. Right?

  7. Sorry, it was a doublepost.


    [An addition]: vanilla simplicity can actually suit some animals. Take sheeps or pigs - they are not much detailed irl too.

    But animals with muscles, like deers or panthers - very complicated forms and expressive body and face.


    Brown bears are not much detailed irl - a bulk, cloud of fat and fur, all muscles underneath, hidden.


  8. I'm being torn between both approaches :) I really enjoy old deers, they are so cute that I could catch one just to keep in a zoo. Their teleport-running made them a more interesting game. Like they have a feature - ultra fast running. And their visual fragility suits their speed.


    Bears - the new one looks more like a cartoon one, a good, kind bear. Or actually as polar bear:

    The old one - as a brown bear (, a real bulky forest predator. Maybe make it bigger?

    ( Believe me, I "know" what I'm saying - in Russia bears walk in towns and hijack vodka from children, unless busy playing babalaika :-DDD Old russian joke about foreign people seeing our country :) ).

    I would actually love to see both bears, one in forests and one in some polar region or snow or whatever :)


    I'm not a designer inside so I can not understand difference without a texture. I can not compare old spotty deer with plain white new model. Same with bear. Maybe new models will look great with great textures. Pheasant and rooster textures are also great, and rooster model is pretty simple.


    Same with fish - I can't see how it will look small and in the water. Now seems great.


  9. So had my first day on the server, very nice, sooooooo nice and kind people. And towns are great. And different. And traveling through ruins and abandoned towns ...


    And got some questions, please could somebody answer?


    1. What's the approx radius of the local chat? A chunk? 10? 100?


    2. I see that I can harvest food in towns. I guess it's stealing even if it's obviously decorative, like in Sheraton, right (unless explicitly permitted)?


    3. What other things can I still do (and should avoid, and should protect in my town) in towns? Can I take vessels from the ground? Tools from racks? Logs from piles? Ingots from heaps? Can I place (as a gift) all these things? I don't wanna experimenting with this to avoid illegal situation, especially when it's hard to return a thing to offline residents. (Actually failed to save a person's bug-broken leash because was afraid it's illegal. While was asking guys, it disappeared. Such a shame :(  ).


    4. What you guys do for fun together? Except cooperative builds. E.g. in vanilla a person can make ... I don't know ...  a firework field and invite people to this event, like a festival, provide food, etc. What on TFC ? Roads? Horse races? Wars?


    5. Is it possible at all to make a protected, but available for everyone railroad? Like if the redstone rails will be protected, they wouldn't switch? And like can an outsider place a cart on the rails? Etc ...


    Or maybe someone can advice a good article about Towny+TFC? The original towny user manual is too compact.


  10. I am reading about Towny mod ( and, and I constantly stumble upon taxes and paying money to mayors for owning land. But I can't find anything about how the ordinary residents earn the money in the first place.

    I.e. if I join a town, I have to pay taxes, otherwise I will be kicked from the town. But how to earn the money?


  11. On the bloomery page, could you please mention an easy alternative way to get unreachable bloom in the bloomery, by adding a new layer of coal? It helped me, Etho demonstrated this, a person on the forum also mentioned this.





    If the player is unable to reach the bloom to pick it up, they should first try to place a new layer of coal into the bloomery, this often brings the bloom closer.

    If unsuccessful, break the Bloomery Block, and then the brick block above it to get inside. Breaking any blocks of the chimney before the bloomery block has been removed will result in the bloomery block popping off as an item in a random direction that can despawn if not retrieved.


  12. Recently was re-reading "The Mysterious Island" written by Jules Verne (published in 1874), and so much enjoyed how it resembles TFC and matches it's spirit.
    The plot is: 5 men escape a Confederate town by a hot air balloon  during the Civil War and crashland on an island. Luckily they have an engineer with them (Cyrus Harding).
    The infrastructure they have built at the end is amazing.
    The book is available at Project Gutenberg:

    Let me quote some lines to demonstrate:

    After the first long explorational walk: "... at the moment when each one was about to give himself up to sleep, Cyrus Harding drew from his pocket little specimens of different sorts of minerals, and just said,—  "My friends, this is iron mineral, this a pyrite, this is clay, this is lime, and this is coal. Nature gives us these things. It is our business to make a right use of them. To-morrow we will commence operations."

    "They did not possess even the tools necessary for making tools, their iron and their steel were as yet only in the state of minerals, their earthenware in the state of clay, their linen and their clothes in the state of textile material. "

    They baked dried clay bricks by an open method, surrounding fuel by them.

    Then they "brought ... loads of carbonate of lime and common stones, which were very abundant, to the north of the lake. These stones, when decomposed by heat, made a very strong quicklime, greatly increased by slacking, at least as pure as if it had been produced by the calcination of chalk or marble. Mixed with sand the lime made excellent mortar. "

    Then they made a kiln to bake pottery, using gathered coal, and " the first smoke escaped from a chimney twenty feet high."

    "The chief material was clay, to which Harding added a little lime and quartz. This paste made regular "pipe-clay," with which they manufactured bowls, cups molded on stones of a proper size, great jars and pots to hold water, etc. The shape of these objects was clumsy and defective, but after they had been baked in a high temperature, the kitchen of the Chimneys was provided with a number of utensils, as precious to the settlers as the most beautifully enameled china."

    Metal age:

    "Metals are not generally found in the ground in a pure state. For the most part they are combined with oxygen or sulphur. Such was the case with the two specimens which Cyrus Harding had brought back, one of magnetic iron, not carbonated, the other a pyrite, also called sulphuret of iron. It was, therefore the first, the oxide of iron, which they must reduce with coal, that is to say, get rid of the oxygen, to obtain it in a pure state.
    This reduction is made by subjecting the ore with coal to a high temperature, either by the rapid and easy Catalan method, which has the advantage of transforming the ore into iron in a single operation, or by the blast furnace, which first smelts the ore, then changes it into iron, by carrying away the three to four per cent. of coal, which is combined with it.
    Now Cyrus Harding wanted iron, and he wished to obtain it as soon as possible. The ore which he had picked up was in itself very pure and rich. It was the oxydulous iron, which is found in confused masses of a deep gray color; it gives a black dust, crystallized in the form of the regular octahedron. Native lodestones consist of this ore, and iron of the first quality is made in Europe from that with which Sweden and Norway are so abundantly supplied. Not far from this vein was the vein of coal already made use of by the settlers. The ingredients for the manufacture being close together would greatly facilitate the treatment of the ore. This is the cause of the wealth of the mines in Great Britain, where the coal aids the manufacture of the metal extracted from the same soil at the same time as itself."

    (Then they went seal hunting for bellows.)

    "This ore, very rich in iron, enclosed in its fusible veinstone, was perfectly suited to the mode of reduction which the engineer intended to employ; that is, the Catalan method, but simplified, as it is used in Corsica. In fact, the Catalan method, properly so called, requires the construction of kilns and crucibles, in which the ore and the coal, placed in alternate layers, are transformed and reduced, But Cyrus Harding intended to economize these constructions, and wished simply to form, with the ore and the coal, a cubic mass, to the center of which he would direct the wind from his bellows. Doubtless, it was the proceeding employed by Tubalcain, and the first metallurgists of the inhabited world. Now that which had succeeded with the grandson of Adam, and which still yielded good results in countries rich in ore and fuel, could not but succeed with the settlers in Lincoln Island.
    The coal, as well as the ore, was collected without trouble on the surface of the ground. They first broke the ore into little pieces, and cleansed them with the hand from the impurities which soiled their surface. Then coal and ore were arranged in heaps and in successive layers, as the charcoal-burner does with the wood which he wishes to carbonize. In this way, under the influence of the air projected by the blowing-machine, the coal would be transformed into carbonic acid, then into oxide of carbon, its use being to reduce the oxide of iron, that is to say, to rid it of the oxygen.
    Thus the engineer proceeded. The bellows of sealskin, furnished at its extremity with a nozzle of clay, which had been previously fabricated in the pottery kiln, was established near the heap of ore. Using the mechanism which consisted of a frame, cords of fiber and counterpoise, he threw into the mass an abundance of air, which by raising the temperature also concurred with the chemical transformation to produce in time pure iron.
    The operation was difficult. All the patience, all the ingenuity of the settlers was needed; but at last it succeeded, and the result was a lump of iron, reduced to a spongy state, which it was necessary to shingle and fagot, that is to say, to forge so as to expel from it the liquefied veinstone. These amateur smiths had, of course, no hammer; but they were in no worse a situation than the first metallurgist, and therefore did what, no doubt, he had to do.
    A handle was fixed to the first lump, and was used as a hammer to forge the second on a granite anvil, and thus they obtained a coarse but useful metal. At length, after many trials and much fatigue, on the 25th of April several bars of iron were forged, and transformed into tools, crowbars, pincers, pickaxes, spades, etc., which Pencroft and Neb declared to be real jewels. But the metal was not yet in its most serviceable state, that is, of steel.

    Now steel is a combination of iron and coal, which is extracted, either from the liquid ore, by taking from it the excess of coal, or from the iron by adding to it the coal which was wanting. The first, obtained by the  decarburation of the metal, gives natural or puddled steel; the second, produced by the carburation of the iron, gives steel of cementation. It was the last which Cyrus Harding intended to forge, as he possessed iron in a pure state. He succeeded by heating the metal with powdered coal in a crucible which had previously been manufactured from clay suitable for the purpose.
    He then worked this steel, which is malleable both when hot or cold, with the hammer. Neb and Pencroft, cleverly directed, made hatchets, which, heated red-hot, and plunged suddenly into cold water, acquired an excellent temper."

    There is lot more: a bit more chemistry, animal husbandry, seeds hunting, caving, ... and adventures ...

    And a final piece. Not wanting to reveal the ending, just a quote: "It might have been an island on terra firma." :)

    So thanks again, TFC team, for adding a new flavour to my old favourite book :)
    That's what is great about some old books and also "hard" science fiction - each one is a small scientific course. Like TFC, like KSP, ...


  13. Before trying to reproduce the bug with freshly deleted config files (I had deleted them recently, for the horse saddle teleportation bug report),

    just wanna ask - is it a feature, that a male pheasant fertilizes chicken eggs?


    I got only one chicken from overseas alive, so was planning the next journey, when found out several more chicken and roosters appeared in the barn with nests.

    The only explanation I can find is that a male pheasant was constantly nearby.

    If it's a feature - I like it a lot, it saved me a journey.

    I use TFC 0.78.17 with MapWritted mod installed.


  14. Version #: 0.78.17SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SingleSuggested Name: Horse saddle irreversibly teleports to horse's childrenSuggested Category: Annoying (very)Description:I had 1 male horse and 2 female (or 1 female, dont remember). 1 female was separated as a riding horse. Other two were made to mate for long time, they gave 5 children. Maybe one child is from the riding horse. Maybe some children also gave birth.

    Now I tame the male one. Leash, several times he throws me down, then hearts - tamed. I open inventory, put a saddle into the slot. Now he is controllable.

    I jump off - he is without saddle, but saddle is on another small horse, his child. Farther is now uncontrollable, as expected (no saddle).

    I repeated it 3 more times with the farther - two more small horses were saddled, but last time saddle remained on him.

    When I ride the teleport-saddled children, they are controllable, but no inventory is available, so can't get saddle back.

    Farther's inventory opens fine.Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes, MapWriter 2.0 Detailed versions:MC 1.6.4MCP v8.11FML v6.4.49.965Minecraft Forge


    Screenshots are below, I think they are useless. Shown the initial herd without the riding horse, some intermidiate states and the result, sorry for bad presentation.


  15. How do you manage crops gathering in multiplayer?


    (I have nearly no multiplayer experience and stumbled to this question trying a FFA server, still can't find a good answer.)


    I play on evenings at weekdays and more on weekends. A real-time 24 hours == 3 TFC seasons as I understand.

    So planting seeds one evening (e.g. late spring) I wont get any harvest next evening (late winter)  - too late, died, frozen, alone, abandoned, betrayed.


    I could use weekends for crop planting, but the whole idea to come to game at a predefined time (unless it's for player interaction) feels awful, like too much dependency from a game.


    So the only way I see is to cooperate with another player, better players, and make planting a pure community service. It's a pleasant way, but for now I would like to start my MP experience more independently, like prove myself, build a nice starting environment, and then start learning and interacting, not just starting in a team. But maybe it's my single-player mind's limitation ... :)


    Any advices or ideas, anyone?
