Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by heptagon_ru

  1. Btw, have found chickens. Not in the Jungle, just in some climate-appropriate ordinary biome, like -6k ... They seem to enjoy water skiing - no problems with full-speed boat. But near the destination the only rooster was meanly murdered by a gang of skeletons and wolves. So a next journey is planned next summer. So fun!


  2. Everyone, could you please help to understand some things:

    1. Why the teamspeak server is "always" empty despite 10 people on the server? Is it bad? Is it useless? Is it's client too hard for most computers?

    I'm exhausted typing everything in chat, especially whispers, between running from mobs and building. :-D

    I guess people from the whitelisted one also use the same server - but it's empty. Or they are hidden in the teamspeak client, like in private channels?

    2. Are there better ways to whisper with a player nearby, like a local chat or a separate chat channel?

    3. Smart Moving mod - it makes gameplay easier or harder? Or richer? Or really musthave, like a minimap one?


  3. Maga, or anyone - how did you manage to place chests on top of each other? I tried to make a tripwire hook for a trapped chest - and could not.


  4. Pyrocantaes, sorry man, bad luck. I would just search in a spiral. Just fighting probability with labor. I hope U will find it soon.

    Btw, have U checked places really close to spawn? I spent lot of time searching for graphite and was speechless when found it right at spawn.


    Also, as a sign of support to you, I decided to don't stop untill I find chickens, postponing my beloved skyrimish-pagoda-foodstorage-at-the-top-of-the-mountain project.


  5. Is 3k perimeter enough? In my freshly spawned understanding, player spawns usually close to -10k. The wiki states that chickens appear in Jungle climate. Jungle climate requires temperature 24 to 35 and the highest rainfall:  >1500. So probably chickens would be more common closer to equator (0), like -2k to -4k?

    Maybe if rains are more frequent in autumn (are they?), this would be a good time for the big chicken journey? Cons: crops could die.

    I haven't noticed bears close to animals so far, guess I'm lucky :) I enjoyed noticing that a bear whom I remember killing at the start of the long journey, spawned again roughly at the same place when I returned.


  6. Travelled 5k to find it. Enjoyed the journey a lot, never felt this way in the vanilla.

    Leaving the horse on a shore, making boats (break constantly), checking rocks, prospecting, managing growing inventory, meeting jungle finally on a new southern lonely shore, cutting through heavy jungle foliage, feeling like a pioneer ...

    No chickens yet, though :(

    Btw, have U a minimap installed? Helps a lot.

    Good luck! Don't let the puny rock salt outsmart you! Find it, dig it all out and dissolve into the ocean!!!


  7. Version #: 0.78.17

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single

    Suggested Name: Disappearing of a block above bloomery chimney

    Suggested Category: Annoying


    I have a maximum-height bloomery and placed a "safety" vertical slab two blocks higher (to let air "flow") than maximum bloomery fill.

    This block disappears when bloom is finished. It still exists after just starting blooming.

    The slab is made from limestone brick block. Tried planks - also disappear. See screenshots below.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: No


    Detailed versions:

    MC 1.6.4

    MCP v8.11

    FML v6.4.49.965

    Minecraft Forge


    Screenshots (unable to insert direct links in image tag because of "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community. "):

    1. Initial state, just built the safety block:

    2. Filled bloomery:

    3. Lit it, block stays:

     4. Blooming finished - block gone:

    5. Same with planks:

    6. Gone:


    General views:
