Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by arshia111

  1. I'm going on a trip and won't be on the server for 2 weeks. I allow Velander and jujugotoday to use my blast furnace and my steel anvil at will, since they helped me make them.
  2. What's your favorite method for storing food?

    But does food in a vessel decay the same in a chest or placed on the ground? Or is there any difference?
  3. I'm down for those two mods. They seem nice. Only two things: 1. I think that the tombstones should be set to owner-only. That way there won't be drama on the server. 2. We probably need to download a plugin to change the booth's crafting recipe, since we can't get normal iron. Look up MineTweaker.
  4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Okay then! That means I'll have to code it in 1.6.4. Thanks for answering, Dunk!
  5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Is TFC being updated to 1.7.10? If so, how long will it take? Before you think bad stuff about me for asking that, I need to know it so that I can schedule my mod development time. If it takes another month, then I'll code my mod. If it takes just a week (or less), then I'll wait for the 1.7.10 version.
  6. Etho does TerraFirmaCraft

    Okay. There won't be a pigsplosion. There'll be a pignuke! A pigH-bomb! A pigfest! A pigOverPopulationSoBadThatEveryBlockBecomesAPig! Someone tell Etho not to breed pig anymore. :v
  7. Username: arshia111Age: 17Location: Brazil Why do you like to play TFC? It's a nice shock between vanilla and actual survival. Why do you want to join? It's been a looong while since I joined a server, and I miss it. What will you add to the server? Probably a house, a few crazy ideas, community areas, etc...
  8. Support Beams not supporting?

    The weird thing is that it was happening without even walking on the grass. The holes just randomly started appearing. I believe it has something to do with grass spreading to nearby dirt blocks rather thank actually walking on the grass. Quite possibly when a new grass block is formed, it is still subject to gravity for a split second before it realizes that it isn't supposed to fall. That's okay when it happens on normal dirt, because since the dirt is being supported by other blocks, turning to grass will still keep it in the same place. But when it's floating in the air, since it has nothing below it (and quite possibly doesn't check for nearby support beams), something happens and makes it fall. I'd do some further testing with it to see if that's what is actually happening.
  9. Support Beams not supporting?

    Well, I dunno if it is a bug or not, but I'm gonna follow the template anyways, Version #: 0.78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Singleplayer Suggested Name: Suggested Category: Annoying Description: So, yeah. I have a drop covered by a one-thick dirt layer. To prevent it from collapsing, I put support beams under it. Thing is, dirt blocks still randomly fall every now and then. The picture was taken after a few minutes after placing the beams. AFAIK, the beams should be supporting the dirt, but, for some reason, they aren't. Am I doing something wrong? Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: I haven't edited the config file. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Rei Minimap, Aroma Backup, CodeChickenCore, Chicken Chunks, Not Enough Items, Waila.
  10. Support Beams not supporting?

    Well, I was just trying to make dirt stand still, which is usually what support beans are for. Actually, I was trying to prevent a cave in from removing the ground around my house. That seemed to work. Thanks! I wasn't considering the possibility of it falling when turning to grass, because I thought grass wasn't affected by gravity. I guess not all types of grass...