Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by capt_slowpoke

  1. Glass Blowing

    Well of course it doesn't need to be, but it would be fun.
  2. Glass Blowing

    To get back on topic and provide some actual content, here's my take on this idea. Let's say you make a block for a glass furnace: 1- this is where your fuel goes, pretty self explanatory and works like the firepit, except you can also use coal if you don't want to sit there forever waiting for your stuff to melt. 2- this is an optional idea, wood burning could produce ash in the output slot where the slag used to go in the firepit, (could even re use the sprite) which has other uses detailed later 3- this is where your sand goes, any sand would work. 4- an optional idea, ash could be refined into potash in a metal cauldron (perhaps going along with the hearth idea somebody else had, this would make glass copper age technology though) Potash has additional uses as fertilizer. (actually its primary use nowadays) 5- limestone, marble, dolomite, as detailed in ejzzje's post, for your lime. Or we could just use the already existing flux item, as it's pretty much the same stuff (Though I don't know if you can make glass with borax?) Adding a peice of ore here would change the color of the glass as well. 6- your blob of glass. When the ingredients get hot enough, they render down into this. It's essentially useless by itself, like a metal ingot. 7- anvil style interface, but instead of using an already hot ingot it just uses the blob that we just made from raw materials. This would give the scribing table an additional use, especially if glass is a later tier tech. There's no margin of error, as there wouldn't be a durability on items like tools have, so the drawback to not being able to hit the mark exactly would basically be wasted time (something TFcraft has you doing a lot) 8 - this would be the annealing chamber, where the hot glass items go to cool. your blob gets converted into this and moved here automatically. Glass items taken out too early would shatter into (semi)useless pieces. 9 - clear glass pane, made by adding galena to the melt. Other objects like a glass cauldron or a placeable jar to hold water in your house with were some other ideas I had, more decorative items would be nice. 10- light red pane, made by adding copper. Ideally we could have colored glass with alpha transparency, I don't know how feasible that is though. I know other mods have done it in the past, so hopefully it isn't impossible. 11- broken glass, gotten from taking an item out of the furnace too soon, or possibly by breaking other glass items with a hammer. This can go in the input slot and get recycled into another blob. A few tweaks I'd like to see: - Breaking glass panes drops the damn item instead of it vaporizing. This is a really irritating 'feature' from vanilla, and there's basically no gameplay reason for it. It exists solely to annoy the player in case they mis-click. Breaking it with a tool could yield the broken glass item as well. For anybody who argues "hurr durr glass breaks realism;" if you're going that route, glass is essentially infinitely recyclable, you just use fuel to melt it back down again. - Glass with proper alpha transparency instead of binary like it is now, as detailed above - Glass bottles placeable as an actual object (kind of like Terraria). With real alpha transparency you could just use the same texture as glass panes for it. Something like this maybe: - More decorative glass items in general would be nice as well, jars, glasses, stuff like that. maybe even bowls and flatware? TFcraft has more decorative options than any other mod I know of, why stop at stone blocks? Obviously not a super high priority. - with this system panes would be made as a single item, make a block from six of them. - being able to place panes horizontally As usual, I can provide any graphics for this.
  3. Aesthetic blocks list

    yeah, but the piles were mainly a storage solution, I'm talking about jade walls.
  4. Block Heads [0.79]

    the properties is just three lines:source=/ctm/randomrock.png method=random tiles=0 1 2 3 here's the png
  5. Block Heads [0.79]

    That's fine, just make note of which ones in your documentation. On a semi-related note, if anybody knows how the hell to use CTM I can get as far as making it recognize a block but it gives me this There's like one thread on the MCforums that even comes close to being helpful, so I guess nobody knows anything about CTM and there certainly isn't any documentation in the author's thread that I can find.
  6. Aesthetic blocks list

    I'd like gem blocks, not necessarily craftable back into gems, which would be how to do it if you can combine gems of varying quality to make one. I wouldn't be opposed to making separate blocks for all the different quality ones either.
  7. Metal Blocks

    ingot piles would be a cool storage solution, but I also would like a metal block that can be built with. Make it either by welding two double ingots together or something, and make it not easily able to be turned back into ingots, if at all.
  8. Better Chisel Curving

    In my opinion Redpower does this perfectly, my gripe with the way we do it now is that you can't pick up and re-place chiseled blocks.
  9. Block Heads [0.79]

    I'm not sure what to do about the grass, I gave up on it a long time ago.
  10. Fishing

    I can do that, I've already done a few for Bioxx and they match up pretty well.
  11. Fishing

    Sweet, glad to hear it. Let me know in IRC or PM if you want any graphics.
  12. Block Heads [0.79]

    Not currently, I think things start to look weird when you go over 32, but there's not enough room to work with 16.
  13. Block Heads [0.79]

    thanks. The reason they look like that is because those are some of the first things I did when making this pack however long ago, and I've gotten better at pixel art since then. I need to revise them some but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
  14. Block Heads [0.79]

    some of the seeds don't have graphics, I think. I'll check on it later tonight when I get back from work.
  15. Block Heads [0.79]

    The disappearing water has something to do with optifine, I can't figure out how to get it working with TFcraft. If anybody knows how to get random mobs without using optifine, that's all I use it for and the original random mobs mod is long abandoned. Textures should be current with version 60 now.
  16. Block Heads [0.79]

    Updated for 56
  17. Block Heads [0.79]

    the version on my dropbox should have updated wood textures, and a few tweaks to terrarocks
  18. Block Heads [0.79]

    I keep meaning to do that and get distracted playing Dark Souls.
  19. Block Heads [0.79]

    There's no graphics changes with 52 as far as I can see, so it should work. Edit: oh wait there are... It should be updated now. Edit again: If somebody can give me templates for CTM or find any kind of documentation that tells me how to actually USE it I'd be grateful
  20. Block Heads [0.79]

    the vanilla stuff is updated too, for the record. Not that I'll ever see it until Bioxx implements the stuff from new vanilla
  21. Block Heads [0.79]

    I've changed all the ores to tile but I can't get a screenshot because I can't see anything with damage levels in NEI, so just use your imagination (Or download the pack). Should be up to date with version 49j
  22. Block Heads [0.79]

    updated the sand
  23. Block Heads [0.79]

    That's intentional, it's to make them stand out on both light and dark backgrounds, the originals have a huge problem with being invisible on the wrong kind of stone.
  24. Block Heads [0.79]

    Here's a less contrast version of the woods. Ores and rocks will probably be revisited when I finish plants rename it to terrablocks.png and replace it in the zip file if you want to check it out
  25. Block Heads [0.79]

    thanks for the feedback, I play around with the textures constantly,I don't know what those missing tiles are, they look like a ladder and something else? Either way it doesn't look like they're used. There's a lot of unused assets in the texture files. As for the red clay, I've never seen blue clay before myself. All the clay where I live (and there's a lot of it) is red.