Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kazahied

  1. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    It's the sign of a well written suggestion
  2. If a TFC style beacon replacer could produce tons of light, which could repel mobs and replace torches (for open areas anyway) it wouldn't need buffs. The protection would be enough.
  3. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Well it was more specifically machinery but w/e
  4. 1) Brewing should fit within TFC considering it is using (mostly) natural ingredients to create tonics of sorts (possibly a more tfc redo is in the future) 2) Golems are technically within the TFC time-frame, Leonardo da Vinci created several but by today's' understanding of golems were very rudimentary 3) Dimensions in general (except if used to extend the overworld an extra few hundred blocks, should not be included (however i personally love the Mystcraft mod) 4) Beacons should be removed, but also replaced with a more TFC like placeholder. Less magical and more physical. maybe have it be more like an incese burner (if you want buffs) that you have to fuel with wood and potions of the effect you want. The light effect i can't think of a way to replicate IRL but im sure someone can
  5. Update Frequency Poll

    The thing is though if we don't stay near to up to date with minecraft then we will end up missing many third party mods and then it becomes a decision to stay with a great mod, or get dozens of other good mods. I personally would love to see b78 for mc 1.6.4, there are so many good mods that are compatible but don't have a 1.6.2 version or are buggy as all get out on 1.6.2
  6. A few suggestions on Stone Age Weapons

    I agree with Kain, having a sort of skill by playing is much better than a point based skill system. And it would fit the theme of TFC skills already implemented such as smithing and pro picking.
  7. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    A lot of posts yes, that usually all say the same thing. My intent is to condense them down into a singular idea. (most of them are all about horses and waterwheels powering mills) And none of them go in enough detail to flesh out an outline for how the proposed systems should work. They typically say stuff like "we should have mechanical querns, and we can power them with horses" or other such things.
  8. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    With the upcoming build 78 there is a lot of room for several mechanical devices powered by the most often suggested horses. However most of these suggestions have been guided towards agriculture, while this is good there are many things lacking in these suggestions. The goal of this post is to flesh out ideas for machinery (most of my ideas involve mass production but at a cost) 1) a means to store power You should not have to construct a storage unit to have access to power for grind stones and the like, but for those without access to a river or water fall continual power means getting the horses out every time you need something done. An easy way to store power (and TFC plausible) would be a counterweight. By constructing a tower with a counter weight you could store tremendous amounts of potential energy to drive machinery. This was the same driving force of trebuchets, the famous castle killers. Yet another way would be torsion springs, such as those used in the roman ballistae, by using a ratcheting wheel very high amounts of energy could be stored in sinew springs in a ballistae allowing incredible ranges. This form of storage would not be very good for say grinding grain due to high speed but low duration, it could however be used to assist the raising of a heavy counter weight in a tower 2) the machinery Grain Mill Many have suggested the multiblock grinding wheel. A structure that can grind lots of grain seamlessly and without having to right click several querns to make bread. This is an excellent idea but should be made a bit bigger, a simple 3x3x3 is a tad small for such a critical piece of technology. something on the scale of a 5x5x7 would be a bit closer to historical counterparts (mind you that minecraft scale is a bit wacky). Something of this size could process 9 grain at a time and out put flower at the same rate as a quern. However even though it is bigger than 9 querns it wouldn't need to have its stone replaced (however the stone costs more to build--or the stone could last longer)and it wont need to be manually driven. Trip Hammer (aka Power Hammers) A very overlooked tool used as early as 20 AD by the Chinese, a trip hammer uses a heavy mass attached to guide rails to strike an object placed below. Common applications varied from ore refinement, to stamping metals, to crushing grain. Our application could be much simpler than the complex uses in history. We could use to crush stone into flux, and to do basic blacksmithing. In the black smithing the hammer would have to be equipt with a dye to stamp an ingot with. This dye would be limited to basic shapes, such as arrow heads and other cast-able parts (however for balance tools made with a trip hammer would have a damage penalty). then it would need to be either cranked (by hand or a power source) into ready position then fed with an ingot of workable temperature and fired, this process could have a random chance of success, often requiring many strikes to get a finished product. but for arrows you would get more than one arrow head per ingot. The hammer could also perform welding by feeding it the proper materials (flux would not be needed due to the forces involved with the hammer) For balance a hammer would need a solid block of a metal and the tier of this metal would determine mass/ success rate. The solid block would be crafted from 9 double ingots. The overall hammer would be a 3x3x7 and need considerable force to operate. Dies would wear out at half the rate of hammers in an anvil Foundry (terrible name for the idea but it sorta fits) A foundry would be a massive forge that could run off of most burn-able materials. The added benefits of a foundry over a standard forge would an automatic bellows when powered, capacity to heat many things (3x2 heat source, to heat up to 6 crucibles at once), and the need for only a single chimney. Like many people who like to build inside mountains, underground, or at the bottom of an ocean, having several forges is a hassle, each one needs a chimney, and unless you get crafty and get four to a single chimney, that means a lot of digging for vents. The Foundry can also run on just about any source of fuel, once its coal beds are made. The fact that it has its own bellows that can be powered and run continuously more that warrants its cost. The frame of the foundry would be any stone other than cobble, the bed of coals would be a stack of coal or charcoal one block deep filling the 3x2 space and would require 3 bellows in construction. Water-pump This would provide a way to move water from point a to point b without having to spend colored steel, it would take quite a bit of other materials though. This machine would move water from a source next to an intake valve and move it into the pipes added in b78. This is a simple machine and does not need a whole lot of power. when hooked to pipes a barrel could accept fluid from them and pipes with negative pressure cause by being on the input side of a pump would suck fluids out of barrels. a water pump could be as small as a 3x3x2. weak versions would not even need metal to build and could run only on wooden parts 3) power sources Windmills- windmills would produce a small amount of continuous power but would need open space for wind, Horses- horses provide large amounts of power but need to be fed, rested and bred to fill the role of a power source Waterwheels- expensive to build a water wheel would provide average power continuously but would need large amounts of water to work (either falling water from at least 10 blocks or a require a 10 radius in a line of water (21 blocks in a line) at least 5 wide to provide full power Cranks- basic cranks these are part of all the machines and are operated by hand, these provide the slowest but cheapest power solution 4) power transfer Transferring the power from source to consumer is a difficult task, and most mods take the easy-way out and use electricity or pipes. TFC could use basic shafts and gears, nothing too complex just strait shafts and a 90 degree turn. Shafts- basic shafts would have a limit on how much load they could move, wood will have low limits where colored steel would be able to transfer tons of force Gears- every junction of a gear would reduce speed and force by a percentage, this percentage decreasing as the quality of the materials increase with colored steel being near loss-less Couplers- would be used to allow a shaft to interact with a machine Single- used as a clutch to turn on/off a machines power double- used to active a machine but allow power to continue to another shaft, useful to build storage units in the shaft Some ideas about the power system. Speed is not an issue. the energy is only measured in force. However all the machinery have a minimum force required to move with things like the hammer needing a lot of force and the grinding wheel needing only a little. Excess force speeds the machine to a limit. if a machine does not receive enough force it wont operate at all. Certain machines that use machinery as a bonus (like the foundry will function but need to be manually operated for the machinery to function)-- the foundry will function as a forge with no bellows. --jeez this is a long one--
  9. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    But in a survival situation, even dog is a good meal
  10. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Didn't teach drill so much as make boys into killing machines
  11. Besides the Egyptians, Hebrews, Ethiopians, Japanese, Chinese, ... basically everyone (except the south american cultures, they like obsidian) used copper before the discovery of bronze and even after. copper was a simple metal that was easy to smelt and could be picked up off the ground.
  12. Possibly use any tier of metal from bronze on up for bloomeries. Perhaps make them get hotter and more efficient
  13. food preservation

    Plus 1 for someone who knows how sauerkraut is made
  14. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Drill instructor hai? What service teaching drill? USMC, not many know the difference between a drill sgt. and a drill instructer
  15. Remember its a game, sometimes what is believable must take a back seat to playable. melting ice in an ice-pot works, so long as the size difference in the materials is enough to allow thermodynamics to spread the energy across the greater mass of the pot. Technically if you grind iron into a fine enough powder you can make steel in an aluminum pop can. True you may have some meltage of the pot over time but that is usually pulled out of the iron as slag.
  16. Single player config option

    1. TFC is not a standard mod- it is an overhaul, it is a complete redo of minecraft and it is posted that it will be incompatible with virtually all mods that need vanilla world gen or items. 2. The dev's have been at this a while, they are "closed minded" because they have been doing this for a very long time, and this is what most of the community wanted. 3.There already is a config file (actually TFC has 2) they are located in the .minecraft folder under config (for singleplayer) they are called TFC.cfg and TFCOptions.cfg There is a lot you can do in the configs, they even coded in the capability for mod compatibility. I'm a programmer with lots of experience with java, it is not so simple as to write a config for a mod, you have to make every aspect that changes in the config be open to take variables in the mod itself. That takes lots of coding and lots of time. And if you spend the time being creative you can find ways to do work arounds for mod incompatibility, my server has the entire IC2, UE, and BC mod sets and we can do everything just fine.
  17. Been playing since the beginning of TFC, The age progression is fine as it stands right now. even vanilla minecraft craft is based on luck to decide if you got anywhere above stone tools. There have been worlds where i was stuck in stone age for (in game) months, simply because i couldn't get any copper (tin for days but not an ounce of copper). The flip side is I also have worlds where I spawn on top of a freaking copper field where everything is copper.
  18. [Solved] looking for tips & help

    A trick ive learned for mining involves digging 3x3 shafts every 20 or so blocks in a grid, then connecting these with a 3x3 tunnel. If i find an area with high ore concentration i build a sluice rig of around 7 layers of 10 sluices. Small copper and and other ores help keep low end tools in high supply while i strip mine the rest of the area looking for irons and such.
  19. Because logic -Just realized i have committed a gaming sin.......I'm using a mac-
  20. burning peat sometimes gives magnetite nuggets

    Could always use the charcoal pit method and have it placed burnt peat. When broken with a shovel it drops magnetite nuggets, the % chance for ore would be calculated and placed as the burnt peat
  21. burning peat sometimes gives magnetite nuggets

    Would seam a bit op in my opinion, unless the percentage is dramatically low. I have seen fields of peat over a thousand blocks square and up to 10 blocks thick in some places. Much like deserts and gems this would provide a simple way of by passing most earlier metals.
  22. Update Frequency Poll

    Well game breaking isnt really an issue, at least for me. On my server we have a multiverse where we work to keep an archive of all our old worlds and convert them to the new formats. We still have our original TFC world from way back when. That being said, game breaking updates should be limited (if possible) to major minecraft updates or other things that would force a world reboot anyway. On a side note you can code a script to convert old tfc into new tfc upon launch. (could be a nightmare and more trouble than its worth, but would be nice for the people who mega built life sized castles and such.
  23. War Comes to TFC

    Combat in TFC, and vanilla minecraft for that matter, is very linear. Basically once a player has metal armor and a mace he is unbeatable. There is only two real forms of combat currently; Javelin spam or mace. Adding in a few things would introduce strategy into combat. In larger servers the town that can put together a balanced army would fair better than one that just mass produces maces. This is a long post so here we go Variants in armor; Chain mail would be a lighter cheaper but more labor intensive armor, protections would be less than standard armor but would be better against piercing attacks.Lamellar armor would replace current armor so as to differentiate the types, it would be a balanced armor that is good all around and doesn't sacrifice too much mobilityPlate mail would be a very expensive but very strong armor that makes the wearer neigh indestructible (within reason) however wearing full plate would make the user have a permanent slow 1 debuff effect on "not the actual debuff but you move the same speed" New mechanics involving armor; Wearing armor higher than leather will cause the player to move slower based on the type of armorWearing metal armor will accelerate the effects of ambient temperature on the playerWearing armor will increase the rate at which thirst and hunger deplete Horses; Horses are to be added soon with many of the variables that TFC has for mobs. Three new variables and an easy way to view them for more efficient breeding would be as follows; Strength- denotes the animal's strength, its capacity to carry an armored rider, equipment, and pulling powerAgility- denotes the animal's top speed, agility, and accelerationEndurance- denotes the animals ruggedness, stamina, and hardinessThese traits would be balanced in such a way that you cannot have a horse that has more than one trait maxed. You would have to sacrifice somewhere to improve elsewhere. These new variables would also make implementing carts, machines, and other mechanical/transportation uses for horses easier. To view the traits a simple modification of the vanilla horse GUI would be able to read out gender, fertility status (how far pregnant, ready to breed, etc) stats and modify the gear While on horse back players wearing armor would not have the movement penalties associated with the armor so long as the horse can carry the weight. As the weight on the horse increases it's top speed will decrease, once its weight threshold is reached it will move as fast as the player can walk but lose hunger/stamina at 3x the normal rate. From horse back most melee weapons would have a small bonus to armor pen, negating a percentage of the weapons damage in flat reduction to the armors resistance (another way would be to simply make the armor take more damage, if reduction calculations are too complex) Weapons; To deal with the new kinds of armor the bow and arrow needs a redo. To make it believable, no archery from horseback if wearing metal armor (not quite realistic but try drawing a bow with full plate on) simply to balance the combat a bit. arrow heads would now be knapped for stone heads, and cast for minor metals, for the higher tier metals like steel there would be other kinds of arrows meant to deal with knights in plate, and other specialized targets Bodkin- meant to penetrate plate armor the bodkin does less damage than a standard arrow head of the same material but ignores half of the armorBroad head- meant to cause massive wounds to animals and unarmed soldiers the broad head does more damage than a standard arrow of same material but has 50% weakness to targets wearing the same tier of armor or higher (ie stone-leather, t1metals to t1+ and so on) and 25% to targets wearing armor at allField- meant for target practice these arrows don'd despawn nearly as fast so that you can collect them from a target, they do next to no damage The Lance; The lance would be a weapon for mounted use and gets massive penalties when used when dismounted, damage would get a boost from the weight of the horse factored by its final speed after all the gear is added. Siege Crossbow; A heavy crossbow with very high damage but short range, low accuracy and low rate of fire. The siege crossbow would be used to lob high damage heavy bolts similar to the new arrow heads over walls and into towns. The range and accuracy compared to a vanilla bow would be quite low but the damage from getting hit would be very high ( near instant kill at lvl 0/1). The point of this is that javelins cost a lot to build decent ones but a bow has too flat a trajectory to be used to siege properly. There are only too ways to fix this, siege engines or a high angle of attack capable bow that doesn't take 15 seconds for the arrow to come down Place-able Shields; To help protect infantry from the new bow and cross bow, place-able shields made from wood and thatch would be deployed to allow infantry some cover in the open, of course the shields would be easily destroyed by fire, and melee.
  24. War Comes to TFC

    While on the subject of armors and effects. I was thinking about maybe crafting leather armor with an insulation material ....wool maybe.... The result would allow you resist effects of extreme cold Another thing since lances and such would be unwieldy for a novice user. Jousting Gear- Specially modified suits of armor and lances that allow players to hit each other without injury The only tricky part of coding jousting would be to determine who won with out resorting to who has the better horse calculations Possibly a points system that could calculate the following and dismount the player with a lower score. Points for first hit Points for strength of hit - where strength of hit is mass of horse + rider--- horse = 500 kilo* scale factor (scale factor is the size of the animal due to TFC coding) + rider armor +horse armor + rider (75 kilo is average so use that for constant) multiplied by speed of horse at impact ---- its but fairly balanced penalty for not hitting within 10 ticks To keep players from dismounting each other in standard pvp jousting would only work if both parties are wearing joust armor variants
  25. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    Shields could be equiped like an armor peice and have their own hit box, right clicking with a weapon and a shield equipt would raise the shield to full guard