Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kazahied

  1. Food System Tweak

    Sounds good, this would also passively re-balance the opness of grain products. By mid game a decent sized village can completely survive on a 10 x 10 plot of grain. With plenty excess to do as they please. It wouldn't fix it completely (just make a bigger farm) but it would cut down on food stores much more rapidly.
  2. Siege Equipment

    Cities yes, but the little 10x10 shacks that most players make no. Remember Constantinople was a freaking massive city, not a single house
  3. Siege Equipment

    The thing is, period cannons were so unrealiable and inaccurate you run a bigger risk of blowing your self up then doing anything constructive.......unless you like shooting mountains, they could do that fairly well.
  4. Siege Equipment

    I agree with the need for expensive siege weapons. I just don't want to see something that can rain hell on someone from miles away with pinpoint accuracy
  5. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    It's like i used to tell smaller recruits when i was a drill instructer " its's not the size of the warrior, its the size of the fight in the warrior"
  6. Siege Equipment

    The thing is, it doesn't matter if you make them. no matter what "gun" you use that is period accurate. Most cannons users were considered to be marksmen if they could hit a castle from beyond 300m.This doesn't sound so bad when you consider most castles were freaking massive. The little player castles in most maps don't even qualify as strongholds in most real castles. (according to scale) Most sieges with cannon were fired from about 100-150m away from the castle and the cannons missed regularly. So with the expensive parts of the cannon in tfc you are left with a million dollar noise maker that will freak out anyone not knowing what is happening
  7. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    I used to have a pet fox. they make awesome pets. Kinda like a cross between a dog and a cat. You just gotta train them right and give them plenty of room to run around. ----- does not endorse going to the woods to get own fox--------
  8. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Rather than having the pets reduce in size over generations, it should be breed like cows and such. Honestly i would rather have packs of cats the size of horses patrolling my fields
  9. coal coke, use for that ton of coal

    Could make a process for the giggles to make a powerful fuel that is labor intensive.Do the whole process you said where you grind coal and mix with water. Then you have to grind the dried result then mix with another coal slurry- gives you a stage 2 mix. put this in another pit to dry again. then harvest to get chunks then craft with a hammer to get usable coke pieces -- uses for the final product -- Burns hotter and longer than coal or charcoal- meaning that a furnace bloomery or blast furnace would need less fuel and less bellow work to get and stay hot can be crafted with arrows to make tipped arrows- allowing the arrow to be lit at any source of fire- so that you can lightup areas and burn things hit
  10. Nerf Water Stream Blocks

    A work around would be only source can freeze, that way the water will stop flowing and nightmares like that would end.
  11. Siege Equipment

    The Chinese had gunpowder long before the Europeans did, and it took them centuries to figure out that it had battlefield capabilities. The first attempts were rockets that could (at best) hit with 40m accuracy. They didn't explode, they only carried arrows. The first successful powder based weapons were massive bombards that fire several kilo projectiles a couple hundred yards into castle walls. Despite being really slow to put in place and very expensive, they were favored due to capability of rendering castle walls and armor pointless. - and to make bomb barrels suck less maybe make barrels retain their inventory when broken?-
  12. Siege Equipment

    The reason they said no to guns is that its a balance issue. Due to the time period Early 1500s is pussing it, guns that were around at this time would be highly inaccurate and only usefull in volly fire at close range. To have a player use this would be impossible. And the muskets and such from balkons would be way to freaking accurate and almost game breaking.Also considering that guns made armor obsoliete over night that would ruin half of the gameplay of tfc.
  13. Automitons in TFC

    Automatons have been the holy grail of ancient inventors for time immemorium.( Da Vinci had working plans for several)Possibly add craft able automatons to the game. They would need to be made in several pieces and eventually be assembled in a rig. The rig would be a 2 deep, 3 tall, and 3 wide multiblock structure that would hold the various parts of the Automaton until its final construction. Have various parts in various configurations do different things. (ie: tool arms that would let the creation do limited tasks, such as cut down trees nearby. Some of the internal pieces would need non tool metals do to needing delicately made parts ( a use for brass and lead) The automatons would need to be fueled or wound up based on the power source. And once they ran out of fuel, power etc they would become inanimate and just stand there like a statue. And as they work, kill mobs, do other random tasks their tools/ armor/ weapons would degrade and need replaced. When the time is right to do this take it back to the rig and disasemble the automaton and replace whats broken.
  14. How to solve the lose of crops in winter.

    For some reason the trapdoors accumulate snow. My base is somewhere around -25k , and its under the ice cap. I constantly have to clear my vents for my forges as they get covered in snow. and plants pop off the ground when it gets around 1C.Torches and other small blocks like saplings are destroyed by snowfall And what constitutes "hardy".... cant even grow potatoes up here, even when its warm
  15. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Another thing while I'm thinking about the warhorses. Possibly adding variants to the armors? Like chain-mail that is lighter but weaker than say the plate mail that seams to be standard. Chain would take less material to make but take more forging to make the chains and such. And maybe a heavier armor made by welding and working more plates to the existing armors. These would slow/weigh down the horse but would make you neigh indestructible (within reason, and to the same effect that knights in full plate were like the Abrams tank of their day), it could also make you move slower when dismounted (maybe have it drain your thirst/hunger faster)
  16. TerraFirma+ : Storage & Furniture

    Maybe add an armor/weapon/statue thing to the list. It would have inventories for a full suite of armor and a too/weapon. Mostly for display vs storage. could be made out of a stone base, with a wood frame to hold the gear.
  17. Heat Sources

    What would be awesome to would be to allow cross mod recognition. for example, things that have temperature in the very common mods. like rail-craft. possibly having the pipes added in b78 be able to transport high temperature liquids/gases, allowing them to be a heating system. (pump hot water through a pipe to radiate heat nearby)
  18. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Lol, great minds think alike i guess
  19. First post & a slew of things!

    Lol we found a massive cavern similar to that one. a couple people named it atlantis and built a freaking city under the floating water..... at the bottom of the ocean.
  20. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Maybe a pack horse saddle? would prevent riding while it was on the horse but let the horse carry a small chest worth of gear?
  21. Automitons in TFC

    Leonardo da Vinci actually created automatons. His mechanical knight was originally built in the late 1400s. It is more believable than the undead. His designs were made using metal gears and were "programmed" by changing these gears. I was intending them for more late game to handle menial tasks. like work a bellows, or tend to a small patch of crops.
  22. In lead crystal, small amounts of lead are added to molten glass to make it stronger and clearer.A "glass" wine glass makes a pinging sounda "leaded crystal" wine glass sounds like a freaking bell leaded crystal is also surprisingly easy to work, being many times easier to grind and carve vs standard glass
  23. Changes in quern recipes

    Just for testing we planted a single harvest of around half a sq kilometer. The resulting grain has lasted us for over 2 years in game. Our town had increased in population from 12 to 17 and we still had plenty.We still have 2 double chests full of bread. Rice op
  24. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Possibly lances, and maybe a special breed of horse for war?Knights typically had 3-7 horses for various uses. A pack horse carried armor and other gear a "riding" horse would be used for transportation to save the war horse for battleA (usually a pair or more) Coursers or chargers which were a large horse bred for strength and speed. having a longer weapon like a lance would make hitting creepers and such from full gallop a heck of a lot easier, could be made similarly to a javelin but uses a lance shaft instead of a stick, the shaft could be craft by 3 diagonal sticks. And add a variant of lance made from a shaft and a a piece of softer material...say wool for simplicity sake. (could be anything really) that when used does absolute minimal damage. based on a ratio of player stats and horse strength/speed it would either dismount (if a threshold was reached) or the lance will break (returning the shaft but consuming the soft material used). Maybe to balance it out so its not done in standard pvp, add a jousting armor made by crafting armor with a jousting plate (matching metal plate crafted with leather for padding) this armor basically loses half its normal armor value but lets the wearer joust.
  25. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Horse shoes were made of practically any metal that was on hand. Iron obviously was the norm due to low costs and high strength. But today's race horses wear titanium and aluminum alloy ones. Since they are lighter.