Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by zlim3z

  1. FYI - Reason for not being on == GW2
  2. Not sure scooter, Probebly would have needed a Java IDE and knolage of how the game defines a position in code, So might have been more effort that it would have been worth.
  3. You should always stand in the middle of 2 blocks when mining down Safer
  4. Ty, Beeeen ages Also kinda looking forward to Beta 3 now, Merc is kinda fun - But i wanna conquer the world Talking of which, A bigger player base on the server would realy help kick of the RP. Server could do with some big time shoutouts or something...
  5. Yhe, If you could. It's been ages now.
  6. Been almost 4 hours now, Still locked out of the server with this error, If its still happening tonight, I may just ask you you to delite the
  7. You may have to delite my player data, I cant get back into the game (Internal Server Error) I was a few thousand blocks out at the time so I may have hit a world border or something? As for the stuff in my inv, I can cope without it I guess, Basicaly a stack of food, Stack of arrows, 2 bows, Lots of leather, full set of leather armore. Not much, Also I know where your base is
  8. Also, for the record, I consider myself the "Example Mercinary" playing all sides and never accepting the first price. As such, I hope people will see what I do and whish to be Merc after beta 3, Because In Beta 3 im starting my own kingdom. Im also thinking about calling in my teammates that beat everyone to endgame on the Enderville Mod server, With the old team working together I recon we could found a pritty big empire in little time, Maby even give your clan a run for tere money Jed
  9. ECC, If you reeaaly want to you could live with me I guess, As youve hit the point of not wanting to play anymore I guess I can trust you But when it comes to making houses - No ugly crap
  10. We could do with a section of the forums where you file a contract, noone else can see it and you cannot edit it. So then you can carry it out and the original contract is there for veiwing, with a date set before the action was taken.
  11. Jed, Capes look awsome, What about HD Skins aswell? xD Do you know when/iff that mumble pluggin will be up?
  12. Anyone know when Beta 3 is likely to come out? I saw on the forums that we have a scedualed event on the 17th "RP begins" dose that mean beta 3 possibly?
  13. Was up all this morning, Crashed around 12:00 I think
  14. Server has been down for a while now.
  15. I have not yet been PMed any of the IPs (Im guessing you are PMing the IPs?)
  16. ECC, I think it would be a shame to build anything other then the ship, Maby if it was done legit as a group prodject it could stay as part of the RP aspect - "Catacombes of Learning" or something. Other then that It shurly cant be too difficult to find some instructions for the basicsa of the mod on the interwebs?
  17. Scientists now globaly recignise UTC as the offical name for 00:00. However most of us europeans still call it GMT :F
  18. Im going to be making a "Steampunk Captain" casual style skin. And that dosent make me a steampunk captain - Just a style - Law freindly
  19. And we shal feed on mustard from the orient! Hehe
  20. Awsome! Also - Im going to try and start am Empire Also would make creating new storys easyer, Just invent a Dynasty of Rulers lol.
  21. Is the server going to be 100% legit, AKA even spawn is build legit?
  22. Ok Jed @JAG Ive had them working together before but Ill have to test them again, been a while since Ive installed both together
  23. Steady on - The first maps only temp. BTW, Here is a short list of the mods I will be installing - Just say if you have a problem with me having any of them. .Jar Mods ------------ Forge ModLoader (Not sure if this is needed with Forge as of the recent updates) PlayerAPI CodeChickenCore TFC + Resorces Convinient Inventory REI's MiniMap ModFile Mods ------------ NEI Smart Moving Mod Optifine (HD Patcher dosent seem to work with TFC, so Optifine if TFC remains compatible) InvTweaks Textures ------------ Faithfull 32x textures Faithfull 32x TFC pluggin
  24. I might just make a tutorial for MMC installing TFC
  25. Char generation template V0.1 In Game Name(IGN): zlim3z Character Name: Darius ruby Reamor Character Age: 16 Character Sex: Male Family: Only son to Villius Dreldon, Ward to Lord Nathal Reamor Background: I would remind you I was mearly 4 years old when I was taken as ward of the nobel House Reamor. My father "The Vile Villius" got himself killed on a mad mans attempt to overthrow the crowned kind of the western lands, leaving me the marked blood of a traitor. Soon after my father was executed discussions where held debating my future, As a son of a mad Pheasant traitor there was not a single man in the Royal council who would take me as ward - and thus it was decreed that I would be killed as a traitor, secretly, behind the public eye. - Again, I will remind you I was mearly 4 at the time. As rumours spread regarding the execution of a 4 year old, people began to rebel - within a day of my fate being decided the kingdom was on the brink of civil war, Entill a single northen Nobel by the name of Nathal Reamor steped forward, Declairing wardship over me - saving the eastern kingdom for the peoples fury. On the way north it was explained to me that I would be known as a Reamor from that day on - And while that did come to pass as I grew up, the 4 year old riding beside Lord Reamor at the time was still confused as to why he was not with his father at that moment and could not concertrate on anything but that fact. So I grew up, as the young Lord Reamor, Over the years I forgot about my old mad father and accepted the kind Lord of the Winter Isles as my new father. Entill, that day came. That day that had been haunting me my whole life - the day that somone loyal to the crowned king of the west found out about my true past. Blindly Paying an assasin to kill the traitor and all people who try to defend me. I guess he thought it was the honerable thing to do. On that night Lord Reamor and 5 of his household guard where killed. But I got away, throwing myself into the icy waters and swimming for my life. Aware that my presence put the people around me in danger I spent the last 7 years of my life a homeless vagabond - And then I found myself here, On a ship headed for new land and a new live, as a volenteer deck hand, And with a storm approching fast.