Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by zlim3z

  1. Use MultiMC - It makes upgrading TFC so much simpler, No need to reset JAR everytime there is an up date + simple mod sorting so if you install something incorrectly ect... you can remove it without having to install everything allover again.
  2. How about more of a Beta test? where the server dosent actualy use any of the charicters people have made but is simply to test the functionality of the server and the RP aspects. But a big question is. Ruffly what ETA is on the 1.3 version of TFC?
  3. Its right there on the MC forums page for the mod - But for simplicity here :
  4. Wow. Isent KillerBee the one that did the original moded letsplays and modded server before tekkit? Pritty impressive that he owns his own server hoast now 0.0
  5. What server host are you going to use? And dang - I gotta come up with a charicter name fast (Storylines = Easy, Names = Hard)
  6. If you want dragon mounts then playes would need to install the mod aswell as TFC to play, If you wanted to, you could look into getting permitions for an autoinstaller server modpack. Or an offical list of "Required Mods"
  7. Yes, by addons I meant additions I did read abit of the change logs but there are SOO many changes since I last played Im still pritty decent at the game, just need some SSP practice.
  8. I realy need to get used to all these new TFC addons before the server goes up lol. Last time I played was early Beta v1
  9. I dont belive redstone ore is even in the terrain gen code for TFC. Not sure about buttons.
  10. If you need any help building or desighning the server also, Id be happy to help, Im a fully whitelisted member of the voxelbox if they means anything to you: and http-~~-// Also, Im slowly getting into video making (Previouse vids where edited with camtasia, I now have sony vegas): http-~~-//
  11. @JANG Thats not a REAL TNT cannon! THIS IS!
  12. This sounds truly amazing, I have seen people trying/attempting to do the same but with the detail you have gone into and with the added realism of TFC this should end up truly amazing! Just a few thoughts of mine; When a player dies, They may have a grudge on the player that killed them, However the new charichter that spawns technicaly would never have heard of either the charicter that died or the killer. Do you have a way of regulating and/or stopping kills souly for revenge? Or do you allow grudges to be carried from Char to Char? Also, Have you considered that many players will want to create a realy good backstory and when they die, they will enevitable want to recreate the exact same story for the new charicter that "Become". Finaly - Are there going to be mobs on the server? Hostile or Nuteral - Im guessing there arnt hostile mobs as there isent any information for death by mobs. PS: Love the idear, and sorry if I have asked something already answered and/or written and explained in the main post.