Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by zlim3z

  1. Having read the update on skills:

    Skills should be split into 2 sections:


    These are things like, strength, dex, agility etc... they increase as you work on anything related to them, eg, smithing and wearing heavy armor both contribute to your overall strength, heavy armor might also force you to gain agility the longer you wear and use it for. They then have slight but increasing effects on things such as the speed at which you can move in heavy armor (Strength and Agility), or how fast you can draw a bow (Although personally a bow is easy to draw fast, so how accurately you fire is much better) (Dexterity, and possibly Strength for more powerful bows.)


    These you obtain from doing something directly, farming, smithing, mining, (Bow shooting maby, although the idea is you cant directly improve skills in combat, instead you increase Attributes that benefit combat effectiveness) these skills are the same as Attributes with the exception that they only increase player effectiveness in the field that the knowledge is gained in, smithing, faming etc... These again are minor improvements that increase overtime, no "You cant use this yet because your a dumbo"

    This leads to a far greater dynamic as players play the game, and gain skills by doing everyday stuff, there isn't any grinding, because the only way you can grind to be better at PvP is by doing something like smithing to increase strength, which you'd have to do anyway.


  2. Well not stoping but protecting , i am not talking about the boar being knocked out but by decreasing the damage !

    Also could a boar push a player around , when it charges in TFC ? Maybe if the player is next to a mountain or a ravine or a hole , it could be fatal ! Animals pushing you off the cliff what ya' think?

    Definitely, IRL id rather run then face taking a hit however :P


  3. Also let us not just worry about other players , but about animals , since they will fight back .

    Again the shield .... boar charging against you because you want its meat ? Bash it with a shield to protect you're priceles armour from getting hurt or you're leg breaking !

    What about this , for a second use of a shield ! But a player must be abble to chose betwen shield and bow ! *The bow or shield could be placed in a side slot made for them , the arows could have a quiver , alowing you to only have that much arows , maybe even alowing multyple arows to be mixed together and chosable which one will be fired ?

    I would image a boar would be difficult to stop with anything but a boar spear.

    I like the idea of quivers, could allow for say shift clicking an arrow storage to automatically refill it or something like that, Means big wars you can have lots of arrows without inventory hassle, and while hunting you only have a few.


  4. So what you are saying is that someone forgot to tell the zulu tribe that their shields were supposed to be made of oak? There were more areas of the world using different types of weapons and armor than Europe and asia.

    Since TFC is gearing towards the early development of the player, these types of weapons and armor (stone, wood, leather and bone), should be more varied than just metals and woods.

    Indeed Wooden shields rock, but until you figure out your place in the metal working field, how are you going to hold the boards of wood together effectively without tacks, nails, or metal bands?

    Leather/bamboo shields (depending on the locale) should be a good starter (if shields are going to be implemented). And even if they are not, leather armor and leather and bone armor is a good start too.

    This adds a lot of variation for not just end-game items, but also for beginning.

    With the implementation of differing attack types (which weapons could theoretically have using the MODE option that tools have), you can make whatever type of armor (again) fits your play style.

    This is just an opinion, but going from no shield straight to wood and metal shields just kinda feels like an important step in the discovery phase is skipped.

    ok, Slight oversight on my part there, however a Zulu shield at a guess was more for whacking spears ect sideways opening for an attack, the hide itself offered little protection, similar to the Highlanders techniques.

    It seems to me like having a duel wielding mechanic is the way to go also.


  5. I'll give more of an ambiguous answer than dunk. Maybe. I've stated it many times by now, but magic is not verboten in TFC. It depends entirely on how it is implemented. That said, I don't know that I'd want to incorporate it into combat. I think I would enjoy a magic system better that is more like mystical experimentation for the good or bad of the world. (Don't hold me to this, I'm just theorizing on the fly)

    I like the sound of this - I've always though magic was something that required skill and reasearch to use - allot of games, films and books ruin it by making it seem off hand and easy, you simply pick up a staff or read a magic book and at most spend 20 mins practicing before being a super warrior -_-


  6. Shields where traditionally Solid Oak, Easy to obtain with some basic tools and the right sort of tree, but VERY heavy. Later shields would be thinner oak/pine ect... with metal plating, and then thick metal - but nowhere near as thick as the oak, slightly lighter though.


  7. Unless by some unfortunate design your armour was made without any protection on your back, there's no real reason that being attacked there would cause a significant difference in damage. Even if you try to argue that an unsuspected attack isn't blocked, I doubt any blocking you could do would reduce the dealt damage by a factor of 5.

    I may have forgot to mention it to be a sneak attack, Would be difficult to add to MC, but if your undetected, that gap just above the chest plate showing the neck is free for the taking.


  8. Instead of making the weapon's just have a singular weapon class, why not make the weapons have different properties which influence these classes? A longsword probably has the weight to cause minor crushing damage, and a dagger has piercing and slashing traits, arrows could be used in close range as a slashing/piercing device, although being too light and ending up being weaker than a letter-opener, and certain maces can be for piecing/slashing and smashing.

    Daggers = x5 damage in the back would be cool.


  9. Well, with an updated combat system, you might expect arrows of differing tiers. A stone arrow head will be practically useless against plate armour. At that point, having iron or perhaps bronze arrows greatly limits the arrows you can carry. You can't make them with resources collected in the wilderness and metal is usually in short supply, so the archer will eventually run out of arrows. Perhaps aiming should be more difficult than it currently is?

    Rather then making them difficult to obtain, you could make them stack in smaller stacks, Meaning if you where defending, you would have allot, as an attacker, you might have supply carts, but they could be taken by scouts sent out from keep (I primarily play Faction servers lol)


    Also, Having done some archery IRL, Making it more difficult would be realistic, but more difficult in a realistic way wouldn't be easy. The main reason you miss is by not consistently pulling the string back far enough/at the right angle. You could make it so the more you use one the better you get?


  10. probably not.

    Shame, I was looking at Ars Magica a few days ago and the way you could build spells from basic charm kinda things from old/simple spells, Seemed like a really neat concept that could be improved upon and made into a really good sort of "Study, Learn, Discover" kind of spell deal, which would mean people would have to work just as hard working on magic as getting say Red Alloy. If they want to be good at it that is.


  11. The problem with speed modifiers is the usual scenario:

    Player A is in plate armor and alone. Slow, lumbering.

    Player B is in leather, with a bow.

    What will happen now is that Player B will now continually run away from A, shoot an arrow, and rinse and repeat. Since A cannot run as fast as B, there won't be a way from him to catch him with a melee weapon no matter what he does. So now he has the options of switching out armor mid-combat, changing to a bow himself, or die.

    Some kind of in-battle adrenalin rush would be more realistic, Agreed.


  12. You should add slots for shield, gloves/gauntlets, and maybe rings/necklaces (to use the gems, maybe just for showof or enchanting).

    Maybe the shield slot instead could have a second weapon (or disabled with 2hand weapons).

    Sounds like a good idea, but possibly needs more of a pratical use then just adding extra defence, Like, if you get hit in the hands without gloves on, there's a chance (If your a less experienced swords fighter) that you drop your sword, Although I would then suggest the sword is bound to the player and the slot is unfillable with anything but that sword for the next 10 seconds or something, as in a real sword fight you would be able to pick the sword backup if you were fast.


  13. Additionally, charged up shots should have a higher percentage to penetrate and/or negate armor (or perhaps strike the least protected hit location(s)?) Basically it are stronger, well placed blows instead of randomly plinking away at armor.

    Typically, a good archer can volley fully powered arrows very fast, whereas crossbows would be for less skilled ranged troops for power and accuracy without having to be trained in archery for most of their life. With the drawback of having to wind the thing up every shot.


  14. In real life fighting is short and sweet, If 2 people have swords and no armore, the battle is likely going to last a few seconds, (Unlike in the movies where they have 10 minute fights -_-)

    Do you plan on removing the hit animation for when being hit by swords ect... ? It does stand as a way to know your taking damage, but a red glow on the screen would do just as well. instead you could have a sort of slide back effect, or even a camra jaunt.

    Id split the combat into 3 parts, Piercing (Arrows), Blunt (Mace, Or shovel if you really want xD), and Sharp (Swords). And have classes of armor Plate, Mail, Leather etc... Each class has its own weak points, eg; Leather makes little difference to a well swung sword, but can block a fair deal of damage from a blunt attacks from a mace, while arrows will likely go straight through if shot well and with power, a glancing blow would be deflected however.

    Mail is not good against arrows, but blunt attacks can be painful when in heavy metal rings. Plate is good all round, blunt is generally the simplest weak point, but you can just be a good swordsman or archer - Explained next.

    Every armor would have specific "Uncovered" points, like a male helmet will have the neck covered, but the face is vulnerable to sword and arrows. Plated mail has gaps in the shoulders. A helmet without good neck protection can see the player dismembered with a sharp swing of a good sword.

    This way of combat means that rather than chance luck, combat is based on skill, you can see why I asked if you are going to remove the kinda jump thing the character does when taking damage, makes combat unrealistic and effectively breaks the system. Instead, a heavy hit to the chest with a mace or even a sword, would push you back, kinda like sliding. And a hit to the side of the head with a mace, or even a sword if your opponenet has a lucky shot, can make your camera jump suddenly as you stagger.


  15. @Nozart That was a joke, Either accept it, or perhaps stop with with the whole "Im a 3 year old" act - I can only presume it is an act, as even reletivly dumb people seem to be more mature then you when the time calls for it.

    also you seem to forget the fact that all server data is being reset. And as such, the old beta standings of factions cese to exist, Including your emnity with me and Gor, if you find reason to once again become enemys then so be it, But right now, the new world hasent even began.
