Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by SionoiS

  1. How long take it the sheeps to regrow their wool? and how often chicken drop eggs?

    On my server many days passed and nothing happend.

    How can i affect these things? I think my pasture is large enough ( acouple of 100m²)

    Sheep regrow wool when they eat, i'm not sure about chicken.


    Everything should scale with year length.


  2. Salut !


    Je veux essayer un serveur franco depuis longtemps, je suis un vétéran de TFC. J'ai fait 2 addons et a déjà eu mon propre serveur. Mon ign est SionoiS et j'ai 23 ans.

    J’espère avoir du fun avec vous et construire plein de choses !


    Petite question : êtes-vous tous de la france ?


    Cheers !


  3. thanks for the link but what is it? I'm very new to this. Is this where you can see TFC code?

    Learn how to use github it will save you tons of time (you can use it directly in Eclipse). 


    If you want do do stuff but there's no tutorial for it try refactoring bits of code that do what you want your addon to do (hope it make sense).


    Coding is made by human being, without any knowledge of java or modding i was able to make pretty complicated addons and i don't consider myself a genius far from it.

    It just take a lot of time without the proper education....


    Here's my github you can use it for inspiration.


  4. Salut,


    Je serais intéressé par cette aventure mais, je n'ai jamais RP comment ça marche?


    Petite informations sur moi, je crée des addons pour tfc depuis un petit bout et j'ai déjà eu un serveur.


    Je peut vous aidez si besoin.


  5. I would like to but, there's so many things to do and so little time. I'm busy irl atm so the answer is no, not in the near future sorry.


    Ninja edit : 100 posts yay! Also Bioxx need to fix the years old crop grow rate bug before i come back.

    Took me the entire weekend, not because it was hard to upgrade but because i'm an idiot....(long story).


    Please note that i did not change any code it SHOULD work like it was before.


  6. Sionois, I know you weren't planning on updating terra duellum, but were you by any chance thinking of doing this one?  It is one of my favorite additions, making animal husbandry much more believable...

    I would like to but, there's so many things to do and so little time. I'm busy irl atm so the answer is no, not in the near future sorry.


    Ninja edit : 100 posts yay! Also Bioxx need to fix the years old crop grow rate bug before i come back.


  7. What we need, is to kick out of beta and make the mod popular. One day we will end like Tekkit. We just need to cooperate, report bugs, suggest stuff, so that both issues are fixed and features added. That way beta will soon be history, and more people will be attracted to the mod.


    TFC like Dwarf Fortress is never going to be "popular". It's a niche game made for maso-gamer like us !


    We need to do something with what we have right now.


    c) Food is a joke after the first while.... 


    100% agree. In a survival game, food is the first system that should be "done". If the player don't have to worry about food where the "survival" ?


    p.s totally off topic i know.....


  8. Umm, What? I cant understand what you are trying to say.



    That the first 2 meters of the Earth's crustal would follow seasonal outdoor temperature; frozen in winter, unfrozen in summer.
    Maybe a little too complicated, but it would be cool to harden the dirt but putting it more difficult to shovel.



    That's what i was trying to say.


    Frozen dirt It would take time to code(if doable) for no real benefit.....


  9. Although I have the ability to merge PR's, I have been asked by Dunk and Bioxx to leave all merges to them. Please also keep in mind that they prefer that you leave all features and major overhauls to them, and only to submit PRs for small things such as localization changes and bugfixes, untill you have proven yourself, and have gotten permission from the Devs to make the change before coding it. Since you re-wrote an entire class, it is going to take time for Bioxx to look over everything and make sure that nothing else was broken, as the majority of the world generation code depends on that class. It is very possible that he may take the lazy way out and just ignore the PR instead of doing all the work to make sure it is correct.


    I code those stuffs for fun and personal server use.


    If it can benefit vanilla TFC i PR that's all.


    I think it should grow colder underground for the first few hundred or so meters, and then grow hotter.

    While the underground is hot near lava and deep under near the mantle, until you get deep enough to get effected by them, underground remains cooler than the surface


    earth temperature under the part that freeze during winter(about 2m) stay at ~8 oC than near magma well you know....


  10. Oh! You're suggesting that because it is hotter down at the bottom of mines, the player's thirst should drain faster, and they must drink more water? I guess that makes sense. Body temperature is being added in B78, and that affects both hunger and thirst. I'm pretty sure that players will be colder at higher elevations, maybe we can set it up so that they get warmer at lower levels.


    Already done !


    Check out my PR i rewrote the temperature system entirely.


