Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. Creeps

    "Don't worry, I'm the Doctor." "Doctor who?" "Exactly." His name is actually "The Doctor" just as the Master's name is "The Master." But people don't know who he is, or what kind of doctor, so they always ask. Anyone who knows him calls him by name.
  2. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Yes. "Goto 1" was a mistake, but you should have been able to figure that out.
  3. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Torches first: (periods used as spacers) .XTXT.XTXT.X.X
  4. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Stacked dirt != floating dirt A ravine can generate and leave floating dirt, which causes a ravine one cannot see, and by walking over it, you can trigger the grass -> dirt -> floating -> falling effect, and end up in a ravine, regardless of how "safe" you've been.
  5. Finding clay problem!

    I haven't played the latest build. Anyway, that's why in my hypothetical TFC-like mod, one could use sand in place of clay (with a reduced tool durability in the end), because you really can use sand molds.
  6. Finding clay problem!

    Look near water. Especially shallow areas along a river. Small lakes tend not to have any, but rivers always do. If you can't find any in the river bed, or any two-high cliffs where the grass doesn't grow on the sides of blocks, every 15 or so blocks, dig up one of the grassy ones and see what's underneath. Don't find any in one direction? Try the other.
  7. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Dinosaur bones. You're also giving the word "dragon" more variation than any other animal species ever created. Including something like "griffon" (which does not have a world wide spread across culture). If you want to insist that every culture has "dragons" then you have to recognize the quetzacoatl as a dragon, which it really isn't. You also have to lump together orriental dragons and occidental dragons under the same definition, and the two look nothing alike, have different personalities, and are *gasp* treated differently by people (western dragons are for slaying, eastern dragons are for praying). And that's before we even get to the native American tribes.... Oh, and if we want to pull the "everyone believes that there are dragons, therefore dragons are ok in a game about believability," then I propose gods, religion, magic, homeopathy, psychic powers, and sacred cows. Everyone knows that at least two of those work in real life.
  8. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Actually, you have. One half of a bird's weight is in its feathers.
  9. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Really! Hadn't occured to me to try that, as they had an item quality to them (that is, they don't look like blocks, thus it's not immediately apparent that they are a building material)
  10. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    How do you even get cobblestone? I've only seen it happen from creeper explosions. (Not counting cave ins, because those aren't itemistic)
  11. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Not "into a game" but "into this mod." I don't feel as if dragons fit the theme of this mod. Keep in mind that I enjoy fantasy, I enjoy science fiction, I can even get behind a blend of the two (*drools* Shadowrun), but I feel as if this mod is trying to be...not realistic (we've had this discussion) but towards the "real" end of the "real <---> fantasy" gradient. There are no fantasy metals, no magic wands, no transmutation, and so on. (Zombies and skeletons I see as "generic enemies" that fit almost any genre, not specifically magical necromancy--afterall, a zombie film can have zombies without them being undead, right?*) Dragons, in my book, fall a little farther towards the "fantasy" end of the spectrum. They don't have to be magical creatures persay, but their mere presense shifts that balance. It's still the dev's final decision, of course, but I just feel that suggesting dragons is like suggesting magic wands. *I Am Legend qualifies
  12. please add a download for earlier versions

    Ah, the wonders of keeping old version on the server, even if there's no link to them. (I got that by coping the non-adfly link, and then changing the build number, they've got all the way back to 49 still up)
  13. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    Fences. All they take are 3 sticks per fence block. Can't get any cheaper than that in TFC.
  14. Dirt and sand sliding off I hate it

    ....starting houses, I see them now: fences for walls, log piles* for a roof (or more fence). *You can't place a log pile on top of a non-full pile now, but can you still place them in floating positions? Are they effected by gravity?
  15. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    No, they weren't. But people point to it as if they were.
  16. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    1) Muscles add weight. A lot of weight. In fact, they're probably the densest organ in the entire body. 2) To counter, feel free to work out where all the musculature goes such that the wings and the forelegs are in the same relative body position (go on, I'll wait here for you to figure out that you need two sets of pectorals and that there's only one place to attach the not-a-limb end, and that the two limbs start interfering with each other) 3) Because the Discovery Channel way was backed by real science (cough, hydrogen balloon, cough) 4) I mentioned that film...where, exactly? (Red Herring Alert!)
  17. Hidden Fun Stuff

    Really? That's what his post says? To me it says "I don't know what you're suggesting" not "I don't know if I'll consider this." I mean, which one makes more sense with the face? "I don't know what this is " or "I don't know if I'll consider this "
  18. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    My point behind #1 is that there is an upper limit on how big the critter can be. Square Cube Law. As body length doubles, wing size needs to double again (so four times larger) and there is a point where the wings become so large as to collapse under their own weight. Anything large enough for a human to ride would need titanium bones in order to spread its wings.
  19. Hidden Fun Stuff

    Adamantine in Dwarf Fortress is a super-strong material that weighs almost nothing (it has a tensile strength ten times that of steel, but weighs as much as styrofoam; makes great armor and swords, but terrible hammers). It's found very very deep underground, and is essentually used as a prison to keep back the clowns demons in the pits of hell. If the player is not careful while mining it, they can unlease the demonic hoards (which are numberless). In the old version (before the Z-axis rewrite), there was a N in 1000 chance every season (where N was the number of blocks mined) that the game would just end with a note about "You dug too deep and got too greedy and unleased the balrog" (cough, mines of moria, cough). It was the only official ending to the game that didn't involve abandoning the fort voluntarily, or having everyone die. Anyway, the OP is just looking for a super-material very deep underground that does Awful and Terrible Things to the world after it has been mined.
  20. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    I do believe that was an argument against such a thing.
  21. effective ways to mine?

    Nope, no clue.
  22. Ideas and discussion about FISHING!

    "I have pulled this fist out of the water. The high-oxygen environment is burning its gills, and the dry air is dehydrating it. I bet if I leave it like this, it will expire in about three to eight minutes." (Aka: you don't need a tool to kill the fish, the lack of water will do that for you)
  23. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    1) Vanilla minecraft has magic potions, those have been removed, along with other magical effects (enchanting, redstone) 2) Dwarf Fortress has magic, it just hasn't been coded yet 3) Just because the base mobs haven't been replaced, doesn't mean a whole lot (absense of evidence is not evidence of absense). Guh, Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real. Had almost zero scientific backing. Hell, they even used the Hydrogen Balloon theory (see point #4, above) to explain both flight and fire breath. Worst "documentary" ever made.
  24. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Just FYI, dragons are not believable. 1) Size. I forget the exact measurements above which it would impossible for the creature to fly, but I think it was 3 meters. 2) Skeletal structure. They have six limbs so unless it's an insect, it can't exist. 3) Breath weapons. Go on, rationalize that one. I'll wait. 4) Heading this off at the pass: Hydrogen Sack. In order to have enough lift to carry a critter the size of a small child, the hydrogen sack would need to be 30 feet in diameter. You didn't even look at the link, did you? If you had, you would have realized that that post was sarcasm.
  25. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    Like Red Power. (It's Red Power that adds volcaoes, right? Or was it IndustrialCraft? Buildcraft? Crap. Whicheveroneitwas.) Those kind of volcanoes I could get behind. Er, on top of. Yes. On. Top. Of.