Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Draco18s

  1. charcoal pit?

    Neat. I'm using a minimalist design, mainly due to the fact that I don't need a bunch of charcoal, and that huge amounts of wood are hard to come by (especially considering the extra time needed to strip the leaves in order to get saplings).

    1. Juanjetee


      hi, please, I ask un ban me because everything was a misunderstanding ... I had a house in the middle of a lake and when I saw estavan between empty ... who was not but I figured that avian avian been mounted a house there ... fuy and picked everything (he was angry and wanted to teach them a lesson) then mount my base and I was happy and I miss friends and I can pay them with metal defect

      Mi MC Name is Juanjetee

    2. Juanjetee


      hi, please, I ask un ban me because everything was a misunderstanding ... I had a house in the middle of a lake and when I saw estavan between empty ... who was not but I figured that avian avian been mounted a house there ... fuy and picked everything (he was angry and wanted to teach them a lesson) then mount my base and I was happy and I miss friends and I can pay them with metal defect

      Mi MC Name is Juanjetee

    3. HypnoToadTrance


      How do you taste?

  3. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    <3 I didn't even have to search as hard as I thought I would to get an appropriate image. I was just going to type "BEEEES!" and then I went, "wait, this has to be some kind of meme that expanded out beyond my own college campus." And then I found that.
  4. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    I'd actually been looking for an opening to mention two liter bottles. /me forges that irony into an anvil of PUNishment, to use against the next punster.
  5. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

  6. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    15, 20, 25, and 30. Those values are close enough (90F is actually 32C, but hey).
  7. bee hives (for food and crop polination)

    +1 for (No really, bees, hives, and honey would bee awesome)
  8. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Like I said, once I hit jr. high, they stopped trying to teach us the metric system. I don't know why.
  9. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Include a note on the Forge page that if you can't open the Forge GUI, to check for proper ventilation. Took me a half hour to figure out why, and it was because I had an errant leaf block in the way. Edit: Can we also get clay molds some heating info? I.e. that they turn into ceramic mods at Faint Red* / Faint Red** Also food items.
  10. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    You miss the half of my post about younger people who don't want to switch because "its the way we've always done it"?
  11. Fintite/Infinte water

    Follow, with two Ls, indeed. Also, nazi, with an I. Also, alot is better than you at everything.
  12. Fortification

    I think I'm missing something... [suggestion] "We already have it" [request clarification] "That's right, we have [something unrelated to suggestion]" So if I understand you correctly, you're saying that this suggestion should be ignored/not implemented because we already have chiseled stone and woodpiles, neither of which conform to the specifications in the original post?
  13. Fortification

    That is a wood pile, not a palisade.
  14. Fortification

    I was thinking more palisades than either of those. (The "upgraded" version I was talking about would resemble palisades, the lower tier would have space between each log/branch, looking like a spear stuck in the ground point-out).
  15. Post your (not so) humble abodes!

    I feel so inadequate ;_; I'm still living in a dirt hovel with woodpiles for a roof (takes 1 log each! So cheap and doubles as storage space!)
  16. Fortification

    Nah, he'd need a way into his own house too Also, you can still break the block. But yeah, it might be a little on the cheap side in order to produce. Use logs instead of sticks?
  17. Fortification

    Sharpened sticks in this manner should be narrow enough that you can walk between two of them without getting hurt (players would be able to walk through easily, mobs that simply walk in strait lines toward their target, would not). E.g. similar to the fact that a player can fit into the space between glass panes (a square of 4 of them leaves a player-sized opening in the middle). Putting three of them in the crafting table in a row (like reeds for paper, or wheat for bread) should give an "upgraded" version that takes up a whole block-width. Also, it should be "safe" to walk up the "hill" created by the spear (that is, damage is mono-directional).
  18. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    Nah, that opinion is a fairly small portion of the population. A lot of people, oh, 18 to 35 are just too used to the imperial system and don't want to change, and the school system is no longer teaching the metric system under the pretense of "we're all going to switch over some day, so you'd better know it!" It's now just used in science class with the note that "we're the only country that uses the imperial system, but science works better in metric." At least, that's my observation, as as soon as I entered jr. high, the whole mentality of "the US is going to start using the metric system soon" vanished. But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if some elements of the Republican party do think that way (e.g. by using the metric system we stop being independent).
  19. charcoal pit?

    It and sluices, I think. Neither page has the generic wiki navigation stuff at the bottom (minerals, ores, tools, etc) as I think they're both categorized as "tutorials." The sluices page, at least, doesn't contain outright wrong information as far as I am aware.
  20. charcoal pit?

    Ha! I've missed that three times. XD
  21. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    I know that a kilometer is 1000 meters, that isn't what I meant. I mean as a conceptual unit the distance of "1 kilometer" doesn't have any meaning, not like the innate understanding I have of how far a mile is.
  22. charcoal pit?

    According to the wiki, this is the biggest charcoal pit possible: So if your idea works, let us know!
  23. effective ways to mine?

    I forget if I ran the MCedit filter trace minerals or not. I know I used it as a basis to add redstone to my world (I combined TFC with Buildcraft) but I don't remember if I ran the original. :X I probably did, given that I think I've got b48, and that some metals were ungodly rare / non-existent. Edit: I do have b48, as the earliest change log for b49 is not true in my game. In which case, I didn't expect them to show up so close to the surface! Although no one knows how deep small rocks look when they search for materials. (I didn't look at the interior of my world after running the script(s), as I wanted it to remain unknown, and I did my tests on a different world, to get the redstone depth and density where I wanted it; it's still about half as common as it is in vanilla,* but it should still be easy enough to find down around Y=80**) *vanilla has a redstone density of about 0.05% of all blocks, my script produced a density of about 0.03% **Depth chosen as a distance from the ocean surface. Vanilla ocean is at 62, with redstone down around 0-10. TFC ocean at 145, so I went down "about 60" to Y=80 with a spread of about 16 up and down.
  24. Direct use of all metals for tools etc

    They tried doing that to us when I was in elementary school; e.g. teach us both systems by having both sets of units available. And suffice to say...didn't work. How far a kilometer is still eludes me.
  25. Dwarves

    Might have one more in him. You have to remember that the last one took him a while to write, and isn't all that good (a little scattered, or so I've heard). Which isn't surprising considering the fact that he'd be having trouble remembering things.