Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Filipe Lage Garcia

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Everything posted by Filipe Lage Garcia

  1. Metal blocks

    if you can create metal fences/doors and walls will be nice too, in that way: bronze metal fence can only be broken with an bronze tool or superior . red metal fence can only be broken with an red tool or superior. this can help to build secure places, like vaults for markets stands.
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    roads with speed bonus will help much trade (with a system contrary to soulsand). Moving boxes that do not need rails will be cool too
  3. effective ways to mine?

    if you want to build an large tunnel, one of hotspots is the use of "puzzle" diging, to obtain lots of dropable rocks and speed up the mineration
  4. Build 49 first impressions

    its very cool map, i getting hard job with excess of rocks. now i building granite buildings to use them. i have found 2 big veins of copper and zinc, so.. i'm in bronze age now.
  5. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    yep. Is it
  6. Blacksmithing Changes

    if you can use waterflow will be nice (is used is some industries), its have an bigger tax of cooling than the normal water. i think that some metals can't suffer temper with salinized water or it will become too hard that will break in any impact. Carbonization: Maybe can be a good idea use something like an closed box with coal inside it (in real life also use a substance that become gas in process, but i don't sure if is a good idea) to carbonizate tool heads (this give more durability for some of them (like iron pickaxe, or cut tools)) keeping that box in certain temperature for different times will until an mark of time, named "optimum" the process will give more durability, after that mark, the material will get little less durability (due overhard surface). this process also must be in lower temperatures than the used to temperate the tools, or you will lose the temper. Glass: You also can temper glass to make it more resistant. Also I think that is a good idea use the metal basis in chance of break on differents quenchings: for example (real life): if you do quenching with water in iron( if i not wrong, is classifiqued as iron if it have more than 2% of carbone in composition, so its very hard and can't be hammed while cool or it can break) it have an very big chance of break, or became very low resistence. But if you use steel (iron with less than 2% of carbone is considered steel, but in exemple lets consider iron with less then 0,4% of carbon) you can give to it a very brutal quenching and it can not break too easy. In addiction some thinks may never break, like in "ideal" pure iron, you can give any quenching thet it don't break, but also gain no resistence. also if you want, i already studied a little about heat tratament in university, and i can search something more to put here. Use of commum alloys and alloys microalloyed (alloys with very little amount of other materials) can be and very big expansion to things, maybe with can make more uses to some of ores. Also if you want something more complex, sometimes you can use 2 stages of quenchings to get an better material: example(real life again): you can get hot steel, cool a little with oil until it set in a band of temperature per time (due internal cinetics), and so you quench with water, this make you get one "material" that isn't too hard as if it was cooled only in water ( but it still very hard ) and also its more resistant (it don't cracks too easy). Using some alloys (like using some chrome can make easier (or harder?)) to get this better "material" due it makes this band of (cristaline) transformation bigger. Using some alloys also can let you get anothers types of "materials" or make the process easier or faster. Use of "alloys (this have another name)" in glass also can produces glass more resistant to heat, for example (also know as pyrex [search in wikipédia]) sorry for the bad english xD I must learn this better.
  7. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    any plan to nomads villagers (hunters, etc)? or will need too much chunks to run good?