Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Zerren

  1. Tested with 512 minimum 1024 max, default TFC installation hotfix 9, new world.

    Tried as Emris_Morath pointed out; nothing if it was a fresh world. The moment I put down barrels, veggies, and fruit trees.. Gone, was my CPU.

    Singleplayer, by the way


    Removed them all, and made a 9x9x9 cube of barrels, and watched as my game disintegrated. The frame rate nosedived the moment I finished the construction, and the memory FLEW UP. Locked up after 2 minutes.

    Did the same with fruit trees and veggies. Nothing.

    It seems barrels are the culprit? They cause MAJOR fps drops as well. ~120 down to ~5 with the cube of barrels.

    EDIT 2:

    It's DEFINITELY barrels for my install. I tried fullscale.. just to be sure. A 50x50x50 cube of barrels. My game instantly locked up and my memory usage went to 8 million. I tried again in a fresh world to see how far I could get manually placing the barrels and when I got to about the 50th barrel my fps was at 2 and memory was flying up at a rate of 100k per second.


  2. As i remember Zerren, stone walls recipes always given to me 1 wall instead of vanilla 6

    Minor annoyance: tool racks don't drop at all if i break the block where they stand

    i'm trying to see if animals breed now, i got some passive mobs pregnant, let's next days

    Yes they've always given 1, but it's never been addressed or explained. At least now they'll see the problem and decide if they want to fix it.

    Also yeah breeding works fine from what I can tell. Cows bred, produced a baby, baby grew, then could breed with another cow.


  3. there is a bug with limewater now causing duplication with the buckets.

    Steps to reproduce? I can't seem to dupe any buckets on hotfix 9 with limewater.

    Durrrrr. I'm dumb.

    • Crafting limewater gives you the limewater bucket item and writes a new bucket itemstack to the inventory.


  4. As always, my formatting goes as follows:

    • Minor annoyances, texture errors

    Serious issues, possibly breaking progression

    Critical issue that causes a crash


    Clean configs, as always. Build 76 Hotfix 9! No launcher, TFC recommended forge version.

    TFC books cannot be written in with the scribing table as advertised, and the vanilla book and quill recipe is disabled

    All anvils drop either copper or bismuth bronze anvils -Aware, fixed in hotfix 10?

    • Tool racks, when broken, drop a different type of tool rack depending on cardinal orientation

    • Wrought Iron and Steel armor textures are swapped (intended? blueish wrought iron armor looks peculiar, but I kind of like it!)

    • Swapping out a ceramic mold for a single clay mold instantly cooks the new mold

    Using a red steel bucket to fill a barrel with water turns it into a wooden bucket

    • (?) All of the 6 block 'wall' recipes yield only 1 wall instead of vanilla's 6 (that's a ton of wasted resources) (?)


    No crashing bugs from what I can tell! Yay!

    Also, memory leak? The used memory FLIES up to 100% and goes back down to 20% rapidly. My console is also getting spammed with packet queues, after playing for 15-20 minutes, and eventually locks up. No crashes, no errors.. The game is unplayable for longer than 15 minutes.

    Memory leak is because barrels, refer to the thread by Bioxx, and my post.


  5. Doing my preliminary testing of all of the basic features of hotfix 9, will return in a few hours.

    was that written on the change log? D:

    I don't think so, but that was the first recipe I checked.

    I agree that it should've been in the changelog.


  6. Still impossible to me creating a bloomery, i tried different brick blocks, raw stone, cobblestone, with coal instead of charcoal.. nothing happen on crafting table.. gamebreaking, it annoys me exchanges the required materials with a bloomery using creative mode

    Use brick items.

  7. what? brick block recipes should make 4 brick blocks? now it's explained why is so difficult now to make brick blocks lol

    I'm not exactly sure if they're supposed to make 4 or 1, but it's definitely bugged right now because SOME of them make 4.

  8. and some of the bricks yield one brick instead of 4 when making with mortar....

    They should all create only 1 brick block with 4 bricks and 5 mortar.

    Misinformed, disregard. Was thinking of something else.

    This is true. About half of the recipes make only 1 brick block while some make 4.


    Build 76 Hotfix 8

    Points marked with (?) I'm not sure if are intended.

    • Sterling silver ingots still have no texture when placed in world due to a typo: /textures/blocks/metal/Sterlign Silver.png


    • Garlic, Carrot, Soybean, and Red Bell Pepper seeds have errant pixels in the bottom of their texture

    • (?) Mutton textures (both) seem too high and far left (?)

    Some brick block recipes only craft 1 brick block while some craft 4

    • Handstones stack and damage other handstones in the stack

    • (?) TFC book recipe isn't shapeless while vanilla's is (?)

    TFC books cannot be written in with the scribing table


  9. Please elaborate, I was unable to replicate this.

    Shift clicking with a single ingot of any type in my hand on top of a block instantly crashes me with


    at TFC.Items.ItemIngot.func_77648_a(

    at net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77943_a(

    at net.minecraft.item.ItemInWorldManager.func_73078_a(






    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServerListenThread.func_71747_b(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(

    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(

    at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(



    Clean configs, no TFC launcher, build 76h6, Forge v7.7.1.629, singleplayer.


  10. I'll try testing again, but on clean configs, breaking cobblestone drops the wrong rocks.


    Deleted configs, still happening. Most of the cobblestone blocks drop the wrong rock items, and some have the wrong recipe.


  11. Quick rundown of hotfix 6, checking to make sure things still work, here's what I've found:

    Bolded things are serious, and underlined things are critical.

    This is all on clean configs, and NOT run from the TFC launcher.

    • Protection meter has no texture

    2013-04-05 08:11:00 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] TextureManager.createTexture called for file textures/blocks/devices/meter8.png, but that file does not exist. Ignoring.

    • Glass Bottles have no texture, but a glass bottle icon is in the debug.stitched_items

    • Vines have no texture (vanilla bug?)

    • Limewater bucket texture is too far offset left

    • Wool Cloth, Clay Spindle, Spindle Head have incorrect capitalization

    Crafting Schist, Gneiss, and Marble Cobblestone with 4 rocks crashes with an out of bounds exception

    Quartzite, slate, phyllite rocks (4) make wrong cobblestone types when crafted

    Cobblestone drops the wrong rock type when destroyed with a pickaxe

    Types affected:

    Siltstone drops Granite RockMudstone drops Diorite RockShale drops Gabbro RockClaystone drops Siltstone RockRock Salt drops Mudstone RockLimestone drops Shale RockConglomerate drops Claystone RockDolomite drops Rock SaltChert drops Limestone RockChalk drops Conglomerate RockRhyolite drops Granite RockBasalt drops Diorite RockAndesite drops Gabbro RockDacite drops Siltstone RockQuartzite cannot even be crafted (crafts granite)Slate cannot even be craftedPhyllite cannot even be craftedSchist crashes when craftedGneiss crashes when craftedMarble crashes when crafted
    • Tool Racks have no name

    • Tools in tool racks have different orientations depending on cardinal direction of the tool rack

    Trying to place a ingot pile crashes with NPE


  12. This is a beta-- a work in progress. Higher levels of detail can't be implemented in every facet of the game at once. If you applied that continuity rule, most of the features of TFC would never have been added.

    True, I agree. All in my opinion though. I just don't feel like that level of complexity is necessary for a firepit.

  13. In hotfix #2 the firestarter texture is missing.

    EDIT: and glancing through creative inventory: vines, glass bottle, protection meter, tin chisel head

    Some creatures, such as skeletons have two spawn eggs, one uncolored. I know TFC doesn't support creative, but perhaps that is a sign of something survival-relevant being messed up.

    TFC skeletons and normal skeletons are two different entities. One has 20 health and the other has upwards of 400? to be in-line with the damage you deal.

  14. This is all my own opinion and should be treated as such:

    I know it's possible and not even that hard, (I could whip something like that up in a few hours in my eclipse environment) but it's the point of it; no other thing in the game has as much variation or detail to make TFC 'firepit simulator 2013'. It's a great idea for its own mod, but to me it feels way too complex.

    A 3D model would be GREAT, and a welcome addition to make the game feel more alive. A 3D model that has variant wood textures and 0-4 log rendering depending on what log type is in what slot is just too much. Not coding wise, but feature bloat wise.

    You would have to keep the continuity throughout the entire mod for it to make sense or it would stick out too much. Logpiles can hold 4 different types of logs at once but always render as the same texture no matter what is in the first slot, for instance.


  15. There is a memory connection bug along with a few other bugs at the moment that wreck framerate/gameplay. If you can play vanilla fine, you can play TFC fine in my experience, just wait for these b76 bugs to be hammered out.

    Try playing build 75 on 1.4.6 while you wait, it should gauge how well you can play b76 (even though 1.5 wrecked my framerate with the stupid smooth lighting change)


  16. I'm getting MASSIVE console spam and lag about a memory connection overburdening.


    2013-04-04 07:16:15 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 1168043 to go!

    2013-04-04 07:16:15 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Client] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 77 to go!

    2013-04-04 07:16:15 [WARNING] [Minecraft-Server] Memory connection overburdened; after processing 2500 packets, we still have 1165719 to go!


    This happens about 5 times a second when the game isn't paused. Game locks up after a few minutes of this.

    Also oh god, SAND, the destroyer of the universe! My sand is grey goo!

    This was 1 block of sand placed to where it would fall (it fell after about 30 seconds of floating)

    Posted Image


  17. If there was any confusion for anyone reading this, I meant you should always get the same amount of meat no matter what, but one 'craft' would do more than 1 durability damage.

    I also love the spit idea, and would like to bring my own food cooking idea into the mix:

    You guys know railcraft's boilers?

    You can make these 2x1x1, by using 1 firebox and 1 boiler tank.

    I suggest a wrought iron 'stove' of sorts that does this same mechanic, where you put logs into the bottom brick firebox portion, and your food (only food!) into the top cooking box portion. This might could cook 4 items at once similar to the forge, but only for foods. More civilized cooking when getting into the iron age. It could be more fuel efficient than using a firepit to cook 4 items, and bounds faster.

    This could be done by placing a wrought iron cooking box (made from 4 wrought iron sheets in the crafting grid) on top of any stone brick block. This would transform the brick block into a firebox block, where you feed your logs, charcoal, or even coal into.

    Comments, ideas, improvements?


  18. I'm trying every combination of anything I can think of and I'm finding small bugs here and there but the majority is in the OP. I'll get back in a few hours if I find any more crippling ones

    Okay here's some:

    • Using the pick block key (default middle mouse) on raw stone (confirmed with gneiss) crashes and corrupts the playerdata rendering the world unplayable until you delete the player.dat

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 21

    at TFC.Blocks.Terrain.BlockMM.func_71858_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_94165_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderBlocks.func_78600_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderItem.func_77015_a(

    at TFC.GUI.GuiHUD.renderInventorySlot(

    at TFC.GUI.GuiHUD.func_73830_a(

    at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(

    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(


    at Source)

    • Sterling Silver Ingots and Double Ingots (pile) have a missing texture


  19. It won't be 77, but 76a, b, c, d, etc. Watch out for those.

    From IRC, Dunk/Bioxx are aware of some of the bugs and have fixed them for release when they fix more (the axe plank crafting is supposedly fixed)


  20. Probably a good idea to merge my post with yours, looks like you got the sorting from it lol.

    If you would, move all of mine from my post to here


    This is a collection of bugs I have personally found, and will expand upon if I find more, in as organized of a manner as I possibly can rated by crashing, game breaking, or minor annoyances.

    Well, I guess I'll start here (there are quite... a few.)

    Crashing bugs:

    • Quern crashes when handle is activated (NPE) (also when right clicked when a handstone is in the handstone slot)

    • Trying to place an ingot pile onto any TileEntity crashes the game

    • Trying to open a TFC chest crashes the game

    • Breaking a TFC chest crashes the game

    • Eating any TFC food crashes the game and plays a HORRENDOUSLY LOUD soundfile (or many I assume)

    Gamebreaking bugs:

    • Chisels, spindles, knives, and any tool used in crafting that has durability is thrown to the ground instead of being written to the crafting GUI with 1 less durability (it still takes damage in survival)

    • Quern GUI cannot be accessed when it has a handstone in the handstone slot (it activates it, which crashes the game, refer to above)

    • Cannot craft javelins

    • Cannot craft planks(item) via axe (saw works but throws the saw to the ground)

    • Black Steel, Red Steel, and Blue Steel anvils have the incorrect name, and almost all of the anvils have the incorrect recipe

    • Bloomery cannot be crafted via 8 brick blocks and a charcoal OR 8 brick items and a charcoal

    Minor annoyances/bugs:

    • Wall Blocks(6 stone) have incorrect lighting when they meet at a corner

    • Clay Spindle's name is 'Clay spindle' (capitalization)

    • Limewater's texture is too far offest left

    • Double ingots can be placed but render the same size as a normal ingot

    • The unshaped ingots past zinc have no name

    • The book recipe is NOT shapeless

    These are within 10 minutes of just messing about in creative, I'll fill it out more later, as I don't have enough time right now.
