Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Leosallespoli

  1. Geological Events

    Oh... you have NO idea, right? I don't know a better way to say this, but do you even know perlin noise? Surely I'm not doubting you know how to program, but have you tried to make a world gen?
  2. Geological Events

    Oh... you have NO idea, right?
  3. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    There is not enough likes to this! But Dunk, you know better than everyone here, besides bioxx, what CC means and what is necessary for its implementation. Don't get my hopes so high...
  4. Artist looking to help out

    If you two get together I might have a heart attack of excitement... Beware...
  5. Artist looking to help out

    Watch out with high contrasts in the textures, far rendering becomes weird on HD packs, like flickering lights.
  6. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    yeah... I read that just now, but it still doesn't quite answer the question which option is better. It is a LGA1155 slot with a i7-2600CPU.
  7. Geological Events

    I advise you to look into mc code... what you're suggesting will change, well, if not all, then most classes... The world isn't generated flat, it is generated through perlin noise, what you're asking for is to have a pre-simulation of the world, well, that is not minecraft... Imagine that chunks aren't generated when you enter the world, but as you discover them, so your idea isn't for minecraft
  8. Как создать сервер с этим модом!!!

    Whaaaaat? Google translate: "I can not create a server with this mod, I do not know what ustanavlevat, the client set and the servo is not mognu!" I guess the servo is not mognu and will never be mognu, sorry...
  9. Computers: How to Choose and Build

    I got a question for you guys, I want an upgrade to my gpu, currently I have a Geforce 550 ti, it is good for most games and applications but it is getting old, my motherboard, I think, only supports pci 2.0(All PCI Express slots conform to PCI Express 2.0 standard.), so I got a couple of options: a)Change motherboard and wait until I get the money to buy a geforce 680 If so, how do I do it? How do I take the processor out of it and detach the cooler from the processor? b)Buy a geforce 580. Is it good to have the 550 in the 4x slot? Is the 580 is good enough? because if I do this the option a is out for a really long time. Thank you
  10. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    Now we're going into a philosophical derailment... here it comes... just wait for it
  11. Complaints

    This is the internet not the military, there is no actual danger to your life if someone gets bullied in here, plus, you can choose if you stay or you go. There is no comparison between the two. The thing is that most people don't stay in the forums and just come here to complain, so that is fucking annoying. Hey, I've made that post about seven samurais! ¬¬ Derailment is natural, for me it is because of two things, this isn't like reddit where you choose what you want to see and good posts stay on top, that would be a GREAT improvement in the suggestions topic. And because the off-topic isn't seen by most, it is not the place to chit-chat since most people don't even look there, so they start conversations in the threads, plus that is a factor in brainstorming, it is up to the OP to keep the rail in place, if it does not interest the community... well then there is nothing to see there. It is really sad to see good posts die, but when people don't search and don't pick things up from where they died is even more annoying, because it will be just throwing dirt on the good ones.
  12. Particles

    yup, I know... It'll be rocks, sand is just easier to implement since I'm not working with tfc code.
  13. Alloys Like Meals

    I will try to explain my view on why this isn't for TFC, first of all the base metals are to be believable and realistic that is one of the reasons we got real ores here and not "copper ore", "zinc ore" etc. So then you have some alloys like brass, bronze, real alloys that are historically useful for civilizations and some that... well I don't know how one could make a tool out of it (looking at rose gold) but still, real. They were necessary for to have tiers, like higher technology in TFC, it is a common-sense that games like these NEEDS tiers, and they were made so that you could achieve higher tiers without having all of the below tiers. And a final tier was needed, that felt almost unachievable, so it was made the red and blue steel, made-belief alloys to be the highest tier possible. So you simply can't mix ores/ingots together and hope for an alloy to come up. I'll not get into the chemistry and physics of it and say you just can't, the molecules won't fill the gaps... Why is food giving you those powers, well I guess that otherwise you wouldn't cook and just eat it raw... So it draws you into this feature. While metallurgy is necessary, you have to get into this feature, so Bioxx can explore that however he wants it and not necessarily give you little bread crumbs to attract you to it. In Harvest Moon it was different, there where no buffs for you to cook but even so you were excited to find new recipes, but that was a whole different genre and a different community, you can't expect hardcore survivalists to cook a dish in the middle of the jungle without saying to them "there is a benefit with it"
  14. I'm feeling trollish

    3G or even 4G
  15. I'm feeling trollish

    you're living under a bridge?
  16. I'm feeling trollish

    and 5
  17. world painter compatability ?

    It is in java and they published their source code... I'll see what can be done... yeah... so... world painter has this thing... It was set to work only with vanilla, so it generates the landscape as vanilla would, it has its own perlin noise inside, so you can load TFC's worlds with the import function but you have to be sure that you've already seen all the chunks you want to play with. Anyother chunk if populated by world painter will be populated according to vanilla. The next thing is IDs... it only goes up till 256, so you are supposed to be able to edit it choosing the ID of the blocks you want to place. Have you tried it?
  18. Particles

    http-~~-// So, I think the dust from the boulder landing is done... It looks good, from now is just setting up parameters like duration, which was reduced, or size and velocities(I think its satisfying). Oh and there will be animations on the sprite, don't worry. I will, now, work on the puff, from the detachment of the boulder, although, I have no idea of how it would be realistic without looking too cartoony... when blocks detach from formations they have low energy, they make a characteristic noise from the craking, but the dust comes from the friction on the movement. Any inputs? I understand what you mean and agree with that. But thats up to Dunk and Bioxx, I don't know, but it would be cool, artists would have a LOT of work if it would be different for every rock, that's not really up to me, my code allows it.
  19. world painter compatability ?

    And it's 'legal'
  20. Particles

    Thats the idea, Wolf. Well, 20 is kindda low, but I didn't meant to be sarcastic, just didn't have much of a response to that other than that's nice, if many can test it I can get it better. Dunk think that too, I will see to that. I'm not the best with a artistic view, I would probably make it more 'real' if I'd apply real physics to it, but it would be too much for this, so like I've said, I really need the feedback and opinion so I can get it right, cheers! About the options, I think it can be switchable in a config file, but a slider... I don't know... never looked into that area.
  21. Particles

    I'll see about that. That's nice... Sorry, I don't remember that one, can you link it?
  22. Alloys Like Meals

    not necessarily, most economist would pay someone to hit for saying that.
  23. Particles

    It has nothing of TFC in it and I guess he ment the mod, because it is a mod, not the usual, as in no NEW content in it, but it is one. It is into the jar... What was the idea? It is pretty much finished, well, the first part at least... I've made one in monophasic 2D, successfully and now I'm trying to make it black oil 3D, I got another year to finish it (when I've only promised the 2D ). its a kind of graduation thesis that could go into stricto sensu.
  24. Particles

    Hummm... It changes base classes since I was lazy to do another sand block, but I'll see about that. And I guess you could do a video better than me hehe I actually work with that, my thesis is in reservoir simulation.
  25. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    I'm doing the particles stuff, it had me excited about that since the results are easier and almost instant, but CC is still in the back of my mind, don't worry.