Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by renadi

  1. Anti grief (b77)

    There's a new version of mytown.
  2. Well, I'm trying to reup, but if it doesn't fix it we have the option of rewinding from the 26th or a new world, I think most people would just the rewind but I figure I'll ask.
  3. All who are on now I asked to collect some pictures, I also took some of WillowShore but won't post them until someone from that town confirms they are OK with it, they'll be uploaded to an album on the facebook page and I'll post it here shortly.
  4. Honestly given the way I want the server run the only then that would need to be done is clicking on stop waiting a minute and clicking on start, if anybody's interested in the position who is more often on feel free to message me with your email.
  5. if a new player wishes to decide on a town they will be given a pearl, if they wish to change locations it will be on them to do figure out the best way to do so.
  6. I completely disagree with that idea, so it won't be happening, if it's a priority to do something make your location nearby, I'd completely disable teleports if I didn't agree with letting new players get to their friend's towns easily. Once you get there hopefully you can set yourself up before you need to teleport again, but if not you probably should have, or decided to walk(/boat?) And erian_7, sadly gems, at least in a sensible way, do not work with this mod, I could I believe make it cost a number of any one kind of gem, but I don't think quality would be checked at all, unless I worked on getting a full fledged currency system in place.. There was one that I was talking to the dev of(its a system used on a pretty popular server) and he said he could have made it work, but that was a bukkit plugin and bukkit lagged the server out too much to be useable.
  7. Regarding the distance between towns... I'm fairly sure it's not working properly again, It was a problem previously, I'll be working on stuff tonight to figure it out, I've got tomorrow off.
  8. That was a joke, I'll be fixing that stuff tonight, I understand the problem, I'll work on a fix. In the meantime make sure nobody places walls in your spawn point. Make a nice pavilion or welcome area and wait.
  9. Double capacity or double usage? haha I can get it uploaded in a few here. EDIT: Host is having issues, should getting in touch with support. Will install 77.5 while we're down.
  10. Edit: Towns is working! Prices may change, up or down is to be decided, if there are any issues message me here or at our facebookpage. Yeah, new version apparently changed... something, all my configs should be right but only half actually seem to be kicking in, I'll be working on it tonight or if I get a chance from work today.
  11. Yeah, that second is a continuation of the mod we had before,
  12. I'll download the new version and upload it to the server now, as well as smart moving, from there on we'll look at plugins available. We're running through Exodus hosting and I've got a link to donate hidden on the first post but if you're interested here it is The link has been used 67 times but I so far have only got 2 donations.
  13. OK, trial server will be up, we probably won't have a final one before tomorrow though so this will just be to test it all. same ip as normal server,
  14. Alright, I'll upload it to host in a minute.
  15. restarted, didn't see you trying to log in, are you using the default port?
  16. I'm noticing. getting a diconnect.overflow message here, can you try setting your view distance lower and seeing if it helps? if not I can upload this to my host and try it there but it's easier to edit locally.
  17. 40% done zipping up old world, I'm not 100% MCPC is working yet. if anyone wants to get on the ip is I can give you creative mode to help search, basically the problem the previous versions of mcpc had was a lack of biomes, so far I haven't seen any forests or deserts so if you could verify these exist I'd be happy.
  18. Mcpc+

    Hey, I'm trying to get this to work on B77 now, the health issues don't seem to occur anymore, but all my terrain has been fairly flat so far, biomes say swamp and hills edge and things like that, so it's possible I just haven't found very exciting biomes, but I'm going to make another world to explore.
  19. Currently the whole world file, including player data is just under 10GB. I'm zipping it up and I'll upload it to my skydrive(didn't even realize it existed).
  20. Well, if I can get mcpc working I can throw bukkit mods on, which makes it a lot easier to deal with.
  21. I have saved the world and all the configs, etc... I don't know where to upload it, I don't have enough storage space anywhere for the whole thing. I am looking at possibly using MCPC-plus to add bukkit mods which should make things easier but it's running a different build of forge... so who knows what will happen. I will try to get this up within the hour and see if I can connect, then I'll add the mods, see if they work, then post my ip and ask anyone around here to test it I think.
  22. Yeah, Also bad news, the town plugin we were using is no longer updated. So if anybody has any suggestions, town plugin, random spawn plugin, anything helpful that works with forge on 1.6.2.
  23. Yeah, we'll be updating(and we'll get a world reset as well) as soon as I can get the files downloaded, though someone mentioned a random spawning plugin, and I'd like to say, I love the idea, but I haven't found one compatible with TFC, if anybody knows of one it'd be wonderful and I'd like to get it added as soon as possible.
  24. I've been taking a look at any mods people would wanted added to the next server update, specifically looking at the simply horses mod, small boats mod, medicine mod, any ideas or suggestions?