Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About renadi

  • Rank
    Iron Miner
  • Birthday 01/27/1990

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Mora, MN; USA

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  1. I'm sorry everyone, I haven't maintained this server well at all recently, I think it'd be best if I closed it down, if anyone knows a good free storage site or wants the map sent to them I can zip it up.
  2. I have to update the server anyway, we've moved to a new ip, in the first post, and I don't know if I can manage it from this laptop, the network is sort of flaky.
  3. I don't know if anybody's been on lately, but my home computer has finally given up, managing to borrow a laptop temporarily.
  4. Host will be doing a migration some time soon, we'll likely be getting a new IP. I'll have a specific date when they can tell me.
  5. I haven't been able to get on myself in ages, it's definitely seen a huge drop in players since I was last really on.
  6. Added version numbers to OP anyway, that was an oversight on my part.
  7. Alright, we're updated, sorry for the absence y'all, I've been fooling around on custom mod packs with friends between dealing with home maintenance emergencies.
  8. I get email updates from this thread when the server's cooperating, if there's any place to tell me it's down it'd be here, though if I'm working the server will likely have reset itself before I can do it.
  9. I posted this morning but the website must not have taken? We're updated.
  10. Same, it's happened to 3 people here and I downgraded to get the server running. we're on .17 for now, hopefully .19 fixes the issue.
  11. @tenterro: Which is wonderful, but you can't get there without cheating in vanilla fire starters of some kind. As far as towns clearing, if you haven't logged in in 15 days it's cleared, I don't do it, it's automatic. And I'm updating to 15 today.
  12. Yeah, it looks like you aren't supposed to go there, TFC flint and steel won't light a portal so I imagine it working now might not last forever. Also, I spawned above the bedrock in the nether and there were still tfc rocks spawning. That was kind of neat.