Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Zandorum

  1. I feel like I can get through winter way too easy, Winter should be the time you must prepare for and be afraid of. What I propose is that Passive Mobs stop spawning until winter is over, hostile mobs do not burn in sunlight due to an overcast, its slightly darker and Ice is not breakable without a pickaxe in which you will get an item called Ice Chunks which you can put into a Camp Fire with a Jug, Bottle or Bucket to fill it with Water but note that a Jug is 3 Ice Chunks, a Bottle is 1 and a Bucket is 2 meaning Jugs and Buckets will get a Durability bar meaning they cant be used in any crafting until you fill them as well as dependent on how much is in the jug it will take more or less thirst.


    Whats everyone think?


  2. I think that tools should be-able to use Sticks, Bones and Hafts as Handles. Sticks would be the lowest tier, sticks would lower the durability of the tool from its base but so would bones. Hafts would have the maximum durability that tool can have. I think that this would be kind of cool to have multiple versions of handles as well as a new use for Leather (Of course hafts would require leather).


    Whats everyone think?


  3. When you die, where do you go? Well I think that this would make it so death isn't looked at as dieing. When "Die" you don't get the death screen, you instantly respawn. When respawned instead of it saying the player died it will make your player say "I've dragged myself back home with what I could carry." (If you have slept in a bed, otherwise it will say "I've dragged my self to a clearing, I think I'll be safe here but I'm you") and then a menu would open ("Only if you went home otherwise the menu wont open and you lose everything"). The menu would let you pick X (I'm not 100% sure how many items would be balanced for this so I'm leaving it up to the TFC team) amount of things and the rest is dropped where you "died". When you respawn your bleed out meaning after X (Id say 2 or 3) minutes irl you will be dead, at this point if your not on hardcore you will just respawn again otherwise this is when you would really die. You can make bandages from Vines/String and Wool.


    I think this would be a nice addition for "death". To fully experience this id say playing on Hardcore would be great since dragging your self back home would be as dangerous as death but you still have to scramble to stay alive. This would be a fun way to introduce an immersion to dieing and full death.


  4. First things first, re-downloaded and all that jazz with the configs.

    Once I had chopped down a kapok tree in the "Rolling Hills" biome [A total of one and a half stone axes upon the same log at the bottom] upon the initial destruction of the tree's branches, vines were left behind in the air. [Not as a visual error]

    This isn't effecting game play at all but it's something to take into consideration to fix.

    Already known. Check the Post your Bugs Here topic. Too lazy to link use the Search next time.


  5. 1.-Changing the recipe of the beds to make them need metals: this would prevent you for skipping at least a few nights in early game

    I wouldn't say to go as far as to require metal. That would mean you would have to skip many, many nights. Metal isn't easy to get you know. I would something more like first a fur cot (pile of furs), then a simple mattress (fur and wool), then a full bed. I know Dunk and Bioxx are somewhat for this idea, at least according to the posts I've seen. Each bed would give debuffs such as weakness or slowness for a couple minutes after waking up. I mean, a full mattress bed is obviously going to be more comfortable, and cause much less pain than a fur pile.

    3.-Simulating the environment while sleeping: This is the most appealing but also the hardest to something like the mod Insomnia, so when you sleep at night the world will be simulated until dawn (at high speed) so if you are outside there is a change to being kited by a Zombie or skeleton and forcing you to wake up in the middle of the night

    Do want.


  6. Not gonna lie, I'm really looking forward to this. I realize some people probably think Thaumcraft isn't a good fit for TFCraft; one is a survival-focused game based on the rigors of metallurgy, while the other is about alchemy and magic. But the quality and attention to detail of both of these mods are really on a similar par. If magic of any kind were ever introduced to TFCraft, I would hope there would be as much detail put into it as Thaumcraft does. I am in favor of any mod that gives you reasons to keep exploring, keep collecting, and keep crafting, but whenever I try to play another mod I miss TFC's features terribly, so I'd love a community compatibility patch to make them work well together.

    Maybe consider adding Twilight Forest to the mix, since that's kind of a natural companion mod for Thaumcraft and I think could use some support for both TFC's crafting and Thaumcraft's alchemy.

    I haven't played with Redpower, but I understand it is similar in that it adds another tier of complexity to the game. So I'm looking forward to that too.

    I don't like Twilight Forest personally so I wont be doing as such. I cant say the same for ShawnB though. Ask him.


  7. not sure how to respond. I don't want magic, but you very accurately described my opinion on new features. I guess you could say you described something I don't want in a way that makes it the least dislikable? I don't know =P

    Heh. Alright.


  8. yes, definitely yes, if we're going to have magic in this mod of any kind, there has to be a drawback, like theres a chance that for example, when working with said magicked anvil, that the magicks will discharge and damage the player and destroy the anvil, this could work with any kind of magic, alchemy might go wrong and give you the wrong item or give less than you wanted, spells could be hazardous like a fireball spell being able to hurt you with the explosion, or sometimes they would completely backfire, giving you a blast of magickal energy in the face

    i could go on for days about this...

    We think the same, I want a magic system just like that.


  9. I guess I do have to admit some guilt here, I really didn't read any posts in this thread in depth.

    We don't want single-use rewards from dungeons. Notice how a plan can be used to make multiple tools? The single use seems rather pointless to me, and the magical anvil just doesn't seem right. I'm not sure that the lack of enchantments in TFC is a problem, and even if it is, solving it with a magical one-use anvil seems rather odd. Where did it come from? Who built it? If it's magical, why does it go poof after a single use? I don't know guys, if I were playing a game (that I hadn't created) with this feature in it, it would come off as a hasty cover-up of a feature that requires more depth and detail.

    Idk, Its just a random idea. I was really tierd when I came up with it so dont expect me to be ms.awesome pants and have the answer to everything. I like Srgnoodles explanation though. Yes the idea could have improvements but its just a concept.

    Well, it came from the same place and was made by the same people who made the dungeons and crypts

    as for why it goes poof after one use, maybe the magicks binding the enchanting spells to it are rather weak and unstable from being sealed away in a dungeon for who knows how long, causing the magicks to dissapate and cause the anvil to crumble

    That and It could be because its old too. Repeated hammering on an ancient anvil thats metal has become brittle over time feels like it might break during hammering it. This gives me the idea that if you hammer it too many times it turns to dust before you

    finish the tool. I like the idea about it being bound together by the magicks keeping the dust that is the anvil together.

    To reinforce my thought on it not being-able to be moved idea upon breaking it it just turns to dust instead of dropping an item. Also magic could discharge in all directions and drop your health bar by 50% (Assuming you were at 100% to start with.)


  10. Bioxx and I disagree with the idea of such things as anvils appearing in dungeons. As people don't seem to appreciate being stomped without ample explanation, here is why:

    To make this viable, these magic anvils would have to be quite a high tier, such as blue steel (otherwise you wouldn't be able to enchant higher tier tools). You can see the obvious problems that arise with this, because it means you automatically receive the highest tier anvil in the game. Anvils currently act as not only the way to craft tools, but as the bottleneck. We deliberately made them the way they are to LIMIT you, specifically, if you have a copper anvil, but you find a lot of iron ore, you'll need to make a bronze tier anvil before you can make your wrought iron one. This forces you to play the game the way we want. Having anvils or such in dungeons would allow a player to skip all the intermediate tiers and jump right to the final one, which we don't want.

    In fact, we don't even like giving you tools in dungeons either. When we DO implement dungeons, don't expect to find a shiny steel sword in those chests, but you can expect some exclusive goodies that WILL help you on your way, and may even give you something valuable to your community, advancing your server as a whole or putting you in a position of power, having something others want, such as tool and weapon plans uncraftable on the scribing table. It conveniently does two things: gives you exclusive cool things, but not on a silver platter, you still have to work for it.

    Basically, we'll give you the key, but won't tell you where the metaphorical 'treasure chest' is, you have to find it for yourself.

    The anvil wouldent be used for normal uses, it also wouldent be moveable. You have it to enchant one item there as well as I said after one use it turns to dust.


  11. Enchanting should make some kind of comeback that isent just a fool-proof way of making your sword better. I propose Enchanted Anvils, Assuming you have a Hammer on you in Dungeons you can find Enchanted Anvil Rooms where you can right click on the Anvil with your tool. It will give a random set of enchantments with high chances of debuffs and low chances of good things. Upon using an Enchanted Anvil it crumbles into dust. The maximum amount of enchantments you can get on one item from an Enchanted Anvil is 5 but the chance to get past 2 is very unlikely and to get 5 is nearly impossible. The anvil would be a Minigame similar to the normal anvil but dependant on how good you do the higher the chances are for the enchantments and the worse you do the higher chance of getting debuffs. If you do really really bad in the minigame instead of getting debuffs it will damage the tool and give it the "Enchantment" "Silence" which means it cannot be enchanted and while this item is equipped all enchantments that are worn are negated until the tool is changed. The anvil would look "electric" and the texture would oscillate in color. The anvil would also glow.

    Concept Pictures:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    What does everyone think :)


  12. Zandorum, I'm currently doing something really similar. So far I've managed to fix the crashing when the world generator creates other dimensions than the overworld. I've tested the nether and the end and they both work as expected. This fix should work for any mod that expects to see vanilla generation outside the overworld, like Mystcraft or Twilight forest (they'll generate with vanilla blocks though).

    The only caveat with nether generation is that Minecraft uses a 1:1 mapping on the y plane, so if you build a nether portal on the surface of a TFC map you'll end up 20m above the bedrock in the nether.

    All vanilla mobs are using TFC's custom health system, nether mobs included.

    I also have Railcraft partly converted to use TFC resources.

    My ultimate aim is to attempt to get some of the high tech mods like IC2, BC3, forestry and thermal expansion and Greg's tech in to see how they play on a TFC world. It could be interesting in progressing all the way from the stone age to the space age in the course of the same game.



  13. I'd like you to show you a resized quote of the small letter at the end of my previous post:

    I read it, I was responding to "Your Parents, after a certain age." dont worry though I wasent trying to be meanerismicajdalfh BIG WORD IS BEST WORD.

    In short... I read it, I like your comment and I understood your were fooling around (Or atleast I think you were) and that being said 0_0 I love you... you flamboyantly

    dangerous greek reptilian multiheaded creature.


  14. Your parents, after certain age.

    As long as it's toggleable, i like this personally :3

    I'm just being in the Christmas spirit, This conversation can quickly turn into one about religion lets not go that way.


    Hahaha, <3 you dunk. As a note I dont expect you or bioxx to do anything like this primarily due to how much you currently have on your plate.
