Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by cedenjr

  1. IGN: UncleSid

    Age: 24

    Timezone: CST- Central United States Time

    Have you read the rules?  Indeed, No racism, sexism or general misconduct toward other. The medieval buildings interest me, and i will comply to that seeing as that's usually what i like to build anyways. Keep my distance from other's, and be respectful to the environment to keep away those ugly scarred areas.

    Do you understand that Estasi l'Ateaum many not be suitable for individuals under the age of 15? Yes, i can understand on an online environment how one under the age of 15 can be affected in multiple ways, It's an issue for sure.

    What interests you about Estasi l'AteaumI like the idea of a general sense of a community, A struggling medieval world with many different options for an interesting story. I'm very much a role playing fan, with the developing towns creating an interesting and relaxing scenery. I'd like to come together with other fellow survivors, and create a niche in metalworking or some sort of trading outpost. The possibilities of RP on terrafirmacraft are endless.

    How experienced are you with TFC? I wouldn't say i'm an expert for sure, But I have played off and on for 1- 2 years. I understand the basics of survival, How to craft most things. I never really figured out the whole prospecting for ore thing. But i understand how to craft metal tools, but the farthest I've usually got was reaching the iron age. Basically, I can pretty much figure out what i need to do, Except for ore prospecting, and animals( I'm usually a fisherman, I've never done animal husbandry before).

    Do you think we should add more mods?  I do like me some smart moving on TFC, and I highly recommend it. I mean it just makes sense when you're running from bears and monsters to be able to climb up 2- 3 high block walls to escape. Especially in medieval times. But to each their own i suppose.


  2. I think the best example of a game i would like to design would be a cross between Eternal Darkness and Fable, Imagine yourself waking up in a cold sweat with images of ancient horrors that torment your mind. You are dedicated to finding out how to end the oppressive dreams you have every night, Along the way you make decisions Whether it be Good or Evil. And every decision amounts to something, You go on an adventure with friends (Unless you choose to kick some unlucky bastard out of a window or something) to stop all this madness from happening, but in the end you lose anyway and your world descends into chaos and destruction. I don't like games where the good guy always wins, I like it when the dictator or evil deity wins completely or drives the guy who saved the world bat shit insane and in a asylum..


  3. I actually did this one playthrough where I slashed through a decent sized jungle, this method is great and it quickly showed how easily charcoal doubles as currency.

    When your desperate for metal and you have no other options bartering is an technique that's been used since ancient times.... Bartering is amazing, That or befreinding someone and stealing their resources.

  4. My ideal minecraft would be a cross between better than wolves and terrafirmacraft. I seriously can't imagine how it could get better than that.

    Being able to build such advanced machines to cross space and time to colonize other planets on your quest to find a bigger planet with sentient beings to harvest there resources and enslave them to do your bidding? Yeah your right it couldn't get any better than TFC and Better than wolves.

  5. I am definitely content to be this kind of asshole, even in real life this appeals to me. lol Do you think a man could survive off the fish in a small lake with only trespassers dead bodies to entertain himself?

    I once met a man who survived on an island for 4 years eating crab and talking to a volleyball. I think he called it wilson. You be suprised at how adaptive humans can be when they are totally isolated. However after about 5 or 6 years without human contact though you forget how to deal with other humans, and pretty soon you start making friends with racoons or some crap. But in minecraft i can spend years taking pop shots at Steves who waltz on by. So yeah i think a man could survive off fish in a small lake, especially when he can start small forest fires and talk to trees.

    Posted Image


  6. Or if your really clever when you make a charcoal pit, make like a dirt house structure charcoal pit with a door at the front, place a dirtblock on top of a torch in front of the door, and dig a really big hole down, and hide in wait, when you see somebody come near break the torch and they fall to there death. Hilarity ensues. Nah dont really do that, Make 7 stone shovels and dig the crap outta that charcoal.


  7. Personally I'd prefer number two, so long as the asshole is isolated it'll give some people more reason to strive. Competition is an incredibly motivator.

    True, But usually if somebody plots to kill people they usually are either in the group, or very close to trying to befriend them so he can stick a dagger in there back, or "borrow" Resources for a extended period of time, Honestly i dunno if its just me that does this, But for me as being an asshole i like to walk 5000+ north and stick up a cabin and i lodge arrows at anybody who comes near so i can kill other assholes.

  8. I made a post about how to make a server, and when i posted it, i wasen't 100% done, so i titled it [uNDER WRITING] at the end.

    But it is now done, and i don't know how to change it. Any help? :)


    dunno why you made 4 topics, as far as i know you cant change the title, at least i cant change my own thread title. Maybe ask a mod or something?

  9. ... I actually wonder if flammable gas and sparks coming from mining rocks is a real issue in modern minery .-.

    EDIT: where is Infinus when you need him?

    Its possible, there was that one coal seam in centralia,PA,,_Pennsylvania of course that was caused by a trash dump being burned, but if a gas would ignite from a spark and you just so happened to be in a coal mine it would burn for many many years, depending on how much coal there is. But i dont think there is much of a real issue here.

  10. I think you should be able to carry multiple purses/pouches, maybe with a maximum of 3 or 4 for pouches and 2 purses?

    Because you have to have some sort of inventory in battle, and yes, a chest plate is necessary for battle.

    I agree, but i think the higher teir you go up the less purses/pouches you can carry, Sure the inventory is bigger, and once you get to the highest tier you can only carry 1 purse and 1 pouch.

  11. Gameplay =/= reality. I wanna stay away from weight effecting movement. Otherwise, it ruins it for players.

    Alright, but there has to be some sort of drawback to carrying extra space to balance it, other than that the idea is good.

  12. When i was thinking tiers, I was imagining difficulty to pass though tiers. Steel is amazingly hard to get early on, and continues to be fairly expensive later. Making it the highest tier possible(short of lava invurnable blue steel)

    odd thought comes to mind. I read that a steel helm in real life weighed approximately 40 pounds. With that in mind, and the ideal you cant wear armor and a pack, wouldn't metal packs not be unreasonable?

    Well the problem with metal packs is the fact that your gonna have to be really strong to carry that much weight, unless the packs themselves dont hold much, if one was to trudge along with one of these the debuff would have to be really strong on the player, he wont be able to run, and he uses up his food bar like a starving beast. But its not unreasonable.

  13. I really like this, but I have one question. If you are wearing a pack how will that interact with a chest plate?

    Craft the chestplate and stick a backpack on it? You can stick pouches on armor, and the extra wool will help if someone shoots an arrow at you, but the extra weight on your chest will slow you down.

    Hmm... .upon further thought i suppose its not all that logical to put pouches on your armor without them being very very small, like one row of 8 inventory space, but you cant just sow pouches on steel armor, since its only logical on leather.


  14. if that gets added we need canaries, and then we can make little canary grave yards and monuments for the canaries that lost their lives fighting in the great gas wars of 1000 when you got your first pick.

    War.....War never changes..... The canaries will rise, And all the robins will fly there last mile before being shot down by the Beautiful canaries. The oppression will stop, and new industry and hope will rise. God Bless the Canaries!

  15. i think steve is the unconscious mind of a wandering deity, he has the power to create and destroy and never does truly die, if Steve was to come to earth it would not be earth but only the perception of earth in his own mind, Steve is the wandering mind of a sleeping god, Whether or not the world he exists in makes him so damn fat, He still wears that blue shirt and jeans with pride baby.


  16. If all else fails you can live in a log house and farm alot, trade crops and food for metals, or be a logger in a mountain and trade tons and tons of charcoal for metals But only if your on SMP or lan, if you are in single player well, you are SOL'ed.


  17. *The Wolf takes an AK-47* (<---that's the first and the only time you can see a wolf make that)

    Yes, little bird...Did you say something?

    Woah....Woah.... Thats your mother dude, You may be a bad ass wolf with an ak 47, but taking pop shots at your mom is just not cool yo.

    Since when could eggs that are the color green learn how to operate a fully automatic weapon. Eggs of mass destruction man.... it's gonna happen.


  18. Spumquack's ranting kind of inspired the thought: "What should minecraft be?"

    That is, ideally, what would minecraft be (As in the gameplay, content, etc) as opposed to what it is now. For example, Spumquack talked about minecraft being more unforgiving, more "survival" based, etc.

    I kind of imagined a game where the power the player had is based off of what they have developed in their world. As in, if a player totally walled off an area and lit everything up, for example, in that area they would be powerful. Outside of that area, however, they are weak and fragile to the harshness of the world, and they have to be weary. It's quite different from what it is now, of course.

    Yeah Remember Troy? Big ol' wall till the greeks came knocking at the door, Big walls may make you look like a big man, But when those greeks come waltzing by you get on your knees and hope they don't try the same thing again.