Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. that's false, I got 27 (that's an exact number, I'm not exaggerating) likes from Eternal on a single post once. So yeah, the limit, if there is one, is probably 30.

    30 isn't a bad number. 30 likes a day are 10950 a year, that are about 109500 a decade, that are about 1095000 a century.

  2. Its nice to be playing TFC again, but here are some little bugs I found in latest 1.4 patch that I haven't really seen anyone else comment on. They have persisted since release 53, and they seem to have slipped through the cracks.

    1) Sluices still do not show the fill amt in my SMP server

    2) Trees take for ever to chop...

    3) When creepers blow up stalactites they drop invisible unnamed blocks

    4) Crops have a weird lighting effect when you walk away from them in the right conditions (it looks like they are under the effect of the void fog but above ground)

    5) Players still sleep upside down in beds

    6) Meals are cool but don't work all that well... sometimes they fill your hunger bar but it isn't really full and later you start to take starving damage but cant eat because the hunger bar is full.... you have to starve until it drops far enough to eat.

    7) pigs smell...

    Most of these bugs seem to be repeatable... but if you don't think its a bug this time you can dismiss them.

    1) New

    2) Already reported

    3) New (Compliments for this)

    4) Not a bug

    5) New

    6) The life and food bars are still a bit bugged, so new/reported

    7) Already reported


  3. I love this terrain map, its called Crater Lake, here's the PMC link.


    Also, voxel makes their plug-ins available as a bukkit plug-in, so anyone on a bukkit server can use them. You don't have to be on the Voxel Box Server to make awesome things like this. :)

    I want places like this generate in TFC. Impossible, I know :(

  4. mod_ReiMinimap [mod_ReiMinimap] (minecraft.jar) Unloaded->Constructed->Pre-initialized->Initialized->Post-initialized->Available->Available->Available

    Rei's minimap is a mods folder mod, not minecraft jar

  5. As said in the title, i've all the other sound, but the animals keep silent as they were dumb.

    And firepit bug for me too.

    Oh, by the way, i don't know if it is a "new feature" :lol: , but i become hungry faster.

    It's a real pain to keep the hunger bar up !!!

    Do you have optifine?

    Confirmed the hungry bug/feature

    Confirmed the fire bug


  6. What he said

    Giving informations is ok. Giving better informations is also ok, but giving overpowered informations is not ok. Don't make this a game of numbers, like the level number of ores or the id number of blocks where you can find ores. If Bioxx or dunk let you do that, for me it's ok.

  7. The Ore Page on the wiki shows a few strange listings that I am hoping someone can clear up for me.

    • Native Copper is found in "Sandstone"
    • Native Platinum is found in "Magnetite" and "Olivine"
    The Mineral Page also has some strange listings.
    • Borax is found in "Gypsum"
    • Satinspar is found in "Gypsum"
    • Selenite is found in "Gypsum"
    • Many other minerals have no "Found In" entry.

    • This is understandable, but if anyone can provide this information it would be greatly appreciated.
    Can you please provide a link to that pages, or at least only one?

    EDIT: Doesn't mind...


  8. We need actually 2 sub forums, one called "Real Bug Reports" and the other called "Stupid stuff that is only being reported because someone didn't read the change log."

    That was sarcasm btw... :P

    Why don't simply delete the "stupid stuff..."? The forum would be easier to manage and read

  9. The reason for this is that the texture for the lit fire pit is being referenced one tile over as one of the sides for the bellows, instead of the lit fire pit texture. They are right beside each other on the on the texture sheet. Probably a little blurp when the dupeing code was fixed, there is no harm from it other than your fire pit looks like the side of a bellows.

    Good, the future firepits are leather of a bellow and moreover grey.

  10. It was definitely a burning storm drain. I guess I shouldn't say "for good" because I poked at it for a few minutes and then logged out and went to bed, but opening the GUI did not fix it for me... I was running a new Win8 upgrade though, and things were wonky to begin with.

    Was it set on fire? My yes.

  11. post-1722-0-03563400-1351605676_thumb.pnI just downloaded build 57 of TerraFirmaCraft, and when I opened a new world. The Health, Hunger, and Thirst bars were messed up. They were all just colored bars with none of the images. Any idea how to fix this or if this is a common problem?

    True, like warfighter said, they're temporary bars. Later, when they're bugless, there will be a cooler texture.


