Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. iirc, the sky box is really simplistic, the stars only exist at night and the sun and moon are locked to it.

    But can you redraw the stars? Or are they random points in the sky?

  2. Stupid players let their world go barren because they're too lazy putting out new sapplings everytime they cut a tree down, and i honestly don't blame them. especially with this mod that requires me to pretty much clean a tree from its leaves in order to get one, two at most, sapplings.

    What i'm proposing is, and stay with me here, trees spreading by themselves! every once in a while a sappling will spawn, prefferably close to an existing tree and the same species.

    If it can it will eventually grow into a tree but it should deffinetly take a lot longer.

    What you'd end up with would be a world that, if not kept in place by the player, will grow wild and thick with trees.

    Having the woods grow by themselves would take a much longer time than planting the sapplings directly by yourself. but that means chopping down a tree without planting a new tree would not mean a catastophy.

    Kapok and sequoia trees should remain as they where though.

    Like nature overhaul mod. Good, because it breaks all the existing tree farms and it makes everything natural. And tree farms are not a thing to do in TFC. Bad because the player is no longer required to make trees grow.

  3. So... you can see those tones of light, as you can tell they are like something else ._.

    They are not black. They are both invisible for the human eye, except some aislated cases -there are some people who can actually see ultraviolet along with the normal colours, pretty much the opposite to daltonism-

    Is this considered a disease? Or a paranormal ability?

  4. you will die a lot in this game, and there's a lot of starting over.

    Perfect, also I don't mind so muco for multiplayer, because I have other servers. Thanks for the answer.

  5. I suggest you guys take a look at this game (yes, it is actually a name of the game, for now at least; sometimes it's also referred to as "The game of my dream").


    As of now it is in ongiong development and grows quite quickly.

    Basically this is roguelike turn-based survival platformer with Terraria style worlds. All things in the world happening turn by turn and wouldn't wait for you. You actually can stand right where you spawned and skip turns. Eventually a living tree can come by, leave its acorns around and start a forest or maybe landslide will occur or underground midgets could perform some form of ritual by reading magic scroll, stuff like that. The main goal is to build teleporter to the second world, but I've yet to do this myself.

    Unfortuntely this game developing mainly in russian, so I can't say if translation is any good. Also there's no english wiki from what I can tell, only russian one, but I may be able to translate some of its articles and post them here if you like.

    Is it funnier than Terraria? If yes, I will try it. If no, well, there are tons of games like terraria, but not fun enough that I don't try.

  6. I honestly don't think physics is difficult to learn. In physics it's all makes sense and built up op simple theses.

    History does not makes sense all the time to me, I find the only way to learn it is to memorise the dates. And paralleling dates with something, trying to find relations and intervals, maybe.

    Only because I said physycs is difficult to learn for me doesn't mean that I can't learn it. Also "History is the most diffcult subject to study" doesn't mean that I have difficult studying history. Understand? Probably no, because there are too many compressed words.