Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Status Updates posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I'm not what you think, I'm not posting in this forum. I don't exist. Why you keep imagining me?

  2. I'm kinda lost now. It's like being a new member again. No, I don't find this funny :(

    1. LordOfWolves


      I'm not kidding, if someone wants to help me, I'll just be happy of this!

    2. Kimbblesrath


      Yeah, I had that too. :( I'm still getting used to it. TFC itself, I'm failing on some of the "basic" features. Like I can't weld copper...and I don't know why.

    3. LordOfWolves


      I can't even play TFC, because when I start the world, the lag is impressive and if I install Optifine the game doesn't even start :((((

  3. I'll be unactive for some time, at least until release 79

  4. I updated my title, my signature, everything after a post of Kimbblesrath. Then I found this in my profile: "KIMBBLESRATH WAS HERE!" What does this mean?

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Ummmmmmmmmmmmm.........KIMBBLESRATH WAS HERE!!!!

    2. Kimbblesrath


      HHHHHAHAHAHAH!!! LOL that wasn't me....Dunk. It has to be Dunk.

  5. I updated my title, my signature, everything after a post of Kimbblesrath. Then I found this in my profile: "KIMBBLESRATH WAS HERE!" What does this mean?

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Double post much!?

    2. Kimbblesrath


      And plus, did you REALLY find that? cuz i just checked and..... it wasn't there. ??

    3. Kimbblesrath
  6. I updated my signature :D Everything easier now!

    1. LordOfWolves


      Sure, but don't implement guides like in mine :D yes in mine there are guides to install TFC and others :D

    2. Kimbblesrath


      Ok, thanks.

    3. LordOfWolves


      I am kidding, implement them if you want because this helps other members and dunk needs to talk less about it.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  7. I know that Crysyn is in the IRC and he knows why there's this issue with posts

  8. I just want to share this, because it's cool! :

  9. I just discovered another TheWolf277 in the internet, but he's from Greece, it's not me.

    1. 1SDAN


      LOL and yet I've never found another 1SDAN in my life. You'd think 1SDAN would be more common.

  10. I feel nice today, then go here:

    1. LordOfWolves



  11. I can't post!!! I can't restart.

  12. I can officially confirm that Chuck Norris hates the "realistic" word. You're adviced to use it wisely.

    1. Kimbblesrath


      You just did JAG? I thought you were like the forum feature pseudo-expert MD PhD. LOL

  13. I am Ryan until the customs derail ends, then I'll have a small chance of returning to be the classic Wolf

    1. Kimbblesrath


      I am just gonna call it Ryan Frightfulface Wolf

    2. LordOfWolves


      Ok, but you can call me Ryan if you want.

  14. I am LordOfWolves, as known as TheWolf277 here in the forums. Feel free to accept my friend request.


    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. Just_Another_Guy_:)


      What were you saying 'bout me not eating what? O.o 'Cause i can eat pretty much everything... I had unobtanium and diamonds for the lunch yesterday.

    3. Just_Another_Guy_:)


      ... "Grit"? Damn it, Sda, now i have to look up a word in the internet <_<

    4. Kimbblesrath


      You can grit your eyes?*

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  16. Hey, 1000 posts!! However, how did achartran make that directed status to you?

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Thnaks. And I have no idea, but apparently you do, as this is a directed status...

  17. Guys, weird weird fact. I have 2057 posts active, but the index only shows about 1700 posts

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LordOfWolves


      Deleted threads??? How did this happen? Incredible, just incredible. Do you mean Locked or really Deleted? Bioxx was very angry if he deleted a thread.

    3. achartran


      There have been some deleted threads... not a lot, mind you, but some. Also one number may include really old archived stuff, and the other number may not.

    4. Kimbblesrath


      Even if it was old, they would still be "active" right?

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  18. Guys, I'll officially change my name, because I think it's better to only have one name instead of 2, so from now to forever (not sure of this) I'll be called LordOfWolves

    1. LordOfWolves


      Yep I am, but I preferred to have an universal nickname in every site of the internet, so between TheWolf277 and LordOfWolves I preferred choosing the one that I created, because TheWolf277 was created by steam, I didn't choose the last number. However in Imgur I am still TheWolf277 because LordofWolves is already taken damnit!

  19. Guise, do you believe to the three days of darkness? The NASA said that it's going to happen. Three days of shadows everywhere. Just to not start a redundant topic, you can reply here :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. transcengopher


      This kind of anomaly would simply torn all atoms apart, along with not allowing light to pass through. But if this thing is exists, we will see pure black areas in the sky, that grow bigger and, unless this thing is of cosmic caliber, we would see about the half of star sphere as pure black. Or at least it will be about the size of the moon, if anomaly is perfectly sized just to swallow our planet and nothing more.

    3. transcengopher


      I should've wrote "unless thiss thing is NOT of cosmic caliber". Shame on me.

    4. transcengopher


      Just watch december 2012 to be boring as usual.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  20. Do you see why I hate venom now? Because it makes me feel sick for 2 days when it goes away...*Wolf falls in the ground* Oh least now I'm free...I AM BACK GUYS!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. LordOfWolves



    3. Kimbblesrath


      any changes yet from the 26/10000?

    4. LordOfWolves


      why should I have changes? However yes, 0.000011%

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Damn guys, we are here to suggest ideas, to help other people and sometimes to have fun in a good derail, not to criticize or to be rude with the others >:(

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Why? What happened while I was gone?

    2. LordOfWolves


      Don't worry, this status isn't directed to you...

    3. Kimbblesrath


      Oh ok...That is good then. :)

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  22. And now...Dunk has a brown strip. Maybe he did what I wrote in my post, or maybe spAnser did it.

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Ya, IT LOOKS SO COOL! I was wondering why he didnt have one, while the other mods did.

    1. LordOfWolves


      I loved this mod and now, hehe, it's updating good! It's here that the good EstebanLB talked to me about these forums. I will not be here now if he wasn't there at the right moment. No, you can't find the conversation, because it was a PM...

  23. ....NEW STATUS....

    1. LordOfWolves


      This ^ is why I don't post much in these days...Just an image of my last satellite :D

    2. LordOfWolves


      A satellite...made in Kerbal Space Program v0.18.1

    3. LordOfWolves


      Sure it is. And a good one too. It's still in early dev :DDDDDDDDDDD

    4. Show next comments  3 more