Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

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Status Updates posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I am Ryan until the customs derail ends, then I'll have a small chance of returning to be the classic Wolf

    1. Kimbblesrath


      I am just gonna call it Ryan Frightfulface Wolf

    2. LordOfWolves


      Ok, but you can call me Ryan if you want.

  2. I just want to share this, because it's cool! :

    1. Kimbblesrath
    2. LordOfWolves


      Happy Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Welcome back :D. Did you go away or is just me?

    1. EstebanLB


      I got bored with the current state of TFC, that's all

    2. LordOfWolves


      Yeah, I got bored too, but luckily the guys in the IRC channel made me want to come back :D

  4. Profile views: 404, file not found (quote Dropbox)

    1. 1SDAN


      Wow just, wow...

  5. I just discovered another TheWolf277 in the internet, but he's from Greece, it's not me.

    1. 1SDAN


      LOL and yet I've never found another 1SDAN in my life. You'd think 1SDAN would be more common.

  6. The forums after TFC becomes 1.4.2 are totally chaotic. It's like being near a nuclear explosion of random topics that fly everywhere and continue talking about chaotic things about a nuclear explosion of random topics that continue flying around...

    1. 1SDAN


      So true, so very true

  7. Today is the birthday of someone...guess who!

    1. LordOfWolves


      For everyone who doesn't know it's Dunk's birthday.

  8. I can officially confirm that Chuck Norris hates the "realistic" word. You're adviced to use it wisely.

    1. Kimbblesrath


      You just did JAG? I thought you were like the forum feature pseudo-expert MD PhD. LOL

  9. And now...Dunk has a brown strip. Maybe he did what I wrote in my post, or maybe spAnser did it.

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Ya, IT LOOKS SO COOL! I was wondering why he didnt have one, while the other mods did.

    1. LordOfWolves


      I loved this mod and now, hehe, it's updating good! It's here that the good EstebanLB talked to me about these forums. I will not be here now if he wasn't there at the right moment. No, you can't find the conversation, because it was a PM...

  10. Hey, 1000 posts!! However, how did achartran make that directed status to you?

    1. Kimbblesrath


      Thnaks. And I have no idea, but apparently you do, as this is a directed status...

  11. I feel nice today, then go here:

    1. LordOfWolves



  12. Guys, I'll officially change my name, because I think it's better to only have one name instead of 2, so from now to forever (not sure of this) I'll be called LordOfWolves

    1. LordOfWolves


      Yep I am, but I preferred to have an universal nickname in every site of the internet, so between TheWolf277 and LordOfWolves I preferred choosing the one that I created, because TheWolf277 was created by steam, I didn't choose the last number. However in Imgur I am still TheWolf277 because LordofWolves is already taken damnit!

  13. Pumpkins, random pumpkins everywhere!

  14. More than 600 posts...!

  15. Loading the shoutb..."Internal Server Error" Whoah!?!

  16. I can't post!!! I can't restart.

  17. I'm not what you think, I'm not posting in this forum. I don't exist. Why you keep imagining me?

  18. I know that Crysyn is in the IRC and he knows why there's this issue with posts

  19. I am LordOfWolves, as known as TheWolf277 here in the forums. Feel free to accept my friend request.

  20. I'll be unactive for some time, at least until release 79

  21. Now I'm not completely active, but not unactive for sure. B79 arrived and I started playing again. TFC is funnier than ever now.

  22. Still mostly unactive, but I'm really excited since when I saw Bioxx's updates of TFC2. Hexagonal generation? Looks a lot like Civ V. That should give him a better control over terrain gen and, well, can't wait for it to be available to public!