Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I think leather needs a bit of improving. I think leather could be handled a bit differently.

    Instead of getting leather from animals you should get animal flesh, individual to the species. Combining this with a rock or piece of wood in your crafting would give you rawhide. Putting rawhide in water and allowing it to sit for a while will give you raw leather.

    This is where tanning comes in. You could craft a tanning hole. Tanning leather would require you to build a 3 x 3 hole in the ground with water, with any blocks around the outside above it. Then you throw in some natural wood (not planks, and has to be from specific trees) about 7 - 10 should do it. Then throw in the raw leather. The water should appear to bubble. Of course that isn't realistic, but how else would you know you'd done it right? After a long wait (about two days in-game) your raw leather will have become Leather, ready for use.

    Tell me what you think in the comments!

    Already discussed about this. Not properly the leather, but the feature of the animal flesh is already discussed.

  2. Eternal is a rather suspicious character, I don't like his orange glasses, and the fact that he is a dragon, you can NEVER trust a dragon.

    ahahah orange glasses...

    But also Trey is a dragon , set on fire. So, when he will post his age, I can't trust him. Is this your theory, your chaos theory?


  3. No, he was being stupid, I needed to step in to solve the mystery of the missing change title option. And since he is rather... stubborn, the basement was a necessary measure.

    What materials is your basement built of? Because he can melt down, melting all the basement.

  4. I don't have it, I don't know why, but I don't.

    And don't worry, Sherlock just locked achartran in the basement for a bit, he'll be back soon.

    Are you trying to kill him? He isn't here, let him go! Or I call him with a capitalized A. Evil, but necessary.

  5. Yeah, for example, you seem to have imagined "immaginating" needed two "m"s instead of one ._.

    EDIT: Or that "Yuo" had the letters in that order, now that i think about it...

    Typing erorr, becuase I write fast and I don't check waht I wirte.

  6. I know they didn't ask for it, I'm just wondering why the staff changed them. Maybe there is a secret society for people above 1,000 posts? And one of the perks is a unique title assigned to you by the staff? Probably not...

    Now I remember that also Scooterdanny has a custom title.

  7. nah, I used that in an English paper yesterday, sorry :P

    Yeeees, you tried, but you didn't write it. Too difficult. Oh, forgot a letter, going to write it above NOW.

  8. Yeah we haven't heard from them in a few weeks, which isn't a good thing at all, because we (specifically I) need textures badly... kinda hard to make mobs if they have no skin...

    And it's difficult to find new artists that draw (<--- this damn verb) like the old arists, because you only need to look an ingot to see that this texture isn't so common and not so easy to imitate.

  9. we have 5 members more than we had the morning you posted that.

    :lol: You have counted the new members? :lol:

    Like I said, 1-4 members, sometimes 9. Often 7. Usually 5. But always 1-4.


  10. 300 Kg of words

    That's because this isn't just a mod, it's a new minecraft, better than the original, more complete and still in ACTIVE development. Not overpowered, with no potions, more than only 7 ores, lots of tools tiers. Do I need to continue? No...

  11. In the meantime, I can confirm that the 3x3 pit works as intended, and you even get a little more coal than before (I got 1.5 stacks).

    True, like cheating. I noticed this when I made the charcoal pit above for the first time.

  12. With as long as mankind has been here and with as many people have lived, I can say this non-original phrase with gusto "There is nothing new under the sun." Yes, I'm aware that somewhere in history someone else said exactly what I just did, but I don't care cause I didn't hear it.

    Sometimes I think that, but other times I'm sure that I can write something that no one ever wrote.

    Like this fsdbubkhvsoabngfibangfnobfgoh isf0orynjpjiotshkontjdigbshubov dfivbnirk
