Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I saw crysn post the other day, so he should be around somewhere, he's usually the topic locker, Dunk does it sometimes, and Bioxx, well we don't actually see Bioxx all that much :P

    Bioxx has the power to lock a topic and to change your life by adding something to the mod...incredible!

  2. I am a frequent poster in the Facepunch forums. you guys are childsplay.

    But really. Are there any moderators that can lock the thread? or can i do it myself?


    Dunk, Bioxx and the good Crysyn


  3. So, just making sure I got this right. If I use a WOODEN bucket and grab some water out of a nearby river and bring it back to my farm, the plants will consider it a water source?

    Yes, they can grow with that water. But you (The player) can't use it as a water source.

  4. Actually, right now two metal buckets exist: Red steel bucket, and Blue steel bucket. The red steel one transports water blocks (infinite water) but not lava, Blue steel bucket transports lava blocks but not water.


  5. Since the subject of watering plants has come up I have a question whose answer is probably obvious. However, I can't seem to find a difinitive answer. What is the point of the wooden buckets? I realize they can transport small amounts of water. Can you use that small amount for watering crops or some other purpose? It's not mean't as a complaint just a matter of me being ignorant of how the finite water system works as it currently stands.

    You can move water from the sea to your garden, making irrigation holes and filling them with water, like in vanilla.

    Edit: They're also the new bucket type. Metal one no longer exists, so you can't take the lava.


  6. and you are basically spending a number of items to get one item that rises your inventory space a lot more, with no limits. It's just insane.

    Yeah, after all it's true.

  7. depends. do you mean in TFC or just in minecraft in general? cus im not much of a builder but like i said about making my videos i will at least try.

    TFC, but everyone is a great builder. You don't need to build perfect houses, but buildings that make you feel at home. These are the best.

  8. You could just call them regions. It's how I refer to them in my head.

    Regions Where Time And Space Dimensions Change. The new word is: RWTASDC, easy to understand, easy to remember, the best word ever.

  9. thank you wolf and Gorni like i said i will try to make good videos but i cant promise anything cus i dont have very good equipment to work with but i will at least try. agian like i said why call me names and bully me? why not help me by sugjesting things that i should record and sugjest some things youd like to see.

    I'd like to see what you can build in a survival, no creative-hacks, world. Can you build something extremely awesome and leave your name in the story of this mod?

  10. I personally think this is a great idea! What about different bags though, like in forestry? Like,

    - A farming pouch (Seeds, Plants, Fruit tree saplings)

    - A mining pouch (Rocks/Ore)

    - A logging pouch (Logs/Saplings/Sticks/Leaves)

    - A digging pouch (Dirt/Clay/Peat/Mud)

    - A hunting pouch (Leather/Meat)

    - A toolkit (All tools)

    They would only store the items shown, and have an inventory smaller than a chest, (the toolkit is even smaller than the rest) but they automatically pick up the items making the jobs a lot easier without making the bags overpowered.

    It is like the backpacks of forestry, right? Yes, it can be

  11. I think that this has been discussed other times, but yes, a good idea. Maybe not a simple pouch, but a pouch with different pockets for different seeds.

    Oh and...

    :D Welcome to the forums :D


  12. oh and biomes do not exist in TFC.

    Please can we all create an unique word that means "biomes of TFC"?

    Because no one can post the biome word, but sometimes we need to post something that means that. (in TFC language)
