Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I figured I'd finally be open about my age, as much as I know people will be surprised, I really don't care. So guys, based on the posts of mine that you have seen, how old do you think I am?

    I really don't mind about that, because judging from the age is a stupid behavior, however...

    When I was a child my dream was to fly on a dragons back... I think I am acheiving that dream.

    That means you're not a child. Maybe about 15-17?


  2. Creeper explosions ._. they cost nothing but luring a creeper near rock.

    Or maybe you mean something like "place a torch, pillar cobblestone over it, break the first cobblestone" if that still works ._.

    Nothing like this.

  3. That's not blue... that's... i don't know, i'm just sure that's not the blue i know D:turquoise, maybe?
    A bit green, it's the best drawn ore. And like Azdoine said "'s <color of the metal> :( "

  4. i'm proud of my tin tools, even though i before was in red steel.

    A small tip? NEVER. GO. TO. THE. NETHER.

    You!!! You!!!! You made a guide for that!!!!!! The Nether punished you!!!!!

  5. I searched around and couldn't find any mention of this.

    So I built a coal pit and filled it with a 5x5-1 layer with a 3x3 centred on top. Built fire, left overnight, etc. The next day there was very little coal in the pit... only two stacks, one slightly taller than a block and one slightly shorter. Nothing else but dirt.

    Left it for a few days and came back later with a load of lumber to discover that there were invisible 1-layer deep stacks here and there in the pit. Kind of odd. Minor, but still a bug.

    Yeah, this just happened to me when I made a 2 height firepit



    I=invisible coal


    /////I I I





  6. Agricolture is still kidding us because there isn't an official well done page about it, but when it will be, no crop will escape from your garden during night and make you believe that it's died. If you look at your garden you can't see died crops, right?


  7. I guess that's why it's energy is lost after only 15 meters, and why it gives "weak power" -according to the MC wiki- :

    We need something better if Bioxx wants to re introduce the redstone...Seriously, the normal redstone can be used for primitive circuits, but for example copper or iron must be used for these things, not some old dust.

  8. Its properties are that of kinetics, light, and electron. from veiwing how it acts, I can assume its this. It carries a current(in turn current is turned into kinetic energy), kinetics transfer and amplification(levers, buttons, etc) are magnified(lever pulse powers a piston carrying 12 cubic blocks (1m^3) of gold). and produces light(Dont need to explain, open your eyes)

    sooo... yes, redstone deals with electron currents, however due to its other properties only the kinetics and binary in/output is viewed. Electron transfer is assumed to be the transfer between the particles as other explanations do not quite fit.

    this post is a bit disorganized... I think weird.

    But doesn't all this make redstone a bad conductor because it's light dust?

  9. Welcome to the forums, a great place to watch train wrecks and derails!

    What the above dude said

    This experience has changed you... :D

  10. I have the same problem here.

    I have a stone hammer and tried a lot of stone but nothing happens when i try to use the hammer on the top of the stone blocks.

    I have alot of dolomite blocks around and some other, real white stone blocks.. are there any stones that wont work?

    I've also restartet both, client and server..

    I know that limestone doesn't work. Try cheating and use marble. It works. If it doesn't work then you have a big problem.