Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by LordOfWolves

  1. I wasn't talkin about Azdoi-I didn't say any names! No names here, just a movin on.

    Not that doctor...Good, however, because you're not talking about that doctor.

  2. I was thinking that, but I don't think this is possible anymore, without stone pickaxes. Because, without access to tier one metals to get a metal hammer, the only way to get the flux needed for an anvil would be from borax, and I think you'd need the stone pickax to even get that (not that I have EVER found any).

    No, currently there is a rock that you can break to obtain flux with a stone hammer, but I can't remember which rock it is. I think it's limestone, but I'm surely wrong

  3. Strange puppy... *pat pat* it's ok there little guy.

    Psssst, hey you. Yeh, you over there, hey I'm talkin to you!

    Why do we have a doctor who is obsessed with florescent ponies? 0.o

    Don't start talking about that doctor... :P

  4. Maybe beehives spawn in chunks with x number fruit trees and flowers. Bees will fly around the hive as particles, bees will visit fruit trees making said fruit trees grow its fruit quicker. When the bee gets back to the hive, some honey is produced. Every x number of days, the hive makes another bee particle group. (The particles act like any bee mob would)

    Yes. This makes sense. Good, a very good idea involving fruit trees.

  5. I saw someone that barely touched on this, so I thought that I would go into more depth with this one.

    A little bit of a backstory:

    So I have an olive orchard in my world and the harvesting season had finally arrived. I was overly excited to have a different type of food that I could eat besides just beef. So I picked all of the olives and then proceeded to eat one. I was expecting at least on food hunk. Instead it was half a food hunk. I was a bit disappointed and quite frankly, I now have 5 stacks of a useless food source. So I got to thinking, What if I could somehow squeeze the oil out of the olives and use it to make some sort of pasta dish? And why stop there?! Why not make a variety of fruit pies and what not?

    My point is, I think there should be different types of food stuff that take time to cook for added realism. and isn't just a simple recipe. You would need grind up flour for the pie dough, chop up different vegetable's to make a salad dish, etc.. I just feel that the current fruits and various crops do not replenish enough hunger by themselves so why not create something that does? They wouldn't have to give you 10 hunks of food each time a meal was eaten, perhaps only as much as beef. I feel it would be much more satisfying to be able to create complex dishes that help you stay not hungry for longer periods of time than the half a food hunk olives which keep you full for about 1 minute in-game. I'm sure that I didn't explain this well enough so I hope you know what I'm talking about. What are your thoughts/suggestions?

    Welcome to the forums!!!!

    Yes, probably we need something like the mushroom stew, but better. Something that involves the creation of dishes from clay, of different forms. One for the soup and one for the fish that you mentioned before. Also something to eat them, made out of steel, or if you don't have steel, make it of iron.

    The dishes can be eaten without flatware, but they regenerate less food points and less saturation than a dish eaten with the flatware.


  6. Some months ago I thought about items repair. I thought that a tool can break only its head and not its handle, or viceversa it can break its handle and not its head, so you have the pieces to make a new tool. Obviously these pieces have decreased durability. Practically two durabilities, one for the head and one for the handle.


  7. Of course enchantments will damage TFC and of course they don't fit. Look at this feature only like a repair tool,

    "Aside from the standard repair type, it is suggested that combining two different enchanted tools might produce a new tool, carrying the benefits of both".

    The only feature that I've opened this topic to discuss IS THE REPAIR. Forget about enchantments.

    Well...enchantments can be a cool thing. Now it's all crap, but this because they were made in a bad way, not the right one. Enchantments are the thing that must be implemented after all the other things. Enchantments for now are only a piece of creative mode on a tool, but this because the mojang team hadn't enough fantasy to make something new. Only cheated tools. Currently there are very cool enchantments that can be made in that game, but no one seems to think about this. I'm not saying that this mod needs enchantments, but if they will be implemented, they need to be not overpowered, 80% fun and 20% useful. :)

  8. Welcome to the TFC forums, where you can find the most awesome and helpful community...and also some topic derailers!!!

    yes, it's probably not fun for a new to the mod, but that's it, and remember that you probably will make your first pickaxe after half a week of playing. And you also need a good biome where you can start. Not the swamp surrounded by the ocean, but for example a nice plain with some trees, a mountain ecc...

    You have a lot of things to learn about this mod, but when you know all, you can make your undestroyable base, an expensive wooden mansion, everything you want.

    If you find a bad biome, try a new world.

    Yes, what happened to you is bad, but if you can't choose, break the stone with your fists. It's very slow, but it worth it.


  9. No it isn't, where did that hammer came from?!

    Yeah, what's this? Vanilla crazy feature or mod?

    However, I think that something more detailed is needed.

    For example you can have cheap repairing tools, a carpenteer workbench, your tools, the materials needed to repair them. <--This isn't so detailed, but it's an idea from where you can start.


  10. I prefer DF-style apiaries, because it requires the player to put in the work of actually maintaining more than one hive at once. Nothing against Forestry, but... A lot against Forestry. It's a good adaptation of bees within vMC, but it definitely wouldn't fit here.

    Also, DF-style apiaries would be much easier to manufacture (player-side. No idea as to the coding aspect of either type of apiary.)

    Remember that bees are only an idea for now and need a lot of things to become official. They don't exist, so it's normal that you prefer the df or forestry bees.

  11. Mr. Daniels will help you forget. Though to be fair, if you're not minecrafting with him around you're basically already playing on easy mode.

    Mmh...I never play easy mode. NEVER. Hard, because hardcore is a waste of time and good maps.

  12. no he wasnt dissing wolves in general, he's just saying that their AI is rather terrile and i agree, theres nothing stopping them from jumping into a fire either

    I know that, I was kidding. But I can't find an emoticon that shows how I feel when I write most of my posts. If I had posted a smiling emoticon, it wasn't the right one. I was searching a thing like :) + -_-

  13. I do know that malachite in particular is best found deep deep underground. Like, well into the third rock layer.

    Nooooooooo. Please it's not a game of numbers. Be...please...more generic because now I know something that I should not know.

    Who helps me forget?


  14. ... I really don't get what the wolf's purpose in the game ._. i mean, yeah, a mob that can attack you and spawns at daylight, a doggy, but other than that they seem useless and/or annoying for me... They do attack what i am attacking, if it is a passive mob, but i never had a wolf helping me against any aggresive mob. That spider jockey laughed over my body while my dog just sitted around, looking... -__-


  15. Well...Sponge iron is richer than pig iron. It's an iron type made of more pure iron. It's known as direct-reduced iron. It's made in oxygen furnaces, coke or charcoal ovens and blast furnaces.


  16. If you don't find sphalperite, bismuthinite or cassiterite, you're unlucky, but if you find them you're the most lucky of the world because you have tons of useful copper. Many people are going crazy right now because they can't find copper.


  17. Yes, many mods don't generate their ores with this mod because it edits the world generation.

    This means no IC2 tin, copper, rubber trees or uranium and no redpower tungsten and nikolite.

    Only minor mods I think, apart railcraft.
