Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Secondary and Tertiary Foods

10 posts in this topic

I saw someone that barely touched on this, so I thought that I would go into more depth with this one.

A little bit of a backstory:

So I have an olive orchard in my world and the harvesting season had finally arrived. I was overly excited to have a different type of food that I could eat besides just beef. So I picked all of the olives and then proceeded to eat one. I was expecting at least on food hunk. Instead it was half a food hunk. I was a bit disappointed and quite frankly, I now have 5 stacks of a useless food source. So I got to thinking, What if I could somehow squeeze the oil out of the olives and use it to make some sort of pasta dish? And why stop there?! Why not make a variety of fruit pies and what not?

My point is, I think there should be different types of food stuff that take time to cook for added realism. and isn't just a simple recipe. You would need grind up flour for the pie dough, chop up different vegetable's to make a salad dish, etc.. I just feel that the current fruits and various crops do not replenish enough hunger by themselves so why not create something that does? They wouldn't have to give you 10 hunks of food each time a meal was eaten, perhaps only as much as beef. I feel it would be much more satisfying to be able to create complex dishes that help you stay not hungry for longer periods of time than the half a food hunk olives which keep you full for about 1 minute in-game. I'm sure that I didn't explain this well enough so I hope you know what I'm talking about. What are your thoughts/suggestions?


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I saw someone that barely touched on this, so I thought that I would go into more depth with this one.

A little bit of a backstory:

So I have an olive orchard in my world and the harvesting season had finally arrived. I was overly excited to have a different type of food that I could eat besides just beef. So I picked all of the olives and then proceeded to eat one. I was expecting at least on food hunk. Instead it was half a food hunk. I was a bit disappointed and quite frankly, I now have 5 stacks of a useless food source. So I got to thinking, What if I could somehow squeeze the oil out of the olives and use it to make some sort of pasta dish? And why stop there?! Why not make a variety of fruit pies and what not?

My point is, I think there should be different types of food stuff that take time to cook for added realism. and isn't just a simple recipe. You would need grind up flour for the pie dough, chop up different vegetable's to make a salad dish, etc.. I just feel that the current fruits and various crops do not replenish enough hunger by themselves so why not create something that does? They wouldn't have to give you 10 hunks of food each time a meal was eaten, perhaps only as much as beef. I feel it would be much more satisfying to be able to create complex dishes that help you stay not hungry for longer periods of time than the half a food hunk olives which keep you full for about 1 minute in-game. I'm sure that I didn't explain this well enough so I hope you know what I'm talking about. What are your thoughts/suggestions?

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Yes, probably we need something like the mushroom stew, but better. Something that involves the creation of dishes from clay, of different forms. One for the soup and one for the fish that you mentioned before. Also something to eat them, made out of steel, or if you don't have steel, make it of iron.

The dishes can be eaten without flatware, but they regenerate less food points and less saturation than a dish eaten with the flatware.


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Yeah definitely agree and I'm sure it's coming at some point, else why have all the different crops. You shouldn't be able to eat just olives for nutrition, so I think it's fine that they only give 1/2 a hunger point. There should definitely be a way to combine separate food items into singular "meal" items that can be stacked and carried and replenish at least the same amount of hunger as their individual components (maybe a small bonus too). Also, when that's done, beef/pork/chicken should replenish less hunger, so that carrying prepared meals is the more efficient choice.


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This thread has been done, done, and redone

Use the search function next time


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I fully support this. Also, full meals should have A LOT of saturation. What I mean is, as well as healing 8 hunger bars, they keep you at 8 hunger bars for a long time.


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Maybe we can collect sap from trees and either eat it, or turn it into maple syrup to put on our pancakes!


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[loads of stuff]

There is a "meals" system in the works, kind of how DF does it I would assume, since that game is the primary inspiration for mechanics in TFC.


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Olive pie would be a tier -5 food. You don't die instantly, but you wish you would.


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There is a "meals" system in the works, kind of how DF does it I would assume, since that game is the primary inspiration for mechanics in TFC.

Just because a long. long time ago, in a minecraft world far away TFC had a DF influence doesn't mean we need to base every new mechanic off of DF. I love DF, but this is TFC, it has long since become a different beast.


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