Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Rgamer

  1. The issue is, imperial isn't consistent.

    Instead of having one small unit multiplied by any number, it has one big unit that gets divided up by weird prime numbers. Yes, because it's easy to measure out one third of a cup without a dedicated measuring cup.

    Why twelve inches, anyways?

    I didn't say I liked Imperial, but it's here for the forseeable future.

    As for the twelve inches, I think it's the foot divided by the number of major lords? I could be wrong. (By the way, base-12 has all sorts of fascinating advantages over base-10. I won't go into them here.)


  2. I agree with this, why should the parties even be allowed to make use of public money for their campaigns? Thats SO corrupt I dont even know where to begin. Donations are fine, but tax-subsidies?

    I think they also use public voting machinery in the primaries....shouldnt be allowed either.

    And the whole distrcting thing for the electoral college has to stop, it essentially deletes votes that dont have the majority in a district and that is disgusting. hell the electoral college ITSELF is disgusting.

    Alright, I gotta point out a couple inaccuracies here:

    #1: You, that's right, you choose if your money goes to tax-subsidize political parties. Every year, when you fill out your tax return forms, you can check a little box that says to redirect $3 of your tax money to the political parties. The Treasury adds up the money so donated, divides by two, and sends half to the GOP and the other half to the DNC(Is that the acronym for the Democrats?).

    #2: The electoral college is designed to (theoretically) insulate the president from the demands of the populace, so that he can better make hard decisions without worrying about if it will be unpopular. Also the reason behind six-year terms for senators, and the fact that they were originally elected by state legislatures, which I think we should go back to, if for no reason except it forces people to pay attention to who they vote into the State legislature. People don't realize how much power the states have, so they don't pay attention to state elections very much, which is obviously a bad thing.

    #3: Honestly, the fact that public polling places are used for primaries is a red herring. Wanting the parties to pay for use of public voting systems is one thing, wanting to prevent their use is another. Public polling places are chosen because they are widely accessible, and the voting machines (Electronic, paper, or mechanical) are both expensive and low-utility to anyone except a government. None of this is an arguement against charging for their use, but I think it's silly to essentially want every polling location to have 3 sets of polling machines (Democrats, Republicans, and election).


  3. Fairer comparison:

    1/9 cup of milk

    8 ounces of flour

    4 ounces of sugar


    26.2 mL milk

    226.2 g flour

    113.1 g sugar


    Did not mean that to happen w/ flour and milk.... (Metric is still easier.... for the most part. Masses are equally easy, as long as you have a digital scale or weights.)

    Also (hope this works...)

    Posted Image

    We are ENGINEERS! And we solve problems.


  4. The thing about Organic and natural... they have absolutely no controlled meaning, i could have a soft drink full of artificial preservatives, and Sucralose, and still call it both names...

    Just for clarity:

    Sucrose: Fructose + Glucose ; naturally found in sugarcane and sugar beets. Extracted, crystallized, ground, and sold as "sugar".

    Sucralose: Appraently a term for artifical sweetenters now. I like it.


  5. As far as Monsanto is concerned, it's surprising I've heard about them, but I have and it's never good things. Like that if you are planting non-mon crops and your neighbor is, and your crops are cross bred with his (not intentional, just the wind carries the pollen over to your farm), they will sue you for copyright infringement. That's the gist of what I heard about them, anyway.

    I approve of Monsanto's product(Allows less herbicide to be used, by applying it directly to the plants), and hate their marketing strategy ("Use our stuff or we'll sue you into bankruptcy")

    Also, if you think about it, corporations have a way bigger incentive to make sure their food is safe than the FDA or other government agencies do. If, say, Tyson chicken starts poisoning people, people will stop buying Tyson and they go bankrupt. The FDA on the other hand (even those bureaucrats responsible for ensuring the safety of Tyson chicken) will suffer no penalties from this. For example, Omaha irradiates all ground meat products, and I think several of their regular cuts. It's perfectly safe, and does absolutely nothing to the taste. "But Rgamer," you say, "Didn't the wise, all-knowing FDA require that of them?" Nope. They did it on their own, to get a leg up on the competition. And because irradiated meat can be safely shipped in non-refrigerated trucks, train cars, etc, so if the refrigeration unit fails, the meat is safe as long as the package hasn't been opened. All a private company trying to keep or grow their customer base. The same incentives apply to the makers of GMOs. If a GMO starts poisoning customers, that company's bankrupt.

    On the subject of the human body's supposed need for a toxin free, ultra-high quality diet to be in optimal health... I assure you, most of those Olympic athletes ate conventionally-grown food most of their lives. The human body has a insanely capable detoxification system, capable of eliminating the harmful effects of many natural and unnatural toxins. For example, did you know that organic tomatoes are more toxic than conventional ones?

    I also hate the term organic, because to me it means carbon-based. On the plus side, it's a wonderful way to confuse people, telling them that I eat all-organic.... while eating out of a bag that is conspicuously missing an organic label.


  6. I'm an American, and I only use imperial when I'm dealing with other people and have no choice.

    Metric is my default.

    Seriously, this is like a fucking toothache. The longer america puts off fixing it, the worse it's going to get.

    Dude, Congress can't even agree to spend less money than it takes in in taxes. Do you seriously think that same Congress will ever switch to a metric system.

    Also, to be fair, we use the metric system in limited instances -e.x. soda is sold in 2L bottles, most people are familiar with the meter and centimeter. Most. I am somewhat biased, most of the people I know are in high-level math and science classes.


  7. what are you guys saying about what's on/off the to-do list without me? When animals are done, I'm going to look into trees.

    Sorry, based on what you said earlier, I assumed they were already on the to-do list. It was something about wanting to turn trees into tileentities or something?


  8. But seriously, no political party has a monopoly on stupidity. Exhibit A would be Todd Akin and his magic uterus. Good news is even politicians can figure out when someone is too dumb for politics, and it took all of a couple hours for the GOP to drop him after he made his magic uterus comments.


  9. You're completely right, taking the 'do not shove up nose' labels off of my expensive electronics will obviously void my entire bioscience degree and cause my simple democratic brain to revert to its 5 year old state.

    There are intelligent people in both parties - the difference is that, while the stupid people in either party are essentially interchangeable, an intelligent democrat will put himself up on a cross and bleed their emotions and wallets all over people who get a bad rap or unfair judgements because nearly all of us have some sort of fucking messiah complex, whereas an intelligent republican just goes 'Lol fuck it' and keeps everything for themselves because they need a 3rd golden yacht to impress their friends.

    And this is why I am libertarian.


  10. I've been looking at videos and reading tutorials to try and understand the mechanics of the propick, and here's how I do it:

    1. I assume that you have found a sample, of any kind, to start with. Traces, medium or large makes no difference as long as you have a location to start with.

    2. Place a torch or any other marker where you start, and go in one direction, propicking until you find the place where it goes from the current(for example small sample) to a larger or smaller. I.e. Small to Traces, or Small to Medium.

    3. Place a new marker at the point where it changes, and move 13 blocks towards the larger direction. I.e if your sample went from small to traces, turn back and count 13 blocks. If the sample went from small to medium, continue another 13 blocks. There is no point to propicking these 13 blocks.

    4. Place a new marker at the 13th block, and move either left or right from that one, do not continue forward, it serves no purpose. Repeat steps 2 and 3, i.e. after turning either right or left, find a place where it goes from one concentration to another, and move in the direction of the larger one 13 blocks.

    5. If you are on the surface, congratulations, you will have to dig down a maximum of 13 blocks and you will hit the vein of ore, unless you have multiple veins messing with the output from the propick. If you are in a tunnel underground, pray that the ore is below you and start to dig. If you haven't found it by 13 blocks down, it is either above you or you have been chasing multiple veins.

    Admittedly, I haven't played much yet, but when I get a reading with the propick, this method has so far not failed to located the vein.

    Good luck and happy mining to you all, and don't forget to bring torches, ladders and food. Beware cave-ins and dig two wide shafts when going down to prevent falling into an open cave or lava.(did I miss any of the obvious safety precautions? =P)

    Supports. Lots of supports. Or if you have waaaay too much metal and feel like wasting a whole lot of it you can just quarry out the whole chunk. I wouldn't reccommend that, though.


  11. Funny thing is, the only reason the drinking age is 21 in the US is because the federal government bullied the states into changing their drinking ages with highway funds. By the way? I think it's reallly damned stupid. Alcohol is readily available on most college campuses, even to those under 21. I'm sure those of you in college can back me up on this.


  12. Well the only other system I know of is the english system, now called the imperial system because even the fucking english don't use it anymore.

    Americans with IQs below 120 still use it because it's safe and it's what they're used to, and gods forbid that the American populace do anything outside their collective comfort zone...

    Make no mistake, the metric system, being base 10, is both simpler and far more efficient than the imperial system, which is base retarded.

    Yes, because king George the 1st had a fucking 30.48 cm shoe, that must mean that a 'foot' is the perfect standard for measurement. I swear...

    Hey, us Americans like our quirks :D Besides, the scientist-engineer segment of the population is quite comfortable with metric. Blame the rest of the idiots. Yeah, I'm an engineer. Well, studying to be one.


  13. Why not, for gold at least, make an alloy possible? Maybe 7 gold and 1 or 2 copper for 7 gold alloys. Would add strength and durability and wouldn't change the color drastically.

    8 alloy bars, besides which, gold is ridiculously heavy. A chunk the size of a brick weighs nearly 300 pounds if I remember right. I prefer gilding armor, so it has fancy gold trims.


  14. Realised the half life was 4.3 not 3.4 there are however far more stable isotopes however these are all very stable for example TE97 has a half-life of 2.6 billion years we should probably just for ease of argument say that this particular Technetium is TE96. Also you have to remember these things still are impossible so therefore I can't measure how much would be needed in fact even if this compound was possible it wouldn't be piezoelectric and it certainly wouldn't be piezoradioactive this is just a way of believable lying in such a manner that nobody will ask questions. silica in the form of quartz is piezoelectric and silica is in pyroxenes therefore it wouldn't be piezoelectric but it would be close.

    Yeah, all the others besides TE96 and TE97 have half-lives of between 20 hours and .3 seconds, which is really not useful. (Chart of the nucleides above my bed FTW)


  15. glad you do ^_^

    so um yeah back to what we were talking about before, dragons scale armor!

    Clearly, this needs to be introduced with Dragons, which I think should be introduced after armor becomes gem-enchantable. Or however enchanting ends up working. Namely, I think it should be so incredibly awesome that you need to be seriously prepared before you even think about going for the dragon. Unlike the wimperdragon in Vanilla.


  16. really? hmm it just seems like an odd alloy

    but my point is, we've already got a couple of odd metals, so it doesnt really matter if we add a few more odd/fictional metals

    Oh, I completely agree with you. Red and Blue steel are really strange, and even DF, which this mod is basically a MC port of in many ways, has its adamantine, Troglodytes, Giant Mole People, and zombie whales...

    Hey, Bioxx? Please don't add zombie whales. Ever.

    Point is, I'm cool with strange metals and creatures. As long as they aren't zombie whales.


  17. hmm what texture pack you using? looks pretty nice

    also, wouldnt mirrors kill preformance? i know the portals from the portal gun mod totally wreck my fps unless i make it so you cant see through them

    Perhaps a setting for mirrors that just makes them shiny, gray expanses? So players whose computers can't handle mirrors can still play on servers with players whose computers can?


  18. true we already have some pretty unrealistic alloys like come on black bronze? red steel? why not add other fictional metals?

    but rose gold actually is a thing. look it up

    Black bronze exists :) It's actually copper + gold + silver, which somehow makes the metal black.


  19. awwww you killed our Monty Python-fest

    but yeah thanks for pulling us back on topic

    and WELCOME TO THE FORUMS!!!!!!!!!!

    -confetti- -streamers- -more confetti- :lol:

    Thanks! I like this forum already.


  20. On topic, as a DF player who recently found magma for the first time I totally support Magma forges, especially if DF-style opportunities for FUN exist.
