Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Soccerdude10

  1. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    I just had no idea how to flatten dough out into a pancake without a hammer. Possibly they could add a tool that would flatten it out, but for the time being, I have no idea.
  2. [Solved] Bloomery lost

    When I do it the bloomery block never flies off.. I break the back part of the bloomery to get out. Edit: When I do it on the sides though it goes flyin'! But I always just find it either 5 blocks in front of the bloomery structure or behind it. Edit2: Im silly. I was breaking the part of the bloomery chimney higher up, where the chimney could be expanded, not the minimum size Bloomery. My mistakes!
  3. [Solved] Bloomery lost

    I usually just hop in the bloomery chimney, get the bloom, and break the chimney to get out, replacing it afterwards.
  4. [Solved] oat grains

    It will not crash your game, nor will it have any negative effects. I don't know why its there, but just don't be afraid to make it into grains .
  5. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    Hello, I found a maple tree in the wild and thought it would be really cool if there was maple syrup. Syrup is made from sap, which is made from starch made in the maple tree in the fall and winter. The Starch turns into sugar which rises into sap in the spring. I think the way to get the sap would be to right click a maple tree's logs with a knife/hammer which would bore a hole in the tree during fall or early winter. When spring comes you can go over to the maple trees with a wooden bucket and collect the sap. Then you would put the sap bucket in a forge/fire pit and that would make all the water boil in the sap, leaving maple syrup. It would also be interesting to add pancakes, which would be made by taking dough (the dough cooked to make bread) and put it in a crafting table with a hammer. That would flatten the dough out. After that you would cook it in a fire pit or forge. It would make a pancake (how much oz the pancake is depends on how many oz the dough was). You could add maple syrup to it just by crafting syrup and the pancake in your crafting table, and that would give more saturation for the pancake and also perhaps more food would be restored when its eaten. Also jam could be added as another topping to pancakes, which would just be grinding down strawberries, blueberries, other foods already in the game that seem fitting, etc, by grinding in it a quern. You could add lots of toppings to the pancake, but if you add to much the saturation and how much it gives you when eaten could go down, because it would start tasting bad. Back to maple trees, it should not spawn between z -10000 through z 10000 because it likes cooler climates. Also, perhaps the collecting of the sap from the trees could be done automatically if you place either string or wool yarn 3 blocks above the ground, right next to the tree, and right click the string with a wooden bucket. It could show a wooden bucket swaying from one side to the other on the string. The buckets would pick up the sap in March. I am a fan of breakfast foods, as you probably can already tell! In fact, breakfast is my favorite out of all the major times you eat. Cheers, Soccerdude10
  6. How have you set up your blast furnace?

    As many of the others have said, I do put my Blast Furnace in a Forge Building. I also have forges and crucibles above that assigned for different metals (I have a Black Steel making area and a Red Steel making area at the moment), just to make it a bit more organized. I don't put a forge below the crucible that is below the Blast Furnace because then it would look like I'm cramping for space.. lol.
  7. Well, you won't get sheep until you venture into a mountain anyways.
  8. Vein Spawning In Rocks

    I found a gold mine in Dacite rock and I was digging it out when I hit the middle layer of stone, which was Granite. I knew gold could spawn in that rock type to, so I looked for some there. I couldn't find any. So that got me wondering, can a vein of ore be in two different rock types, that it can spawn in? Or else was it a coincidence that I could not find it in the Granite rock?
  9. Rose Gold Anvil

    A few weeks ago in my SP TFC world I made a Rose Gold anvil and not one of the other bronze anvils, and then later I mined a bloom. I didn't get the achievement for making the anvil, nor the achievement for The Iron Age when I mined the bloom. I did not cheat to get the Bloom or anvil, it was all legit, so why did I not get the achievement?
  10. Gold, Gold Where are you

    Except that this is time consuming, and it takes a lot of the durability of your pickaxe.
  11. Vein Spawning In Rocks

  12. [Offline] TFC Vanilla server v78.17 [Dynmap, LWC]

    Don't know if I am doing it wrong somehow, as this is my first TerraFirmaCraft server that I have been whitelisted on. I played SP all before this. But when I try to join the server it says Failed: Bad Login. Is there anything I am doing wrong? I tried both the regular and Dynmap IPs. Edit: It seems that the server was down. My mistakes.
  13. [Offline] TFC Vanilla server v78.17 [Dynmap, LWC]

    IGN: Clubpenguinrulez (Don't mind my username... made my account when I liked it years ago. Age: 14 Providence/State you live in: Virginia What kind of experience do you have with TFC?: Im pretty sure I have been playing it for about 3 months now. In my SP world I had just gotten my Blast Furnace today (finally) and now am making blooms to produce sheets for the Blast Furnace, so I know how to do all metallurgy as well. I am a decent builder as well. I hope you will accept me to join the server!
  14. Vein Spawning In Rocks

    Having two different types of ores in the same mountain isn't uncommon, and thanks for all the replies guys!
  15. A few things that bother me

    I have to admit that they are a bit to common, even not in sedimentary stone types on the surface. In my TerraFirmaCraft world, there are pits everywhere, yet the stone type on the top layer and on the ground is Dacite, which is ingenious extrusive. And I'm pretty sure that anvils have the same recipe, 7 metal double ingots in the crafting area except for the middle square on the side columns. One thing though, what do you mean by the red arrow?