Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by upq0212

  1. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    When it comes to dealing with criminals, how about minor offences makes you have to pay a fine if youo get caught and major offences.... What about major offences....? You kill a guy and what? One day in jail, 12 moths in jail? No thats crazy, they will just switch server. Let's look at history, what did people do about criminals back in the days? Deathscentance? Okay idea, but in minecraft you just respawn. What else did they do...? Exile! like the brithsh with Australia! How about we make criminals colonize certain areas, surveyed by guards? when you serve your scentance you get to return, in these areas you would dissalow boats, or! or you make boats only go along the coast! how bout' that? And you can craft bigger boats with more expencive materials that the criminals can't get their hands on! These boats may hold several people, one captain and a few passengers! If the prisoners are exiled on another continent they will have no chance to escape! Just give it a think... /Upq0212
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I sawe alot of ideas regardig the safekeeping of chests. Having the ability to protect your items is essential along with all SMP-usage of this mod. That is because ores and ingots in this mod is far more valuable then an iron ingot or diamond in "real" minecraft. The thing we need to do is too see; what does the minecraft comunity have to offer? On that question i have taken the liberty to answer nothing! A sign on a chest does not lock it, right? Also, magic? We don't have fireballs or lightning spells, right? Then why should you be able to use this very magic to lock chests but then for NOTHING else? It does not make any sense. Since the minecraft community does not have the answers we look for i guess we have to look in the directions of other games. How about The Elder Scrolls? For those of you loyal ES fans you know the obstacles locks in Skyrim or Oblivion might prove to be, how about we combine this system of lockpicking with the crafting aspect of minecraft? By that i mean you have to craft the locks, a very tedious but rewarding process. Crafting locks should be a process with several steps not fun nor interesting to go through. That means: as a thief, you can no more survive on only thieving because you also have to craft the lockpicks, one ingot might be enough for one lock OR 5 lockpicks. along with better materials locks will be harder to breach, but lock picks will also have better durabilty! That locks and lockpicks scale differently is absolutely necessary for better locks to be rewarding. A red-steel lock will be close to impossible to breach, and not even a red-steel lockpick in comparison to a wrought iron lockpick will make it easier. One aspect of lockpicking that does not fit with minecraft is the Roleplaying style it has in ES. To avoid having to implement skills into TFC we therefor have to make sure the skill is in the Player and NOT the in game character. This will mostly be accomplished by having some varieties of locks where you have to learn certain tecniques for each lock. examples of locks that can be used is the circular locks of Skyrim or the more modernistic locks of Oblivion etc. The sources of inspiration are limitless. The lockpicking part should be formed as a minigame, how i do not know yet. As mentioned it may be simmelar to the lockpicking of The Elder Scrolls. also the creation of keys to these specific locks should be minigame-like. Possibly simmelar to knapping tools just that in a larger scale, Aka more possible shapes. Anyone with with a key with the right shape can open the lock that is designed to be opened by that key. by rightclicking with the key a GUI should be brought up that shows the shape of the key, same thing should apply with locks, but, ONLY the creator of the lock can bring this GUI up. when you craft a lock you get to decide a specific shape, when yo craft a key you get to decide a shape and if these match each other, you can open that lock with that key. For all of you that have read my post i'm grateful, these are merely my humble ides. /Upq0212