Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AwesoMan3000

  1. Can you make maps in TFC?, because I haven't got it to work. If not, this should be one of paper's uses. Also, you can use paper to make markings for detailed blocks, so yes, paper does have a legitimate use.

    I think that reed papyrus is a perfectly normal way of getting paper material, as it is within the game's time frame after all. I don't think the commonly used bright white fiber substance we call "paper" today would be easy to create 1015 years ago, so I think that there should be a different method. Like peeling bits off of birch bark maybe?


  2. I would say this was actually a good idea. You could also possibly find out stars underwater which are edible and if you drop sand on them, you could get pearls (a new gem type), or, extremely rarely. black pearls, after a certain amount of time.

    Support for this idea.


  3. Personally (although knowing on my luck I am the only person in the world with this opinion) I think that despite the fact that TFC has a lot of food, some revisions could be made to the fruits category. Also some of them need tweaking. For example: the ability to grow multiple types of fruit on one tree could be added, and removing blooms from a tree could result in a higher fruit yield.

    Fruit tree varieties: will update list with blooming time and other info


    Asian pear














    Bush suggestions:




    Grapes (would grow as either a crop or a vines-like bush, placeable on fences and walls)

    Aside from the soybean, the only source of protein is from meat products, and I think this should be balanced out. Some of the fruit higher in protein content, like apricots, avocados and coconuts, could be eaten for a relatively weak protein source. The same goes for calcium: the only way to obtain it is through milk and cheese, while some fruits and vegetables also contain a decent amount of calcium which could be used for this purpose. Also, if possible, they could simply mainly refill the fruit bar and also give Calcium/Protein in small amounts as a bonus.

    Bark from a mature mulberry, birch or aspen tree could be harvested and crafted into paper.

    Certain trees could possibly be grafted onto each other by placing a sapling onto another tree. These would decrease the fruit yield, but would give multiple seperate fruit types from one tree. Only fruits from related species could graft (pome fruits: red and green apples, Asian pears, pears and quinces, citrus fruits: oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits and kumquats, and other groups, such as peaches and apricots). Alternatively, one type of tree could produce multiple types of fruit. For example, one apple tree could mainly produce red apples but have a rare chance of producing a green apple, or vice versa. A similar rule would apply to other fruit, such as grapes (red or green).

    Grape could also be used to create wine

    After eating a fruit, you have a chance of getting a fruit seed. Depending on the fruit type, it can be rarer for example banana seeds, definite in the case of stone fruits like peaches and avocados, and certain fruits such as lemons may have multiple seeds. If you right click a block with this it will plant a sapling of the respective tree or a baby version of the bush which will grow into a normal one. The seed will only become a sapling if the climate is correct.

    I will update this thread with more suggestions. Hope you like. (I've been thinking of lot of suggestions lately, and this was just one of them)


  4. Searching for a new one, I found Terra Firma Craft and my modpack suddenly useless, because all I wanted for minecraft, was there in one mod. 

    Don't you just hate it when your modpack suddenly useless?Back on topic I found the mod through Etho, like most other players. Although I was slightly out off playing it due to my only modded experiences being through Technic and similar mod pack things.

  5. I can run 1.7.10 on the new vanilla launcher just fine - there might be something regarding mods and the new launcher that I might have overlooked as I don't know anything much about mod installation (TFC is the first mod I ever installed outside of modpacks)

    I have my save files all on C, however I am installing the new TFC in a folder separate from .minecraft, which I assume is the problem's core


  6. So I went to install the latest version of TFC. When I try to install Forge it says "This directory is missing a launcher profile. Please run the minecraft launcher first." No matter how many times I run the game or the launcher, it still comes up with that message. I know I'm probably doing something facepalmably wrong, but I can't quite find the source of it.


  7. Or of course for bragging rights.

    You could also set a challenge for collecting every single gem there is. If all you can find is chipped and flawed, you don't really need them. Exquisites are like the shiny Pokémon of the gem world though, so hang on to that. Remember item frames are still a thing.

    Wish they would hurry up and add a use though.
