Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by AwesoMan3000

  1. The compressor would probably use pistons.

    Oh wait.

    But mabye, it could be a p,Ayer-made device that requires water to flow over sand, and this would form sandstone rocks in the corners. Or mabye have it go under heavy blocks. Having sandstone generate naturally instead would be pretty good anyway.


  2. We could always use a different compression method. Like maybe placing sand block underwater, and waiting a few in game months? Or adding a compressor machine?


  3. My favourite block in vanilla Minecraft is sandstone (and it`s also vanilla coloured) and I was kinda disappointed to see that you can't obtain a block like it in survival. This gave me an idea that we could maybe craft different sandstones from different sands? Placing one sand block in the grid would produce one sandstone rock of the sand's type, which could be used with another 3 to make a Sandstone Cobblestone, like the regular Sandstone from vanilla. You could then use a Chisel in smoothing mode to turn this into Smooth Sandstone, and again would make a block that looks like the top texture of sandstone on all 6 sides. You could also use a new chisel mode to make two new variants: Creeper Chiseled Sandstone (like the Chiseled regular sandstone from vanilla) and Wither Chiseled Sandstone (which looks like the upcoming Chiseled Red Sandstone in vanilla).


    Putting a sandstone rock in a Quern would return the sand block, and any of the sandstone blocks would return 4 of the respective sand.


    Melting Sandstone would return a glass block which is tougher than regular glass.



    please reply with opinions.


  4. Making 1 quarry out of each size won't get you very accurate results-I'd recommend making 5 or so of each size to get more accurate results.

    I was actually planning on doing that.


  5. Since my secondary aim in TFCraft survival is to get one of every quality of gem, I've decided to do a little test to see how commonly they appear, by digging different quarry sizes. Obviously this is in Creative because I haven't even entered the bronze age yet facecactus


    Tested with a Haste 126 effect and an Efficiency / pickaxe.



    1x1 quarries


    1: No gems D:

    2: Still no gems :{

    3: No gems either *^*


    2x2 quarries


    1: 1 Chipped Sapphire, 1 normal Agate, 1 Chipped Beryl


    3x3 quarries


    1: 1 Flawless Jasper (ooh shiny!), 1 Chipped Jade, 1 Flawless Amethyst (also pretty good)

    2: 1 Exquisite Sapphire (SHINEEEEE), 1 Flawless Beryl, 1 generic Jasper, 1 Flawed Ruby, 1 Exquisite Jade (wow...), 1 generic Tourmaline, 1 generic Topaz




  6. Obviously if you're not playing hardcore you could put your belongings in chests then kill yourself. You shou,d appear at spawn and then you can find your house a bit easier.


  7. so like I detached a stone block by removing 6 neighbouring blocks and breaking it elsewhere? But at that it would be pretty mundane because you could have broken it there.

    Exquisite gems being almost as rare as a shiny Pokémon also strikes me. I've been as lucky as to find three in one creative world, which is more than my grand total of 2 flawless gems. Whereas I've only found one "legit" shiny poke.

    Also, I was referring to crafting TNT out of the TFC sand, but I'm guessing that's impossible at the same time.

    The explosion size of a gunpowder keg is around 30x30x30

    30 cubed is 27000 blocks of rock

    so the chances of blowing out a gem from stone would actually pretty high. I found around 5 from one test and they were all low quality.

    Thanks for the help and I'll do a bit of testing out stuff tomorrow.


  8. Tested that earlier today and got about 5 gems from it. Shame it was in creative.

    I am aware about the lack of vanilla (and also vanilla-coloured) sand, but can't you craft it out of the TFC sand?

    Guess I might test out the actual chances of getting a gem out of a stone block. It appears that mining out all of the stone blocks in a natural boulder has an about 10 percent chance of giving a low grade gem when mined (I got my first and currently only survival mode gem that way, a Flawed jasper) and of course better gems are rarer.

    Tomorrow (IRL) I'll dig different sized quarries and return the results on this thread. From previous results digging straight down has returned one low grade gem (once I got a generic sapphire which was kinda lucky) about 25 percent of the time, and lava is rare, but at the same time caves are taller...


  9. First I want to say I'm new to the mod, and well done on the work so far. And that this is also my first post (I joined the forums so I could edit the wiki, evilface.png)

    So right now my focus is finding all the types of gems. I know since I've only played for 2 real life days that it isn't top priority and my copper supplies are running drier than the sun but it would be cool to have a collection of different gemstone types. A whole hall dedicated to them would be pretty cool later on.

    In creative, I've tried dropping a bunch of Tnt minecarts (vanilla) down until bedrock was reached, and I got two inventory rows worth (a bit more because some stacked) of mostly chipped gems. I got a few flawed s and about 5 normals which wasn't too bad. I also got one flawless (an emerald) and two exquisites (one was a beryl).

    Buuut I don't have any iron or TNT in my survival map yet, so I'm just wondering how do you get gems faster without deconstructig entire mountains for them?

    Can't wait until the sluice is fixed because that'll definitely get me a lot of gems. And then this post is pretty mundane...

    And again sorry for being a noob
