Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Jaina47

  1. Economy

    Omg! You are reading my mind! I have good experience in creating great working economy on a vanilla server. The difference of course is huge, but I am trying to create something you described + to follow the advice of this topic. I will be very grateful if you could share ratio of goods on your server, such as ores. In any case, thanks very much for the answer! Wow, this is very useful, I definitely will use your advice. Thank you very much for your reply! "I'll list some of the things that players will buy when my brain starts working" It will be very much appreciated and i think not only by me!
  2. Economy

    Gems may not have usage but they are a product of a work. So the player mines and gets a reward. The same with gold. But may be you are right there. It should be cheaper. Well lets not pretend that amout of food in TFC isn't overwhelming. So players need to get rid of it and continue to engage in agriculture. of course you should not sell to players rare ores and stuff like that. But you can sell things likeironor animals, because on the server they are killed quickly in the winter. And then there are Teleports and privat territory. So to start an ecnomy you need an adminshop. Thank you for your reply, that's exactly what I need. Yes, I did not play TFC to the end because i was not able to find all the ore tech needs. I couldn't find good Russian server so I played on foreing ones. I realy loved the mod but i got lonely because of the language difference. So me and my friend decided to make our own server, so we could enjoy TFC forever! And allow adequate adults as we are to play in a normal environment of a good quality server. So you see, if I play TFC to the "end" making a server will not be that necessary and interesting. If you have the time, could you please tellwhatproducts do you think adminshop should sell players, and what will they buy? Because I understand that I do not have the necessary knowledge, and that is why i made that topic and I hope it will help not only me, but some others, who want to build an economy on their servers. Anyway thank you very much for the answer, i understand now that I should approach the subject with even greater caution.
  3. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    Made an update. Some logs, items etc. are changed. And some more pics.
  4. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    Thank you. Its a shame i cant post more pictures =
  5. World Generation controls.

    you can change spawn point with the help of mods or plugins.
  6. World Generation controls.

    Well, thanks anyway. I hope you will come up with at least something that is useful and possible to do. world can be seen as "round" with the help of Mod for world borders. It will teleport player on the other end of the map when he is approaching the edge. The world itself will remain a flat square of course.
  7. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    made an update. Some items fixed.
  8. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    and some more
  9. World Generation controls.

    To control length of the season, would be good too. Winter is coming =)
  10. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    some more pictures
  11. World Generation controls.

    No, we want only the "bad" zones! It'll be so much fun serviving there =)
  12. World Generation controls.

    still, even that would be great!
  13. World Generation controls.

    the control ovr Yes! Only then you can have a harmonious world where you can build a storyline and setting.
  14. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    Made a small update, Some bricks and cobbles changed, some frut trees leaves and flowers, some items...
  15. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    Yes, Does it matter?
  16. 32X32 Mix + some mods textures.

    I will update it regularly.
  17. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: Jaina47 Your Age: 27 Your Time Zone: +4 Location Country and State: Russia Moscow Tell us a bit about yourself: I've been looking for a good hardcore TFC server and finally found it! Since I'm from Russia I write in English no to fast, so I can not be a very active member of the community, but i'l do my best! How can you help us: I'm a good builder, I also have a channel on YouTube, but it is russian, of course. I can also help with money, if I really fall in love with the server.