Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by BluPixal

  1. French guide - Guide Français

    Faudrait voir je sais qu'il y a une section portugaise alors il faudrait demander voir pour le francais, au moins on sait qu'on est au moins 4, deux francais et deux québecois. Sevinz tu pense tu que tu pourrais m'expliquer comment faire pour me faire un serveur, parce que chaque fois que j'essaye sa marche pas.... So for the english one, we are talking about the possibility that maybe there could be a french section on the forum so french speaker could go there if they are not really sure about thing and are not pros with the english language.
  2. French guide - Guide Français

    Vous n'êtes pas que deux, moi aussi je parlais français mais je suis du Québec pour ma part. J'avais l'intention de faire des vidéos de gameplay en français pour expliquer comment on joue a TFC mais pour le moment je n'ai pas encore eu le temps. Si vous avez besoin d'aide je peux toujours vous aidez pour n'importe quoi, en autant que je connaisse la réponse ^^ For the english speakers, I'm telling them that they are not only two to speak french, that I'm from quebec and that I wanted to make some gameplay video for TFC in french to help people play and to make more people that speak french know about this mod.
  3. Original thread of the texture pack :http://www.minecraft...pdate-released/ I own nothing about this texture pack all credits goes to John Smith for doing the texture in the first place, I only recolor his work to make it compatible with TFC. It's a complet rewamp of the texure of the vanilla Minecraft to make it look better, everythings is change. Right now, not everything has been port to TFC but I'll try to port everything as soon as I can and as my artistic talent let me do it. Screenshot : Yes that's french on the last screenshot, even if there's also some english on it XD More Images DOWNLOAD V0.3.5.5 Changelog : V0.3.5.3 : Correct stone tools images V0.3.5.5 : Tools should be done 45% Update the sprite to version 57 of TFC Version 60 of TFC will come soon I hope Needs to be done : Finish the dirt / clay Finish the ore Do the ingots Armor Finish the 2 different tree texture and a lot more
  4. Newest version It's for TFC 57 and I'll be doing TFC 60 soon enought, to add the things that were added
  5. New version : V0.3.5.3 For the text I'll have to check cause I'm not sure how to do that but if I can do it I'll do it for sure. Right now I have school that I need to focus on so I won't update as often cause I don't have a lot of free time and I have some problems with my computer... like the space key is kinda broken, and my computer like to do blue screen... So I'll try to update soon but I can't say when I'm sorry about that.
  6. I think that's a problem with the transparency of the coal / charcoal image, I tried to make them look like there were transparent, but it seems like Minecraft doesn't like that XD, I'll change that a bit later today and I'll upload it so you can download it. Edit : I change the GUI of the forge to make it easier to see if there is coal / charcoal or not in the forge Download V0.3.5.1 If you think it's fine plz say it ^^
  7. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    Here's the v0.3.2 : it's not up to date to the latest build, so the you'll have problem with the mold and all the object that moved in the sprite sheet. I'll change that when I have some time right now I want to be able to record something and maybe make my server work...
  8. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    New version v.0.2.1 : There's still things missing in the sprite (I think I didn't put the new bucket in there so I hope you don't have read steel and blue steel bucket for now XD) I might start a new thread for the texture pack, not sure about that. And again I DON'T OWN ANYTHING about that texture pack, every things was made by John Smith I only recolored his work.
  9. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    Let me rephrase that, I can't do screen shot cause I don't know how to find every block, specially the tree's one. And I never wanted any profit I clearly write that I didn't own anything that it was John Smith that did the texture pack, I only did recolorations... Edit : For people that wanted to see I did three screenshot of version 0.2. Plank, Rock and dirt (what a hard screenshot to do, stupid falling dirt XD) there might be the same dirt twice cause it was complicated sorry about that
  10. JohnSmith TP - Anyone willing to port ?

    I'm not the best at pixel art and artistic stuff but I tried to port it a bit (it's only the beginning) and I'll continu to work on the port if you think it's worth it or if you think it's bad I'll stop. It's mostly recoloration and replacement job that I did and I didn't do the majority of the sprite but I have every trees (except 2) and all the rocks (the blocks not the item). The link to download it if you want to see JohnSmith texture pack rework by myself for TFC : I own nothing in the texture pack, all the work was done by John Smith ( I just did the recolorations I can't really do screen shot cause I'm a noob and can find how to do them so sorry about that.