Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bruuff

  1. [Cauldron?] Alcohol Chat Issue

    Here is the server log from that time period. The whole thing starts at 19:20. The client side probably helps more, but thats all i can provide, i didn't drink rum and didn't crash myself. Array index out of bounds. I haven't tried it with just forge instead of cauldron, might be a cauldron thing. On the other hand, the client crashed, not the server. fyi chat formatting is done via this, but i don't see any problem here. @EventHandler public void onChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event){ Player player = event.getPlayer(); ChatColor playercolor = main.splayer.get(player.getUniqueId()).getNation().getPlayerColor(); if(event.getPlayer().isOp()) { event.setFormat(ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "<" + playercolor + event.getPlayer().getName() + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "> " + ChatColor.WHITE + event.getMessage()); } else { event.setFormat(ChatColor.WHITE + "<" + playercolor + event.getPlayer().getName() + ChatColor.WHITE + "> " + event.getMessage()); } }
  2. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I added everyone that responded to this was added to whitelist with his forum nickname. If your in game name ist different from that, please post it here. I will change it quickly. TFC 79.6, Carpenterblocks v3.3.0, MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B
  3. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I can't make it perfect for everyone. The vast majority of people that showed up why testing and debugging were from europe like me, including me. But if you come on on the next day, you won't have missed much. We will probably only set up one town per nation and divide the players on to those nations and then everyone does their thing anyway.
  4. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Ok guys, its looking good! Carpenter blocks are working now, too. Official server start will be tomorrow, 2014-10-09 6 pm CET who comes first will get influence on the first towns! Try to be there! Have a nice day, bruuff
  5. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I kinda like it. Although i doubt that another seed would look very different, so it doesnt matter
  6. Gathering people for build 79 server

    We can add mods later, if they are not out yet. We will start with the core mods. Its easier when we have a existing community instead of just promising words. I found a way. (the delphi version of unmined) and because of that... HERE IS THE MAP (yaaaay...) You can see the future nations from which you can choose, the spawn in the middle and the scale of the map.
  7. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Isn't JourneyMap a client mod? I tried it and it renders only what is near around you (=what is sent to the client)
  8. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Ok a test server is now up at If you spawn in water, just do /kill once. Its just a small platform were we can test my griefing protection system, nothing more. don't expect me to be online all the time, but i'll afk there for a while now. By the way am i a litte frustrated with mapping tools and tfc. If you'd guess just taking a overview over a modded map isn't hard, you'd guess wrong. Getting the map ready will take longer as expected. Its ready when it's ready. I will try my best, but pre-generating a few thousand blocks radius takes a few houres. Carpenter Blocks give me a hard time as well. I want to change the crafting recipe to tfc items, but it seems i will have to code my own litte forge mod for that to work, as TFC is not very well supported by craftig-recipe-plugins. If you have one in mind, let me know. But we will find a solution and can always add them later on. Archimedes ship mod will proof difficult with griefing prevention. I already have a nice alternative in mind, the Small Ships Mod. might take a few weeks till its working for 1.7, but we will get along the first weeks without ships. I will add them once the mod is ready. -bruuff
  9. Gathering people for build 79 server

    What are you guys talking about? Why should it ever be to late to join the server? Anyway, here is how its going to be: Sometime tomorrow a test server will go online, were i will dance around for a little trying out stuff that could later go bad. Naturally, some situations need several people to test, so if you want to hop on, feel free to do so. I will post the ip once this goes online. If everything goes smooth, official start will be the day after that, and then everyone who has expressed interest will get a PM, so no one will miss it. -bruuff
  10. Lokking for TFC Server running Build 79

    b79 is just a few hours old. I'm working on a server since. Dont expect other server owners to be any faster. If you can wait another day or two, check out . If not, you are proably to impatient to enjoy tfc anyway.
  11. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Alright guys now i can finally put the parts together. Let's hope everything works out as intended. It's pretty late now in germany, expect a statement tomorrow!
  12. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I haven't figured out yet, if and how we can make town vs town sieges and raids possible, because of the grieving prevention. But just meeting in the woods and crushing each others heads will be possible fur sure. Mabye we will have events were i make a backup of the world, we have war, pillages and destruction for a few houres and then rollback (or better have it on the copy-map to begin with). And the winning team earns some honor, something like that. But participation will always be voluntary.
  13. Gathering people for build 79 server

    every nation will offer all professions. I guess there will be one that has somewhat better blacksmiths, but without admin enforcement. Why do you think your skill in tfc is of any matter to me? i gladly welcome new tfc'lers as well, as long they behave like adults. We wont enforce 18+ age, i cant verify age anyway. Important is that you can convince me that you are. That works both ways. have a nice day, bruuff
  14. Gathering people for build 79 server

    My current plan is to turn turn burning off for the beginning. If we get ExtraFirma once it is updated as well (might take a while), i might turn it on to enforce lanterns. By the way: It might turn out difficult with the Griefing prevention on archimedes ship mod, as it will place and remove the ship blocks and turn them to an entity without any callback for plot ownership. There is a nice alternative in the making: It might take a few weeks once he get a stable 1.7. build out, but it should take higher tier metal to craft anyway, so it won't be a problem. Dont loose patience - we are getting there! -bruuff
  15. Gathering people for build 79 server

    the world generator will change with the new build. if it would make any sense to check for the perfect seed (and thus nations) now, trust me i would! i cant wait either
  16. Ingots glowing (spoilers for 79)

    You could just add the glowing effect around the ingot. This way one could see the difference in temperature, but still can always distinguish different metals. Something like
  17. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I've written a tutorial for skullprotect (our protection plugin - the on on bukkit is really outdated, dont use bukkitdev anymore for this plugin). Check it out, i added it to the first post!
  18. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Woa woa woa why was i removed from the thread supscription... man i thought people are just not that interested anymore since 1.8 is out This will be so much fun with all of you guys!
  19. Gathering people for build 79 server

    you can think of it as exactly that, only that you send material and the money comes back per ship from the old world. if a single resource can be crafted in to money, people will just grind it all day and go to there local money maker guy. we cant have 100% realism, but i think we'll get along with this
  20. Gathering people for build 79 server

    What do you mean exactly? That people should not just cast coins out of the metal they just mined? Or that money is plugin-based? It is just much more convienient and easier to handle, to have money that way. If a player want's to get money, he can go mining, or chop wood,or sth and then go to a shop of some other player that buys this stuff. (you can also buy items with a chestshop). and for a town to have a plot price or a tax rate, thats optional. if it doesnt work well, they can leave it at 0. A town doesnt depend on money. Just if you want to buy stuff for a town hall or some other common area, and dont want to rely on donated resources alone. if it doesnt work well, they can leave the tax rate at 0, and use /town xyz deposit ... each time the town needs money.
  21. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I dont like the idea, that people can produce money themselves. We simply loose control over what is worth how much. And you'd always have to carry around your money in your inventory, and the span between "i just want to buy some" food and "my hole inventory is flooded with coins" is just to low. Besides, the whole money system is already prepared and i spend quite some time to add the economy interaction to SkullProtect (my anti grieving , town, nation n stuff plugin) But you can still just toss things on the ground if you want to trade directly with someone About donators: I tried to come up with a good solution, but i didn't find one yet. Any benefit that would be worth buying would ruin the game for the others. Donators might just get a tag in front of their name in chat, but thats it for now. I would not want to play on a pay to win server for a second. I realize, that i proably wont get much money this way, but hey, maybe that this server so so good and fair will be an argument to donate just to keep it alive^^ Dont worry about it, i can afford it for now.
  22. Gathering people for build 79 server

    a town can be as they players want it to be. There can be private areas, but also community areas that are not for sale, like a town hall. Or something in between, like a marketplace where players just claim a little stall to put a shop there. Almost everything playermade will be in towns, so of course also the bigger builds.
  23. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Each mayor can set the taxes like he wants. This can be any algebraic function, like "0.5xplot, which would mean 0.5$ for each plot you have in this town. He could just to a fixed tax rate of "5", so everyone pays 5$ each ingame day. Or something exponential, thats possible as well. Remember it gets collected every 20 minutes, and you dont want your citizens be bankrupt just because they are offline for a day, so we have to set very low values here. If we notice that this gets abused to rob the citizens, i will change it to a fixed tax rate, but lets give it a try first.
  24. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I am now finishing up the whole economy / market system and how money should flow. I'll explain my thought process along the way, so some questions that might occur can already be answered. At first, it thought a closed economy would be the best, but it is bad to regulate. Players that become inactive take money out of circulation, and if more people join, we would have to flush in additional currency. Thats not so nice to maintain, and will probably result in some people that feel treated unfair. Another thought was, that nations should not inherit money. It is just too much of a responsibility of a single person to handle that account, and it would get even worse if we give multiple people access. I propose the following system: If towns send colonial goods, they get honor. If a town claims a new plot, that costs honor. This way we also get a good motivation to send back goods in the first place, and claiming town plots does not take money out of the circulation. Towns will have to raise taxes to buy goods that they can trade for honor, so we get motivation for trade instead of a dull npc shop. Should the server get bigger, and we need to insert more money, we can have events like "Over the next week, the nation that gains the most honor per citizen will get xyz $ divided on equally on all its towns." That again causes trade, teamwork, competition... all the good stuff. What do you guys think? Im so excited how it'll turn out.
  25. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I admit that i use the forum just since this thread, and i was not aware it was in your profile. Yeah, sorry, whatever. Its just that im writing the same shit over and over again and sometimes i let it out on one guy. my bad.