Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bruuff

  1. Gathering people for build 79 server

    You clearly already applied a few days ago. What do you think everyone is doing here? I hate to ask, but how old are you? You are asking stuff and in a way that makes me think you are between 10 and 12. If that it true, i dont think it is a good idea that we play together. People just need a certain readiness of mind, to know what im talking about when i explain the plugins and how they work, and to follow the theme of the server in a way it is expected.
  2. Gathering people for build 79 server

    making a town will cost a lot of money. Even if someone is a very successful player, he should need help from others to accumulate that amount. No one will just make his own town when he joins. We will have a somewhat closed economy, so that money then flows to the nation bank. So if you are King, you could just cheat the system by withdrawing it again... yeah, well its all in the server log and "withdraw" is a good word to search for I want people to atleast pretend that they are adults. We will see. Again, lets act like adults and dont build a full 16er cube, then it should be fine. They can choose. They should always be able to choose. If one nation has fewer players than others, we can try to put new people preferably there, but it should always be their decision. For now, deserting will be op only, so that you have to ask an admin if he removes you from your nation, if you have a very good reason. As a nomad, you can not build in the wilds. I encourage people to raid any building outside a town without mercy. If you want your stuff to be safe -> build in a town. There are no "jobs". If you want to sail around all day, do it. But you can do the same stuff like everyone else. there is no job system for gods sake. This is not a rpg server. Atleast not more than any other minecraft server. You dont play a character, you are just you. There a no npcs, no quests. If you find someone whos nick is "John", you can by bread from John. But you might just buy bread from "XYZ_CrazyBreadMC". Enough people have responded, that i will make the server white-listed. So at first, you have to apply to me. (or the team, lateron). If you can write some grammatically correct sentences, and dont act like a total child, you will get accepted. Just the filter out the trolls.
  3. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Well if a player first joins he is a nomad by default. He can then take a look through the world and then dicide where to settle. Then he will probably join that nation. But if he doesn't: Like everyone else, he can buy plots in every town and be a trader. But it has no advantage compared to someone who has a homeland. The difficulty is, that every player can only break/place in his on nations wilderness (to enforce trading). This will be huge areas, enough for everybody, dont worry. But if you have no nation, you are limited to your city plots, and cant go mining. There will always be demand for the lower tier metals as well, especially when sending back colonial goods. I think i'll incorporate a copper or bronze ingot in the recipe for carpenter's blocks as well, to make them a little more valuable. But new players will get tools from there town companions in most cases, i guess. There will be more than one town per nation later on, we will just start with one each. And because trading is somewhat a necessity, people will hopefully start to build roads, if there is a land connection between the two towns. Trading will be mostly between players. The only "npc shop" will be when mayors or kings use their tax money to buy the colonial goods to send them away. But this will come later, after everything is established. Its just for glory, a competion which nation can send back the most. You will get some decorative items, perhaps. Just to add some additional demand to keep the economy rolling. But like i said, endgame stuff, we will see how everything develops. Don't think about this now too much. Like i said in some previous post, the wilderness is pvp enabled. If you get killed, we wont kick your murderer or sth like that. Just have a nice ingame enemy from there on So anyone can become a bandit. You would probably roam around in other nations, just out of loyalty towards your own nation. If you have other such unsocial friends, you can call that a bandit town^^. There wont be any special treatment though. If you claim the road plots as an extention to town territory, and disable pvp in your town, then the road will be safe. Like i said above - new players will fast reach the tech level of there companions. But why should there be debuffs? Maybe the first ranked nation gets a positive buff (nothing that would throw over the balance), but no negative buffs, i mean they should still be able to catch up and not ne demotivated even more. I dont want to make pvp something with special treatment and rules. If you are in the wilderness, look out for yourself, if you are in town, you are safe. If people want pvp, they meet in the wilds. No one should be forced, but everyone able to. I admit i could not test it in multiplayer yet, so im a little scared^^ We will limit the size to very small at first, and make the holm block somewhat expensive. If someone produces to much lag, there is always the mighty fist of adminly justice. puhh long post, but thank you for your contribution! Understand that i wont step away from the existing plan, because then we never get something started, cause everyone has their own ideas. I will keep it in mind though. have a nice day -bruuff
  4. Gathering people for build 79 server Not my fault, its the whole page. Should already be fixed. My browser did warn me too, but not anymore. I guess they already took action.
  5. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I am still meddling with the griefing protection / nation+town plugin. It seems ready, im just searching for bugs from now on. I might adjust some code when i run in on tfc the first time, but i think i can do it. The rest should work fine, as far as i can tell. Lets wait until i can finally put it all together.
  6. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Each town and player (player overrides town), can toggle pvp, firespread, explosions and mobspawn how they like it. When nations/towns are having a war, noone will wont stop them from meeting in the wilds and settling this the traditional way. I don't mind the peaceful ways either, though. If two towns want a pvp safe road between them, the can claim each half the length as town plots, and then the pvp protection will work on the road as well. In the open wilderness, you wont get banned if you raid somebody, but watch your step from there on out, because this works both ways ;D The general way of admin interference should be: Everything that you can physically do, wont get you banned (With exeptions of course) If we dont want people to do a certain thing, we'll add a plugin that handles this stuff.
  7. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I improved the front page! What do you think? He're is the original, in case we ever need it again: Terrafirmacraft with economy and town competition! The problem on most servers is that once everything is established, people can and will produce far more stuff than they need. Even in terrafirmacraft. I think that is good, but a working economy needs demand, we all now servers with shop towns but not a single customer. My idea is to introduce a different setting: The server plays in the new world / caribbean and towns can send colonial goods back to earn points to compete with each other. The mayors or whatever would have to buy the stuff themselves, hopefully even in different towns. I would search for a good seed in the right climate to have a nice setting available. 3-4 factions/countrys/whatever (i personally dont need historic accuracy at all) would fight for fame and glory either by sending colonial goods or sometimes pvp. In addition to plain terrafirmacraft i'd like to add: ExtraFirma AddonArchimedes ship modfrom the management side we would need economychest shop supportgrieving protection (i am coding my own perfect little plot protection plugin at the moment). If you would like to participate in this project once it launches (thus giving it the kick start it needs - no one wants to join an boring server with no people), just leave a post or contact me any other way you like. I will then come back to you later.
  8. Gathering people for build 79 server

    no quests, and no npcs, at least at first. If everything runs smoothly, we can have a discussion about npc shopkeepers, although i think chest shops a perfectly fine for that matter. We don't need npc quests. If you want something to do, talk to people. As for the arena: If people want to build an arena in their town, they are free to do so. But i there is no admin hosted spawn town, so there can't be an admin hostet arena. If you want scripted waves of zombies spawned in, go on a server that offers that. We cant make everyone happy or there is no end to it until the server just crashes under all the mods.
  9. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Many of the mods just add very little that should not make a difference at all. But i'll wait with weather 2, because of the chance of lag, as you just mentioned.
  10. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Well i can't find a download or anything that would show me how this all is balanced and configured. Also its just a week old, so i don't quite trust it for now. There is stuff like Transportation_Machine or Auto_Miner in this mod pack, thats a perfect example of what i dont want, what nobody should want if they are enjoying terrafirmacraft. This mod is all about industry and automation, and tfc is about doing things by hand. All the other mods look fine. I have to think again about weather 2, but just because of the amount of lag this might add.
  11. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I dont now about electric age, i think it doesn't fit the historical theme of tfc too well. I'll look through the modpack though. I am not a fan of teleporting either. Most times, all the other ones want to teleport and there are not roads and so you teleport as well... but maybe this time its different Well i don't know how much lag the skullsprotect will cost either. For me its absolutely fine, but i can't test it on a bigger scale yet. Let's hope for the best. I havent worked with NPC's yet. If there are realistic, not abusable, basicly a chestshop with a human skin, im fine with it. But i dont want it tool feel like an mmorpg where you can ask them for quests and such. People can talk to each other when they want work, not with npcs. For now, i think private plots and citys should be safe. Raiding only in the wilderness for now. Its always a problem to have a good siege. You shouldn't be able to raid a town where no one is online. But if this town notices it gets raided, it could just log off... Lets postpone that, its not essential, especially in the copper/bronze age.
  12. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I think chestshops do a good job, i dont see why we would need NPCs. Punishment doesn't work in minecraft, if you piss a player of, he just goes to another server the next day. We need a sophisticated protection system. Thats just the way it's gonna work, deal with it. The only question is, how it is going to work exactly. If i get my skull protection system running in tfc (can only code against vanilla right now but should be fine), it is the best solution there is, even if you have to hide a skull in the ground ever so often. They only protect upwards, so if you want your floor to be protected as well, it has to go below that. That means, in normal situations, you dont see the skulls at all. Every private skull costs tax so you wont see many of them just laying around. And town skulls can have the skin of piece of wood or sth. All in all nothing that breaks with realism. People in the stone age even had build statures and such.
  13. Gathering people for build 79 server

    The way i came up with and realising right now is the following: Every skull marks the plot on its own height and 15 block upwards (for now). Everyone can mine under there, of course. A player can only place his private skull, when there is exactly one skull of one of his towns (currently even multiple towns are possible, technically) In reach (15 blocks) below or on the same level it in the same plot. He cant place any further skulls on that level. If two skulls of a town are on the exact same height, the plot is not for sale. You cant place more than these to skulls on that level, it wont let you. If you want to protect more than 16 blocks vertically, you have to place another skull. So in the worst case, someone could build one pillar out of skulls, but who wants to build something ugly will always find a way. By the way: every town has 3 ranks. Mayor can do everything, assistants can invite, claim and build in the common town area, and citizens can claim plots. Of course claiming land will cost money. We can use any algebraic function for that (like exponentialy bigger cost the bigger the city). If we notice people can claim to much, we'll just adjust this. Lets hope i can get this bug free until its needed. That would be so awesome!
  14. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Yes this is exacty what i have in mind! We might need some ideas how to keep the wilderness pristine, and we might have to implement a script that re spawns some animals (very rarely and few, just that they cant go extinct). I guess the buff/debuff thing can wait until everything else has worked out, i know people can be easily overwhelmed so we can do stuff like that later. By the way, id like some opinion here: Im working on my own anti grieving plugin, because of some things i dont like about towny. But if its just not useable after all, i would fall back on this. My problem with towny is the time it takes setting up, especially with a smaller grid size. My idea is that you just place a skull on the ground and a 5x5 area will be yours (you can get them via command - they are useless otherwise so its not that important) A self coded plugin could have the following benefits: easier to mark plot ownership (if your in your nation, you can place down town skulls -> if land is claimed by townskulls -> can place private skullsmaller gridsize allowes less manhatten , extra street plots, and generally more specific plot sizesan option could be to mark a plot as "steet plot", in which the owners of the adjacent plots can enter by 1 block to build a roof pitch or wall decorationsWhat do you guys think?
  15. Gathering people for build 79 server

    There might be changes in the world generation, as there were in vanilla minecraft, or some other stuff comes up that corrupts chucks and what not. This might be unlikely, but i dont want to start a server with an old version if a new one is so close to come.
  16. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I would not expect people to ask a mayor before doing stuff. Even i would just be like "Hey i like Woodcutting, lets to that", and if the others are like "well... ok" than thats settled. But this can work differently each time. I think we shouldnt focus on that. Please be patient. We havent even a world yet, and wont have one till the next update. Before that, we cant divide the territory to nations, and without territory its stupid to choose towns and stuff. Jobs are a personal thing as well, let people to their thing. You can make a list of your own goals and talk with people once we are ready, but there isn't much of a point to it now.
  17. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I didn't say, i dont like jobs. I hope that people will find one thing they are good at and trade with others as much as possible. All i that is that i dont want to enforce it with plugins or scripts. I think some thinks have to emerge on their own, or they wouldn't work if we enforce it either. You are right. People that don't like what the server is about, probably shouldn't join. Maybe we will introduc a worldborder, and expand it as more people join, just to keep things together. could you please edit your posts in to one end delete the others? It just looks so unprofessional.
  18. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Im glad your in for this! I had a lengthy discussion (see my post above) who was like "this is minecraft everyone should have the freedom to start a new nation" and had to explain why i dont want it to work like this. But i guess he has a point, we cant restrict players to much. If they get told, you can build only here, follow my orders, and the kings orders and so on, they might get frustrated. Everybody should have to right to create a new town, but it should cost a lot of money, so that he cant do it from day 1 and most likely not alone. I will search for a good seed, so that we get islands or continents with different biomes. So we can divide the land on to the nations. Then everybody can choose a one. I guess we'll have a announced server lauch time, where all players that can possibly get online will get to make the decision where to build the first town of their nation (as a team). We have to trade a little bit if freedom for an organised start and a balanced system, but everyone knows that before, and has to deal with it. I tried to do something like that in vanilla once, it was a desaster. When you establish jobs, its incredibily hard to manage, most likely unbalanced (a certain job will always yield more than others). The different nations will be on different biomes and climate zones, so that each nation has different rock types, different tree types, maybe different mobs (if they dont let somebody steal them) What do you (and everybody out there!) think of the following: If you mine a rock or a tree or a plant on foreign ground (outside your nations lands), you get severe mining fatique, and maybe 2 seconds nausea when you place a block. Just to encourage trading with that nation instead of getting it yourself. Have a great day, bruuff
  19. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I had a private conversation with an awesome dude that had many questions (Still has), I'll just put them up here, might help you guys as well. The picture i posted is not meant like "here you go, and you have to go there", but id like to have a somewhat reasonable distance between them and hopefully different biomes for each nation (should we call it nations from here on out? i like it.). This requires some administration. The nation is just a framework. Its just a faction you choose when you first join the server, like GDI vs NOD, Humans vs Elves vs Dwarfs, or red vs blue vs yellow vs green (i actually like this one, its so unbiased)If you want to have your own personal project (maybe with some friends), you can create your own town, which is then part to the nation you chose. The nation is just where your spawn is, and where your archievements are counted on the nation score. There is not even a need for a king, and if there is one he'll be mostly representative, not forbidding you to build somewhere or sth like that. If we start with just one nation, it will never be a even competition, it will always be "spawn" + appendix, i would not want that.It is the purpose of this server to try something different in that matter. I now, bad comparision, but you cant just start your own nation in real life as well. But if some people come together they can build a new city and have it all the way they want it. If you want to play the total hermit, this isnt the right server for you, i guess. Like i said, a nation does not reign over its cities, its just the name of the land your in and something to be proud of and maybe fight for from time to time. This server is an experiment, and after the start , that is somewhat bound to rules, the rest is up to you. Im sorry but thats just the way it goes. It will be fun, i promise.
  20. Gathering people for build 79 server

    i guess if we get maybe 15 people to begin with, and maybe just do three teams/nations/sth , we have a good chance to survive. My last vanilla server project died off because of to few decent members that could motivate others. I hope that the average age and experience is higher among tfc players than among vanilla ones, increasing the chances of success.
  21. Gathering people for build 79 server

    Naturally, i cant provide pictures of something that doesn't exist. The picture above is just eye candy, i build this just before posting to spice things up a little. I will wait with selecting the seed, in case the world generator changes. Maybe this will explain a little better what i'd like to achive: Me personally, i like the idea of harbour , oceans and islands a lot, and thus tested Archimedes ship mod a bit. I like it very much but if im all alone with this, there is no need for it in the end.