Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by atlas

  1. Atlas PseudoRealism 32x

    edit: now with bumpmapping for shaders! Tested with SEUS 10.0 standard Hi, I'm a longtime player of TFC but a very infrequent poster to the forums. With the release of TFC 78, I've decided to make a texture pack for personal use and thought I would share it here as well in case anyone else likes it. This is my first work of this type and I don't consider myself an artist at all, let alone a texture artist, but I hope the quality of this pack is at least good enough. The intention of this pack is to create a slightly gritty, realistic theme, with stone types at least somewhat representing their real world characteristics, while still attempting to stay true to vanilla TFC colors in most cases. The pack is still pretty far from complete, but has reached a point I consider fairly playable, with most terrain textures completed and all stone types (and their variant blocks, like bricks, sand, and dirt) finished as well. No doubt there are problems with the textures I've already finished, as I haven't had time to extensively playtest the pack so far, so if you decide to use this pack, please post any problems you come across, like badly tiling textures and such, and I'll do my best to fix them. As of 4/23/14, the following textures are complete: [*]All stones and variant blocks (bricks, smooth, raw, dirt, sand, and clay) [*]Grass and sparse grass, including side textures [*]Some vegetation, including yellow and red flowers, tall grass, short grass, sugar cane, cactus, and cat tails [*]All log types, their side textures, and tops [*]Log piles (which I'm not 100% happy with) The following textures are either WIP or not made yet: [*]All tree leaf textures (which I'm apparently very bad at making) [*]All crops, including fruit trees and berry bushes [*]Ore overlay textures [*]Thatch (not really happy with this texture yet, WIP) [*]"Device" textures like anvils, the bloomery, and the forge [*]Item textures, which I may never do [*]Mobs, which I also may never do [*]Armors, weapons, tools, etc [*]Everything else not mentioned? Screenshots Download V3 All of that said, this pack is somewhat inspired by capt_slowpoke's Block Heads, which is one of my favorite texture packs for minecraft ever, so my thanks to him/her. Also, this pack is made specifically for TFC and contains only some textures for vanilla minecraft that TFC uses. Maybe someday I will make textures for vanilla, but don't count on it. Changelog: [*]V2 - added shader normal maps [*]V3 - fixed some incorrect filenames, if you have vanilla 16x tall grass please update
  2. Atlas PseudoRealism 32x

    Slate was a difficult texture to get tiling nicely because of the stripes, but I really wanted to make it have a distinctive appearance. I'm glad you like it. I may remake the dirt textures and reduce the number or size of rock inclusions, since after playtesting some more, I've noticed the brighter or more contrasting rock colors make the texture pretty noisy when tiled in large areas. Thanks for the kind words, everyone.
  3. Atlas PseudoRealism 32x

    Thanks, I appreciate it. I'm told you (or maybe it was someone else?) mentioned you wanted shader support in the IRC, so I've quickly updated the pack with bumpmaps for every texture.
  4. The new forge GUI looks great, thanks for changing it. Would it be possible to change the font color to white in the bloomery GUI, or something similar? It's just a minor issue, but it's a little difficult to see. Again, great work on the pack!
  5. I noticed this too. Only issue I've come across so far.
  6. Thanks for making this. I've used JohnSmith for a long time in vanilla; it's always been one of my favorite packs. Looks great so far! Also, first post on these forums, woo